I should read these books in March, right? Meanwhile, I‘ve got four back issues of Real Simple, and this one from 2009 is actually the newest. #readordonate #monthlymagazineblitz
I should read these books in March, right? Meanwhile, I‘ve got four back issues of Real Simple, and this one from 2009 is actually the newest. #readordonate #monthlymagazineblitz
Read for #Booked2021 Fall edition/Jewish author
This was similar in style to Doctorow‘s masterpiece ‘Ragtime‘ in its depiction of a moment in history told from multiple viewpoints. Not all who join at the start of Sherman‘s march from Augusta GA to Durham NC will finish. As with any novel about war, there‘s a lot of brutality and sadness; some hope too, but we know now the US Civil War would expose a wound which is still not healed to this day.
If someone had told me Coalhouse Walker Sr. was in this book, I'd have read it so much earlier. Doctorow's Ragtime is in my Top 5 books of all time, and Coalhouse Walker Jr. should seriously be considered one of the most iconic African-American characters in all literature.
#MarchStats #ReadingResolutions
17 books
6 Audiobooks
4 E-Books
7 Physical Books
A day late as was finishing the last 3 off!
Favourites : As Bright As Heaven, Protect and Defend, Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk, Young Bloods
10 Female Authors / 7 Male Authors
#MarchTBR #ReadingResolutions #MagicalMarch #MarchLineUp
Setting myself a tough line up this month.
Is anyone doing the #marchbookstagram18 challenge on Instagram (or here)? I‘ve never done an Instagram #bookstagram challenge but I want to try! It seems so much more intimidating than Litsy though. 😅 I‘m also going to try to do a Litsy #photochallenge— I‘ve always been bad at these in the past, but this is a new month!