Sad but real. I had to go back to the last texts from my brother, which I will probably never delete. He died in July
Sad but real. I had to go back to the last texts from my brother, which I will probably never delete. He died in July
“I‘m not going to drive drunk, I promise. I‘ll talk to you later, Love.” 😢
A lot of sad last messages in this short, illustrated book.
"This book is dedicated to anyone who's ever received a last message. May these last messages help show you that you're not alone in what you've gone through."
This was heartbreaking but I am so happy someone has done it. It seems to have helped so many people. Amazing.
Quick and powerful. I haven't read the Tumblr so these were all new to me. The breakup posts got a bit repetitive though it's understandable why there were so many. The most powerful to me were the horrible things parents said to their kids. When you have a child you are signing up for loving unconditionally forever. Love can mean hard choices but never saying these hateful things. The graphic art added to the emotional impact.
I was with my dad when he passed away. It was the hardest thing I ever did. I couldn't imagine a 12 year being this strong and handling her cousin's last moments. 😞
Short but moving book. Words have the ability to build up a person or tear down. This quote was from a terminal 10 year old.