This makes me so happy!! ❤️😍❤️😍❤️ Link in comments!
This makes me so happy!! ❤️😍❤️😍❤️ Link in comments!
I can't believe Buffy premiered 20 years ago today! This show meant a lot to me and it was the first (of very few) shows that I watched from start to finish in real time! Thanks for the memories BTVS! I think I'll do a mini marathon tonight and tomorrow 😁#buffyslays20 #btvs #buffyforever #buffythevampireslayer #ifeelsooldnow #butimokwiththat
#seasonsreadings2016 Day 2. Cheating I KNOW but Buffy the Vampire Slayer is probably my favorite piece of art in any medium. And I can't think of anyone who qualifies more for the title.
This statue sits proudly in my living room, as does the book. I am a geek of all varieties! 🤓
My favorite fandom is Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I should post more photos of Buffy: The Making of a Slayer, because it is awesome. All kinds of extras inside and just a gorgeous book. I will always love Buffy. #femalesuperhero #strongwomen #favoritefandom #octphotochallenge