A short book of Wendell Berry poems about the natural world accompanied by several lovely watercolor illustrations.
A short book of Wendell Berry poems about the natural world accompanied by several lovely watercolor illustrations.
Quiet, peaceful, mindful poems to kick-off the New Year. I rarely buy books (I know; what kind of strange creature am I, even?!) but I‘m happy to own this one. The illustrations by Tom Pohrt make it a tangible work of art, as well as a poetic one. As the blurb on the back says, this is for “anyone who loves the book as a physical object.” Because of the seasonal nature of the poems, I‘m sure I‘ll revisit it throughout the year.
Confession: I have an email folder called “Pretty Plans.” It holds dreams for a possible future. Some of the plans have come to fruition (pictures of wedding dresses; ideas for the ceremony; creative writing prompts), but some have not & may never. Still, it‘s fun to imagine.
*(Cont‘d in comments below👇🏻)
“The leaves rest in the air, perfectly still. I would like them to rest in my mind as still, as simply spaced.”
I somehow convinced my husband that this was the right way to ring in the New Year. I foresee that my magical powers will only continue to grow in 2018.
Also, please check out our fancy “charcuterie boards,” i.e. plastic taco plates. 😅
A great book with lovely illustrations. Berry does what I look forward to in my poems, take the quotidian and elevate it to something almost mystical.
This is a sweet, lovely book of poems about nature by one of my favorite authors. The poems are comforting and the illustrations are somehow both realistic and whimsical.
Here's a wide shot of the reading desk. I'm preparing for more writing in 2018 by reading as much as possible in 2017! This is my sanctuary & my command station. I use the laptop for managing Goodreads, reading spreadsheets, looking up words, etc. I have a handwritten reading journal, a planner, and my TBR stacks. I guess I just like being organized and diligent!
This is my campout spot for the #24in48 #readathon.