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Sick. Sicker. Sickest: The Bastard Collection
Sick. Sicker. Sickest: The Bastard Collection | Matt Shaw
6 posts | 1 read | 1 to read
WARNING: THIS IS AN EXTREME HORROR NOVEL. There is gore. There is bad language. There are scenes of a sexual nature. But hidden underneath it all is also a chilling story. Please do not purchase this book if you are easily shocked, disgusted or offended. This book is not for you. SICK B*STARDS A family will do anything to survive after a nuclear attack has left their world in ruins. Actions which even surprise them... SICKER B*STARDS Home truths pave the way for a journey of self-discovery and revenge in the direct sequel to Matt Shaw's Sick Bastards. SICKEST B*STARDS sickEST B*stards continues on from both Sick B*stards and SickER B*stards, bringing the story to a shocking conclusion!
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Down and out with Covid. Reading is not in the horizon. Just get it over with! 🤒😷😩😩

I love the Bohrasisters art on insta and Pinterest. Thought I‘d share a bookish one here. They‘re originally animated. 💚

erzascarletbookgasm I hope you recover quickly 💕 2y
Ruthiella Hope you feel better soon! 🤒❤️ 2y
merelybookish Oh no! Hope you recover quickly! 2y
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batsy Oh no. Feel better soon 🌻 2y
rabbitprincess Rest up and get well soon! 2y
UwannaPublishme Oh my! Hope you get better soon. ❤️ 2y
EvieBee I wish you a speedy recovery! 2y
BiblioLitten @EvieBee Thank you, Eve💕 2y
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May not look like it but I‘m sick. Waiting for a prescription at the store. I got strep throat a number of years ago and it seems to come back almost every winter now. So not liking this. After I get my Rx, I‘m going home, get on the couch and finish Chamber of Secrets. I don‘t sound too good.

Smrloomis 😣 Hope you feel better soon! 6y
Readergrrl Oh, no fun! 6y
SilversReviews Strep throat is the worst. Rest up and feel better. 6y
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Tamra I also heard flu is out! Noooooooo 😷😫 6y
melissajayne Thanks everyone. I‘ve been been sleeping on and off for the afternoon since I got home. 6y
melissajayne Still sick. I‘m going to my doctors office tomorrow morning. I think I may have the flu. 6y
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Haven't checked in lately as I've been sick. Good news is I had lots of reading time. But nothing review worthy, just clearing my stack of junk fiction. Except for this last book. Re-reading Salem's lot. 😱👻👺😸

Cinfhen Feel better💚 6y
JewelsEnd @Cinfhen thanks! 💗 6y
SandyW Hopr you're feeling back to normal soon! 6y
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kezzlou85 Feel better soon 💜 6y
JessClark78 Hope you feel better soon. 🌸 6y
tammysue Oh no.. hoping you feel better soon 🌸💕 6y
Ddzmini Hope you feel better soon 🙏 6y
JewelsEnd Thanks everyone. Feeling better already! @SandyW @kezzlou85 @JessClark78 @whatshesreadingnow @Ddzmini happy Friday 🙂 6y
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I'm #sickAF today, and ignoring life as a whole by way of #audioknitting. Here's me helping Papa clean fish when I was 2 or so. Miss you, Papa. ❤️

JoScho Feel better ❤️ 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai Ugh. Sorry about your sickness. I'm just getting over it myself and it's left me exhausted. Get well soon. 👍 7y
blithebuoyant @JoScho thanks! I'll try lol 7y
blithebuoyant @GrilledCheeseSamurai Yesterday my grandmother turned the heat up while I was sleeping and I woke up feeling awful. And around 3am this morning at work my temperature spiked 😭The only thing making me feel better is listening to Athrogate rhyme his way through his travels to Spirit Soaring with Jarlaxle 😂 Glad you're over it! I'm living on DayQuil and soup for a few days. 7y
Redwritinghood Hope you‘re feeling better soon! 7y
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I got sent home sick from my rotation this afternoon and now I‘m snuggling with this floof. I don‘t know if I can handle using my eyes to read. Maybe an audiobook to put me to sleep? 😷🤧 #dontletpatients #coughinyoureye #jobhazard

cobwebmoth Aw, feel better soon! 7y
Suet624 😩😩 feel better soon. 💕 7y
dragondrool Hope you're better soon! 7y
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