"...the efforts of Charity Sedgewick to keep Aldine and Leenie, now nineteen and twenty, from falling in love at the wrong time with the wrong person and their fear of waiting until it was too late made for a combustible situation.”
"...the efforts of Charity Sedgewick to keep Aldine and Leenie, now nineteen and twenty, from falling in love at the wrong time with the wrong person and their fear of waiting until it was too late made for a combustible situation.”
This book was so different from what I expected. Now that I've read it I can't really remember what I had imagined it to be about. But, it is an exceptional story and very well written. The characters are colorful and I felt like I knew each one of them intimately. I'm definitely going to read more of her books.
Night, night fellow book lovers.🌜
Tomorrow I start The Practice House. 📚
While The Harvey House maybe would have been more suitable a title, maybe? But The Practice House would work too. Anyway - fantastic story. Great and satisfying ending.
Oh! This one is fairly chunky! Only 7-days to read from the library so I need to get started on this one before anything else. Hope it's a great read!
At a fellow Litsian's suggestion, I sent the author an email letting her know how much I loved the book. She emailed me back! Obviously a wonderful #blameitonlitsy. I wish I remembered who made the suggestion so I can send a happy shout-out to you! 🎉🎉🎉. Ps: I made a plug for Litsy to her. Maybe she'll join us!
Just finished this one and it is a ?????book. After a couple of middle-of-the-nights of either insomnia or "I just had to read this book" I spent this evening finishing it. It's just terrific even to the extent you can guess what's coming. It's slow and methodical but I never once wanted to quit reading. It's just that well-written. Read it and enjoy. I shall now reward myself with ice cream. #readandeat #marchintoreading
If you haven't chosen your free Amazon prime book yet I have to highly recommend this one. I'm only 15% into it but it is extraordinarily well written and even though a bit slow I don't want to put it down. I feel I've met the characters in person.
Excited about my Kindle First pick for March!