Pretty happy with my progress since I just started this morning.
The tagged book by Roth is very good. He uses design thinking as a foundation for his approach. It‘s rather simplistic on the self-help front. On the intro-to-design-thinking front, it‘s very enlightening And super interesting. #readathon #designthinking
So There It Is...500 Litfluence In 7 Days (I Know That's Poor) But Still It's a fun little thing.
I Am Gonna Treat Myself With...A Book!!! (How Ingenious!!😅)
However It's Just The Beginning
Quoting Robert Frost , It's Probably 'Miles To Go Before I Sleep'✌
"If you are depressed, do not get depressed at the idea of being depressed. Get off on it. Admire the fact that you are having this amazing depression." I'm sure Roth doesn't mean clinical depression, but this passage made me realize that I'm going to have to bail on this one. Ugh.
Just started this. Not sure if I'm going to finish it or not... so far, it's just ok.