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The Sky Is Yours
The Sky Is Yours: A Novel | Chandler Klang Smith
A sprawling, genre-defying epic set in a dystopian metropolis plagued by dragons, this debut about what its like to be young in a very old world is pure storytelling pleasure In the burned-out, futuristic city of Empire Island, three young people navigate a crumbling metropolis constantly under threat from a pair of dragons that circle the skies. When violence strikes, reality star Duncan Humphrey Ripple V, the spoiled scion of the metropolis last dynasty; Baroness Swan Lenore Dahlberg, his tempestuous, death-obsessed betrothed; and Abby, a feral beauty he discovered tossed out with the trash; are forced to flee everything they've ever known. As they wander toward the scalded heart of the city, they face fire, conspiracy, mayhem, unholy drugs, dragon-worshippers, and the monsters lurking inside themselves. In this bombshell of a novel, Chandler Klang Smith has imagined an unimaginable world: scathingly clever and gorgeously strange, The Sky Is Yours is at once faraway and disturbingly familiar, its singular chaos grounded in the universal realities of love, family, and the deeply human desire to survive at all costs. The Sky Is Yours is incredibly cinematic, bawdy, rollicking, hilarious, and utterly unforgettable, a debut that readers who loved Cloud Atlas, Super Sad True Love Story, and Blade Runner will adore.
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The Sky Is Yours: A Novel | Chandler Klang Smith
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Really strong world building in the first half; really meandering storytelling in the back half. I‘m calling it even.

RadicalReader Stunning book cover love it 5y
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The Sky Is Yours: A Novel | Chandler Klang Smith
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I have days where I find this book the good kind of quirky and days where it doesn‘t sit right with me. The dynamic between Swanny and Sharkey is f*ed

The Sky Is Yours: A Novel | Chandler Klang Smith
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TFW you have a big block of time to read and you‘re so excited you can‘t settle on any one book. Also #breakfastchocolate

CouronneDhiver 🏆 you win. lol. i had to work. chocolate seems like a much better plan 5y
BookishTrish @CouronneDhiver Sorry you had to work. Also sorry work didn‘t have breakfast chocolate. 5y
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The Sky Is Yours: A Novel | Chandler Klang Smith
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I slept through the night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cathysaid I‘m jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6y
Avanders 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 6y
xicanti Hurray for sleep, and for Munro's! 6y
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The Sky Is Yours: A Novel | Chandler Klang Smith
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Christmas #bookhaul Merry Tuesday, Littens!

LauraBeth Nice! 6y
batsy Great stack and festive picture 🎄😍 6y
BookishTrish @LauraBeth @batsy Thanks! The stack is all my family‘s doing. I‘m pretty lucky. 6y
Redwritinghood Merry Christmas!🎄🎁 6y
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Sky Is Yours | Chandler Klang Smith
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One third of the way in, and I couldn't tell where this was going and didn't really care. The characters were all too one-dimensional, and one of them was intentionally really obnoxious but I couldn't stand reading about him.

The Sky Is Yours: A Novel | Chandler Klang Smith
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Sky Is Yours | Chandler Klang Smith
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“This is a story of what it is to be young in a very old world”. First sentence of what promises to be a great book. Particularly because I often feel very old in a young world. 🙃

CaitlinR Really wanted to like this, but found not much there-there. (edited) 7y
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The Sky Is Yours: A Novel | Chandler Klang Smith
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mrozzz LOVE THIS. Wrote something similar in my own novel 😍 7y
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The Sky Is Yours: A Novel | Chandler Klang Smith
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Today's #bookmail.

brendanmleonard Looks amazing!! 7y
Jenabrownwrites I have that coming! 7y
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The Sky Is Yours: A Novel | Chandler Klang Smith
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I still have noooo idea how I feel about this book #Dystopia #dragons

The Sky Is Yours: A Novel | Chandler Klang Smith
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More please.

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The Sky Is Yours: A Novel | Chandler Klang Smith
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Did I really need to buy another book, probably not, but...DRAGONS 🐉. Side note: I was persuaded by positive reviews, from two authors I love (Victor LaValle & Scott Hawkins) 🖤

WhatDeeReads Dragons was reason enough. 7y
daena My thoughts exactly @WhatDeeReads 7y
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The Sky Is Yours: A Novel | Chandler Klang Smith
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That was a WEIRD evening but Chandler‘s mind is obviously constantly churning interesting lines & plot... I‘m thinking her debut is going to be a good one!! 😁

Fans of Mark Z. Danielewski or David Wong or fantasy & dragons must check it out.


kamoorephoto I have this and MUST get around to reading it very soon! 7y
Cinfhen That cover is stunning❣️❣️❣️ 7y
LauraBeth Best cover I‘ve seen in a while! 7y
mrozzz @Cinfhen @LauraBeth it‘s insanely gorgeous 7y
mrozzz @kamoorephoto Yay! Looking forward to your thoughts 7y
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The Sky Is Yours: A Novel | Chandler Klang Smith
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Came home to book mail. When it rains, it pours. I LOVE the neon cover!!!! #ReadingWeekendWinter

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The Sky Is Yours: A Novel | Chandler Klang Smith
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I ‘think‘ this will be my #JanTBR (well, my plans at the start!) based on ARCs, challenges, catch-ups, my next #LMPBC read, and already have one read!
I don‘t know if I should sign up for any challenges though; I‘ve got the Pop Sugar one in mind and the Horror one??

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The Sky Is Yours: A Novel | Chandler Klang Smith
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Another Goodreads giveaway book I won came in the mail today! Now if only I had time between 2 jobs, Christmas shopping/wrapping, and house work to get some quality reading time in. #adultingsucks

kamoorephoto I have it too!!! 7y
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The Sky Is Yours: A Novel | Chandler Klang Smith
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💜💜 So I finally won a giveaway on Goodreads and this beauty arrived in the mail today! I've had it on my tbr for a while so I'm super excited to read it. I'm a sucker for dragons and a pretty cover 😉 💜💜

Note: Pls forgive the glare in the center of the pic lol