Late post but here's my swag grab from #YALLWest last weekend. Small haul but I was volunteering which was pretty chill and fun! Really stoked to read Yoon Ha Lee's Dragon Pearl, Willa Wood is intriguing, and can't wait to read the rest.
Late post but here's my swag grab from #YALLWest last weekend. Small haul but I was volunteering which was pretty chill and fun! Really stoked to read Yoon Ha Lee's Dragon Pearl, Willa Wood is intriguing, and can't wait to read the rest.
#yallwest2018 morning keynote with Tomi Adeyemi and Tamora Pierce!! 😍😍
Asia inspired gangster story with enhanced powers? How can you NOT pick this up? The ending was a bit of a low point for me but this book kicks ass. I'm glad this is a series. #diversebookbloggers #fantasy
Very good telling of a dystopian future a wide range of future tech : medicine, robotics/AI, the autonomy of both humans and robots. The end was left a bit too open-ended (I guess I like a solid ending?) and I felt a bit uncomfortable with the relationship with Paladin but definitely good food for thought. I'd borrow from the library if you want an interesting glimpse of the future. Also audiobook is solid. #scifi #audiobook #diversebookbloggers
Make everything queer. #comics #anthologies #indiepress
Going to listen to this on my way home! Reading for @LitsyFeministBookClub 's Feb. readalong. #feministbooks #readalong
A team that includes characters that are non-binary, genderfluid, a badass pregnant bounty hunter, and HIPPOS. a really fun caper (excuse me *operation) novella. I'm going to hunt down Taste of Marrow! #historicalfiction #diversebookbloggers #queer
Sad to say the main reason for buying the hardcover were the black edged pages. 😍 #booknerdlife #ya #diversebookbloggers
Had a horrible night so I walked to a local park at lunch and read to give myself some comfort time. I feel this Gothic, introspective growing up YA fantasy fits my mood right now.
The last book of this amazing series. Everything comes to a head and knowing the final meeting of Essun and her daughter is coming just makes it all the more painful to see it unfold. I felt lost while reading Obelisk Gate but this book wraps everything up heart-wrenchingly perfect. This isn't my fav Jemisin book but damn if it isn't her greatest to date. Quote is from her acknowledgements. #diversebookbloggers #fantasy
Rock those headphones princess (couldn't get the headphones to fit her head alas).
So far I'm loving the imagery this book evokes. All these references of the moon and royal families makes me think of Sailor Moon 🌙 #diversebookbloggers #scifi #fantasy
The adventure continues! Assassination and coups ensue but this Space Empress is having none of it. Still a good time! Plus it looks like in addition to queer couples there's a non binary (or genderfluid, it's not explicitly said) character. Where's that next book? I need more ass kicking! #scifi #diversebookbloggers
I enjoyed the first book so much. Glad to be reading about this badass Empress again.
How can a slim book pack so many things? Drayden does such a great job combining spiritual mythos and the rise of sentient tech. AND has POC, queer and trans characters?! AHHHHHH THIS BOOK IS CRAZY AND HAS EVERYTHING. So good. #diversebookbloggers #diversescifi
If Moulin Rouge centered around queer men and had spies and smugglers in a city falling into a fascist regime. The book is dazzling and pulls no punches. I borrowed from the library but this is definitely going to be bought and put on my shelf. #diversebookbloggers
"It was a skill that was considered sinful and wicked and SAS absolutely verboten... But the sisters did it anyway; they read. They read and they wrote."
Reading this before I return it to the library today!! 😲
I usually have something on when I'm alone in the apartment. Lately it's been LP's of video games I would like to play (almost done watching Horizon Zero Dawn). #riotgrams #howyouread
"What was safety, anyway but the sound of a bomb falling on someone else's home?"
❄ ❄ ❄
Crappy day at work. Then this dropped on my desk. Books=happy place! #botm
So many feelings about this book.I can't even... All I can say is read. This. Book.
I went to my lcs about an hour before they closed so it was slim pickings for free comics. But I managed to find a way to support by buying trades I've been meaning to get for a while. Were there any good #fcbd issues that you were able to snag? The Valerian preview intrigues me.
Scott Westerfield's foray into graphic novels is off to a great start. Ugh now I have to wait for the sequel. And this panel shows Lying Cat's ancestors 🙃#readathon
"That means I can see through your eyes, too, instead of only my own, and it's as if the entire universe expanded, grew larger and more beautiful."
GAWD this book so many feels!!! Reunion sequel pleeeeeeease! #readathon
#readathon goals. Started late but I'm ready! Starting off with Defy the Stars (and not because the main's last name is the same as mine oh no)
I still enjoyed the book, but while the book raised the stakes and brought out more action, the characters were definitely lacking. All the characters I liked died plus the kid's annoying. That being said, I can't wait to read the next one!!
Couldn't stand the audio book version so I borrowed the book them proceeded to finish it during my bus ride to the bay area (finishing the book you bring to a trip is a book nerd's worst problem amirite?) I need more gunslinger empress action please!
Bought this at a whim at my fav comic book shops in SF. Roller derby girls in Mars? YES PLEASE
"I know nothing of genetics, so I am not moved as you are by the discoveries you describe, but I find you extraordinary, and I am absolutely humbled by the thought of something so complex and nuanced being remade from the very fabric of the universe." This scene is not romantic but damned if I wouldnt fall for someone who said something like that to me!
Why they decided to hide this gorgeous art under the slip cover I have no idea. But I can't wait to start reading! Perhaps I can be patient and read this for this weekend's mini #readathon?
"In America the quirk was that people were things"
#libraryhaul Aaand now I have to balance between my checked out ebooks plus my feminist book club gahhhhhh #booknerdlife
Damn. I would be laughing one minute then disgust and horror over the verbal abuse she gets day in and day out just for being... herself. Good for her that her happiness is an act of resistance. A lot of people can learn from this book. And laugh along the way. Audio book is read by Lindy herself so the honesty really gets through. #audiobook #nonfiction #diversebookbloggers #litsyfeminists
I'm sure Helen's face when receiving this sage advice for training goshawks was 😕... With a bit of 😲 to 😱. #audiobook
It's about finding and putting together a huge robot and trying to figure out 1)how to make it work and 2) which country gets to keep it (of course, guess which country calls dibs 😉). The book is written like an interview transcript so it definitely works as an audio book. I'm going to be watching for the next book! #diversebookbloggers #scifi
When you go to a used bookstore to look for a specific book, realize they don't have it, then buy more anyway. #comics #graphicnovels
Damn. The intro alone is intense. I'll read what I can for the upcoming @LitsyFeministBookClub read!
A very interesting take on what democracy can look like in the future. I feel that the characters and story took a back seat to the amazing world building but the concept is so relevant and fascinating to current times I couldn't help but enjoy it anyway! So if you're looking for a scifi with a political bend to it I recommend it. Plus the author is the sister of Daniel Jose Older! #diversebookbloggers #scifi