The meditations / reflections of a Japanese monk on life. It also helps shed light of life in Japan at that time (around the 1300s)
One of the books I read for #bookspinbingo
The meditations / reflections of a Japanese monk on life. It also helps shed light of life in Japan at that time (around the 1300s)
One of the books I read for #bookspinbingo
A collection of interesting and idle thoughts, funny and strange stories, and beautiful and simple imagery. Some of the opinions given I found very odd and hard to understand, but considering when it was written that's hardly surprising.
I really enjoyed this collections variety 😊
#24b4Monday going strong 😎 #TBRChallenge #TBRCleanup
Love seeing books with books 😊
#TBRChallenge #TBRCleanup #24b4Monday
Neither those who praise us nor those who denigrate will remain in the world for long, and others who hear their opinions will be gone in short order as well. Just who should we feel ashamed before, then? Whose is the recognition we should crave? Fame in fact attracts abuse and slander. No, there is nothing to be gained from leaving a lasting name. The lust for fame is the third folly.
And so, watching the new year dawn in the sky, you are stirred by a sense of utter newness, although the sky looks no different from yesterday‘s.
It is a most wonderful comfort to sit alone beneath a lamp, book spread before you, and commune with someone from the past whom you have never met.
What happiness to sit in intimate conversation with someone of like mind, warmed by candid discussion of the amusing and fleeting ways of this world … but such a friend is hard to find, and instead you sit there doing your best to fit in with whatever the other is saying, feeling deeply alone
If our life did not fade and vanish like the dews of Adashino‘s graves or the drifting smoke from Toribe‘s burning grounds, but lingered on for ever, how little the world would move us. It is the ephemeral nature of things that makes them wonderful.
Status and personal appearance are things one is born with, after all, but surely the inner man can always be improved with effort.
#IHaveADream of sitting down beneath the cherry blossom and reading this beauty. Wouldn‘t that be awesome?!
a really enjoyable read, random thoughts of a monk, poetic, philosophic and amusing. 4/5⭐️
Next up 😊
A Book when....1) I need Calm....these little statements on idleness are wonderful. Little tokens of loveliness to carry with you. #books #booktherapy
Random musings on life from a medieval Japanese monk. I especially enjoyed his thoughts about books. #litsypartyofone read #4
Unread, but I like this slightly hedonistic title.
#maybookflowers #fruit
I really liked this on the whole, it's a lot of random musings and some are stunning, some less so but he's completely right about the really strange and satisfying people of sharing thoughts with dead people you've never met through books. It's about 700 years old but large portions still feel relevant
Playing catch up because life decided to get in the way of reading plans this weekend
I am working on a One Sit reads project....once a week I will read a book that it only takes a few hours to read. I read The Trouble with Women and now I am starting this one! Don't you just love the title! #sake #japan #cherryblossoms
This little gem showed up at my house last week! Can't wait to read it ❤️
Such a little volume but I really can not wait to read it ❤️ #sake #cherrytrees #classics #idleness
Such a little volume but I really can not wait to read it ❤️ #sake #cherrytrees #classics #idleness
Yes! What I find amusing (and sad) is that this was written in the 1300's and its still so true today!
Last one for tonight I promise ? "One never tires of spending time with something whose speech is attractive and pleasing to the ear, and who does not talk overmuch. There is nothing worse than when someone you thought impressive reveals himself as lacking in sensibility."
This isn't even the first page LOL I have a feeling I'm going to be bombarding you all with quotes from this book 🤓
After an extremely trying day I would love nothing more than to be sitting under a cherry tree with a cup of sake but I will settle for curling up with this book instead 🌸
“It is a most wonderful comfort to sit alone beneath a lamp, book spread before you, and commune with someone from the past whom you have never met.” - Yoshida Kenko. Well, it‘s nice to meet you, Mr. Kenko