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Happening | Annie Ernaux
17 posts | 15 read | 13 to read
In 1963, Annie Ernaux, 23 and unattached, realizes she is pregnant. Shame arises in her like a plague: Understanding that her pregnancy will mark her and her family as social failures, she knows she cannot keep that child. This is the story, written forty years later, of a trauma Ernaux never overcame. In a France where abortion was illegal, she attempted, in vain, to self-administer the abortion with a knitting needle. Fearful and desperate, she finally located an abortionist, and ends up in a hospital emergency ward where she nearly dies. In Happening, Ernaux sifts through her memories and her journal entries dating from those days. Clearly, cleanly, she gleans the meanings of her experience.
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Happening | Annie Ernaux
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A short but powerful book! Ernaux has the power of bringing you into her life and making you feel everything with her.


BarbaraBB I feel that way too about her (edited) 9mo
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Happening | Annie Ernaux
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I attended literature and sociology classes, ate
In the university canteen, I drank coffee twice a day
in La Faluche, the student bar. Yet I was living in a different world. There were the other girls, with their empty bellies, and there was me.

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Happening | Annie Ernaux
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In her works Ernaux perfectly connects her personal experiences with social events/atmosphere in the society. In this book, she looks through her diary on the topic of abortion. She elaborates through her painful experience of a abortion with distance, yet very emotional, and builds that intimate experience into wider social commentary. Excellent. #audiowalks

Ruthiella ❤️🐶❤️🐶❤️ 12mo
Simona @Ruthiella She is the happiest dog in the world when she can run😌 12mo
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Happening | Annie Ernaux
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Still settling into my new job with some big goals for the next few weeks so I will be ducking in as I can.

This was recommended to me a couple of Mo tha ago by my favorite librarian. It‘s a fast (

Cortg I‘m currently listening to her book The Years. My co-worker was raving about it. I plan to finish it tomorrow so we can chat about it on Monday! 1y
DebinHawaii @Cortg I may have to give that one a go now too! 1y
Cortg @DebinHawaii I was thinking the same! 1y
See All 7 Comments
Suet624 Sounds like one that needs to be sent to every person voting against a woman‘s right to choose? 1y
Leftcoastzen I picked one of hers to read randomly & really liked it 1y
Hooked_on_books I read two of hers last year, including this one, and I‘m a believer. She‘s really good! 1y
CatMS Her acceptance speech for the Nobel prize is a must read. Tried to attach, but you can Google it. 1y
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Happening | Annie Ernaux

(The same situation will probably occur after this book is published. My determination, my efforts, all this secret, and even clandestine work no one has been apprised of the project - all this will vanish overnight. I shall have no more power over my text, exposed to the public just like my body was exposed at the Hôtel-Dieu Hospital.)

Happening | Annie Ernaux
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DivineDiana Have you seen the film? 2y
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Happening | Annie Ernaux
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Blind Eye Book Club

Weekly Highlights

Happening by Annie Ernaux, Tanya Leslie (Translator)

Glass Beads by Dawn Dumont

After The Carnage by Tara June Winch

Unreconciled: Family, Truth, and Indigenous Resistance
by Jesse Wente

shawnmooney We Are Coming Home: Repatriation and the Restoration of Blackfoot Cultural Confidence by Gerald T. Conaty (Editor)

Stories Of The Road Allowance People by Maria Campbell

Inconvenient Skin by Shane L. Koyczan

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Happening | Annie Ernaux
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#womenintranslation #nonfiction
This is a brutally honest memoir about Ernaux's abortion she had in the 60's when abortion was still illegal in France. She was a young college student and very determined. The writing is wonderful, not overly emotional but still very descriptive. It is a short piece, just under 100 pages but highly impactful.

ChaoticMissAdventures Also on table swatches for the new couch, dusty rose is starting to look brown to me? I did not like it then I did now I am back to no? LOL. 2y
Librariana Ooooo (but my Spanish-speaking brain is thinking uuuuu!) that slightly darker teal shade looks divine! Very scrumptious! 2y
ChaoticMissAdventures @Librariana right? So pretty! I am afraid I already have too much teal it is the main color in the rug in that room. Furniture is hard! 2y
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Happening | Annie Ernaux
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In 1963 France, Annie Ernaux had an illegal abortion. She tells the story here in frank terms, putting a face on abortion. When we seek to legislate something, we should understand it first, and stories such as these are important to understanding what happens when rights are taken away or not permitted in the first place.

sarahbarnes 💯 2y
Dilara Annie Ernaux is a national treasure! 2y
Hooked_on_books @Dilara I believe it! 2y
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L'vnement | Annie Ernaux
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The event represents a total human experience, which concerns not only life or death, but also prohibition and law, lived through the body of the Ernaux. The desire of the author to tell an event of her life is motivated by the clandestinity in which he lived the abortion that, although it belongs to the past, is worth denouncing to not forget the victims of the past.


Happening | Annie Ernaux
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Rouen 1963, Annie is in her early 20s and finds out she‘s pregnant. Only thing is, abortion is illegal in France.

This book shows that just because abortion is illegal doesn‘t stop women from having them, they are just making them more dangerous. You can‘t prevent women from removing an embryo.

Ernaux write that if she doesn‘t write about this experience, she‘s obscuring the reality of women and support the male dominance of the world.

Happening | Annie Ernaux
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Profound translation of Annie Ernaux‘s experience of being 23 and having an illegal abortion in 1963, in France. Her fear but determination abounds. Worth a read for sure.

Happening | Annie Ernaux
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I‘m going to continue reading Invisible Women #SheSaid.

I want to finish Square Haunting.

I‘ve just started Unsettled Ground, and want to read that hopefully both the Lalami and the Ernaux.

Cinfhen You have an exciting stash of books 😊 3y
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Happening | Annie Ernaux
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A poignant, matter of fact memoir of Ernaux's illegal abortion in the 1964 France. It is chilling, yet completely riveting. A glimpse at a time not far away where women had few choices, a terrifying view of what might be again or is for women.

Happening | Annie Ernaux


Happening | Annie Ernaux
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So have you ever wondered what everyone is talking about, or what # s mean. Normally they are event. The team behind the #secretsantagoespostal have started a new account to follow just to see and get involved in all the cool events.

I'm sure you will find a collection of photo challenges, buddy reads, chapter a day groups, traveling books, etc.

You can follow and you can submit. Check out the page and use the #LitsyHappenings. More info 👇🏻

Avanders 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 7y
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