I‘m stealing this! One of the best explanations for the value of therapy I‘ve ever read/heard.
I‘m stealing this! One of the best explanations for the value of therapy I‘ve ever read/heard.
Loving this book - just wish I had more time to read it!! So dedicating a short quiet moment to it this morning 😊
What a lovely stack of new books thanks to @CindyMyLifeIsLit - some things I‘ve wanted to read for a long time and some I‘ve never heard of and can‘t wait to explore!! Especially excited to do some dream analysis. (Also, the story about the hacker in your letter had me 😂!)
Work...but also both fascinating reads! Can‘t recommend Stacy Schiff‘s bio of Cleopatra enough.
I didn‘t read as many books in 2018 as the previous year, but it was a quality year - I had a hard time narrowing down to these favorites! I also love this time of year for all the most anticipated lists for the new year. What‘s on your most anticipated list for 2019?? I think mine is My Favorite Thing is Monsters, Vol. 2.
This is my #WinterBreakStack - at least for now, it changes with my mood! Also down at the bottom, hoping to keep up with my dream journal a little better when I don‘t have to rush out in the morning 😊 @BookaholicNatty
Hello lovely! 😍 Merry Christmas to me!
This (and new Christmas eps of Great British Baking Show 🤗) are the 🥕 at the other end of some schoolwork I must get done this afternoon. I‘m hearing amazing things about this book and am SO intrigued!!
I‘ve been wanting to read Rebecca. My grandmother (also Rebecca, as is my middle name) told me she had a copy I could read. Little did I know it was a beautiful, albeit a little worn and well-loved, original 1938 edition. Can‘t wait to open that musty old cover 🥰
Didn‘t know it was possible to love and admire this woman more than I already did. What especially strikes me in this current context is her pure goodness. She and the president were good in so many quiet ways we weren‘t aware of. I‘m taking away many lessons from this book!!
It has been a CRAZY week already. But I‘m taking a break long enough to read this beauty tonight!!
After a rough day yesterday (someone abandoned a dog in my carport, the dog knocked my phone out of my hands and shattered the screen and threw up in my car 😩) I‘m so tempted to call in sick and stay home with all this loveliness above. Hoping for a smoother Friday 😊
Someone‘s book buddy is ACTUALLY the best 🙋🏼♀️! Books I‘m dying to read. And only a fellow teacher would know how much a teacher loves school supplies!! Thanks @CindyMyLifeIsLit !!
LOOK how beautiful this book is. Full of gorgeous morbidity and fun things to learn 🤗
My love for this book has not waned in the almost year since I first read it. And unlike most adapted books, the movie has just enhanced my relationship with the original source (I‘ve reread the book, which I NEVER do, and plan to read again soon). Tonight I‘m rewarding my raking of 19 bags of leaves with some wine and a listen to the soundtrack. Anyone else finding it hard to move on from CMBYN??
Not Friday, but Saturdays are pretty yay too! 1. I pretty exclusively ready print books - purchased. I like to keep my books 🤷🏼♀️. 2. 7.5 3. My mom‘s pimiento cheese and crackers. 4. Supernatural 5. @LisaKroger
Reviewing this one again because I just watched the movie last night and it reminded me how much in love with this story I am - like I think I have a crush on it ☺️. The book, and even more so the movie, broke me a little emotionally - made me feel some things I wasn‘t prepared to feel. But all in a positive way!! So I‘m imploring everyone again to please read Call Me by Your Name!!
I shouldn‘t judge, but explain, book friends... what‘s the point if I can‘t see all the beautiful covers/bindings/titles?!?!
Question for those who‘ve read The Terror... I know the plot is not chronologically linear, but are there some inconsistencies in the dates at the beginning of chapters? I‘m about 200 pages in (loving it, so much so that I brought it to work!! 😬). But I‘m a little 🤔 about some of the dates! Minor thing but just wondered anyone else noticed or could clarify!
2017 reading challenge complete! 52 books in 52 different categories. As with the last time I did this, the challenge helped me find some surprising favorites. But definitely looking forward to reading whatever I want in 2018!!
Book buddies are seriously the best - books that you‘ve forgotten you REALLY want to read show up at your door! (Plus a couple you know you‘ll love just cause she knows your interests so well 🙂). Thanks @CindyMyLifeIsLit
Now that 2017 reading challenge is *almost* finished, which one one of the books I bought this year but didn‘t read should I start with on Jan 1? Also, who else *lives* for the best-of and most-anticipated lists that come out this time of year??
Found the perfect notebook for planning the new women‘s history elective I‘m going to teach next year 🙌🏻 (and a little Christmas break inspiration reading). Any recommended reads about women for high school seniors??
Haven‘t read this book in almost TWENTY years!! Hard to believe. But what a delight to revisit!
Booked a trip to England this morning, came home to not one but TWO book packages...suddenly forgetting about the long work day in between!!! @CindyMyLifeIsLit is the best book buddy ☺️. So many things to say in my next letter!
Can‘t get over how pretty this illustrated edition is 😍
#RiotGrams #SomeoneElsesBooks I‘m cheating a little here... these are also my books, but they‘re teacher-me books and live at school. I still ❤️ them!! Some were even given to me by a favorite Medieval history professor in college from her personal library when she retired. Thanks, Prof. Schreiber!!
#RiotGrams #BigBooks featuring my fave HP, fave Stephen King, and a TBR.
#RiotGrams #CurrentRead Though the current current read tonight is notes from my Middle Ages in film class as I make out a test 😏
Thanks, Mental Floss for identifying the disorder from which everyone on Litsy suffers! 😂
#ThreeWordTitles wasn‘t as easy as I thought! #RiotGrams
#RiotGrams #OrangeBooks I‘m sensing a theme - many of these very appropriate for the holiday season! 🎃
50 pages from the end, Game of Thrones is the ONLY thing that would make me stop reading tonight. Is the rest of this series as good as this one??
Getting into my first Tana French novel and would LOVE to stay home and read in the bed (with Dean 😉) all day!!
What a heart-achingly beautiful book!! I have only ever cried twice reading a book (which is odd because even a silly TV commercial can make me boohoo!), but the very last paragraph of this one had me 😭. Really looking forward the film adaptation.
Having a little beef jerky with my beefcake this afternoon 😉. Seeing so much Outlander stuff at SDCC last week put me in the mood for some Highlander romance.
And my biggest personal coup for a first trip to San Diego Comic Con, Supernatural panel (including a surprise performance by Kansas) and some up-close peeks after. Might need to read a few more of the novels to tide me over until the new season! Favorites, SPN fans??
SDCC Day 2 haul - two close(ish!) encounters with Sam Heughan!! 😍 (And we got a surprise viewing of 301 🤗)
Never done one of these lists, so I think this is a great place to start!
2.The closest I can get is the Sookie Stackhouse series - it was long, I loved it until the very end!!
3.Sookie should have been Alcide ?
4.Anything that might be on a "Beach Reads" or "Oprah's Book Club" table.
6.Nicholas Sparks, John Grisham
7. YA dystopian
8. Twilight
9. Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Swedish version #unpopularbookopinionstag
Just started and this one is already giving me Kiss the Girls vibes. Thanks for the rec @redphoto3 👍🏻.
I need a book set during a holiday for my book challenge and would prefer something NOT related to Christmas or Valentine's Day (which seem to dominate the market!). Recommendations??
Southern gothic horror meets Cormac McCarthy with one of the most sympathetic villains I've ever read. This book was the best kind of slow burn with plenty of creepy action sprinkled in. Read this book now!!
If you loved My Best Friend's Exorcism and/or Horrorstör... this was recommended through a mutual friend by Grady Hendrix. And it did not disappoint! Jaws already made me afraid of the ocean, now I'll never look at sand the same way again! ?
So that @TheLondonBookworm doesn't feel so bad about her book-buying habits!
Reward for working in the yard all day 👍🏻.
I have taught the Iliad every year for the past 9 years and read it many more times than that. Yet this retelling had me totally enthralled and reading like I had no idea what would happen next. Major props to the way Miller developed the relationship between Patroclus and Achilles in the first half of the book. Beautiful and heartbreaking like it should be.