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Queen's Fool
Queen's Fool | Philippa Gregory
#1 "New York Times" bestselling author and queen of royal fiction ("USA TODAY") Philippa Gregory weaves a spellbinding tale of a young woman with the ability to see the future in an era when destiny was anything but clear. Winter, 1553. Pursued by the Inquisition, Hannah Green, a fourteen-year-old Jewish girl, is forced to flee with her father from their home in Spain. But Hannah is no ordinary refugee; she has the gift of Sight, the ability to foresee the future, priceless in the troubled times of the Tudor court. Hannah is adopted by the glamorous Robert Dudley, the charismatic son of King Edward s protector, who brings her to court as a holy fool for Queen Mary and, ultimately, Queen Elizabeth. Hired as a fool but working as a spy; promised in wedlock but in love with her master; endangered by the laws against heresy, treason, and witchcraft, Hannah must choose between the safe life of a commoner and the dangerous intrigues of the royal family that are inextricably bound up with her own yearnings and desires. Teeming with vibrant period detail and peopled by characters seamlessly woven into the sweeping tapestry of history, "The Queen s Fool" is a rich and emotionally resonant gem from a masterful storyteller."
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The Queen's Fool: A Novel | Philippa Gregory
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Such a good story

The Queen's Fool: A Novel | Philippa Gregory
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You know when a story is finally going the way you want it to , and then it takes a hard right to a different direction?!!! This continues throughout this book... I‘m having a hard time getting anything done because I can‘t leave this book ..

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The Queen's Fool: A Novel | Philippa Gregory
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I have been reading this one for a few days.. it took me a little bit to get into it; it‘s a bit different but it‘s a good read, the reason maybe it was hard for me to get into it is because the main character is fictional and up until now all characters in the series are real and somewhat based on real events ... maybe by varying degrees but I still enjoy it all

The Queens Fool | Philippa Gregory

This is my second time trying to read this, and I just couldn‘t do it! I feel like Gregory threw in the supernatural element—Hannah‘s Sight—just for the fun of it, because it would make money. It doesn‘t have any precedent in her other books. I think I need to let this one go.


TheAromaofBooks Sometimes a book just isn't worth your time! Glad it's off your shelf - space for something new!! 4y
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The Queens Fool | Philippa Gregory
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Breakfast and my #bookspin book!

Caroline2 I really enjoyed his book. 👍 4y
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The Queens Fool | Philippa Gregory
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Gone with this because berk = fool....

Also this has a much nicer cover than my other option - The Idiot.


Cinfhen Hahahahaha 5y
CrowCAH It is a beautiful cover! 5y
revenge4porgy Do you think a smart 10 year old would have trouble with a book like this? 5y
squirrelbrain @revenge4porgy Hi Erika, I haven‘t read this specific book as yet, but others in the series have sexual scenes in them, so definitely not age-appropriate for a 10 year old... 😳 5y
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The Queens Fool | Philippa Gregory
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I thought this book was wonderful. Some folk were apparently put off that the story wasn‘t told through the eyes of a famous person. I thought telling the story through the eyes of a servant who was used as a pawn between Dudley, Mary, and Elizabeth was brilliant. Additionally, it brought forth the trials of being a Jew in that time. While Hannah was fictional, the author gave a great resource list from which she drew at the end of the book.

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The Queen's Fool: A Novel | Philippa Gregory
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Sadly, not finding this one as gripping as the others—I think because the main character, Hannah, isn‘t a well-known historical figure like those of the other novels. Might set it aside for a bit, read something a bit lighter!

The Queen's Fool: A Novel | Philippa Gregory

My first Philippa Gregory- sigh

The Queen's Fool: A Novel | Philippa Gregory
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My new favorite author!! Philippa Gregory!! I will start this novel as soon as I finish #thesixwivesofhenryviii

BethM Welcome! I adore her! 5y
Birdsong28 Love Philippa Gregory. Can't wait for the new series that the tagged book starts! 5y
Lauraandherbooks @Birdsong28 i just discovered this author , no I didn‘t know about the series but I will definitely be watching for it!! I had a hard time choosing a book by her .. I plan on returning to the bookstore that I got this book very soon!! 5y
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Birdsong28 Look on Philippa Gregory's website for all her books and how each series should be read if you want to get the best out of them as especially with the Tudor series (one of them is this book in the picture) how they were published wasn't necessarily in chronological order. Hope this helps 😘📚📖 5y
Ericalambbrown I‘ve read 10 of the 16 in the series so far. I‘ll take you in a post about the chronological order! These are wonderful books of you like this subject matter. 5y
Lauraandherbooks Oh yes indeed I plan on buying every one of her books I can get my hands on!! And yes I will need to know the chronological order.. thank you so much 😊 5y
Crazeedi You read all the books I love!!! 5y
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The Queen's Fool: A Novel | Philippa Gregory
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Off the TBR shelf - it‘s a bit further along in the series so will get to it soon..

Birdsong28 I always feel that this is a standalone as even though it's set in Queen Elizabeth's reign she isn't the main character unlike the rest of the series where the main character is a royal. 📚📖 5y
Crazeedi I loved this series, Gregory's books are so good 5y
Cinfhen Have u read this one @TrishB ??? 5y
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TrishB @Cinfhen I don‘t like PG books (apologies to all those reading this that do! Just don‘t do it for me) 5y
squirrelbrain Good to know @Birdsong28 , just in case I get bored working my way along....! 5y
squirrelbrain We can‘t all have good taste can we @TrishB ?! 🤣🤣🤣 @Cinfhen 5y
Cinfhen I‘ve always wanted to read PG but I HAVE seen mixed opinions AHEM @TrishB 😘 which one should I start with, Helen??? 5y
squirrelbrain I read ‘The Other Boleyn Girl‘ first and loved it. Then I read ‘Three Sisters, Three Queens‘ and only now decided to do chronological order.... @Cinfhen 5y
TrishB I‘ve got some I‘ve been gifted in the past @Cinfhen will send a couple over in next package! I‘ll continue with my bad taste choices 😁😁 5y
Cinfhen Hahaha thanks so much @TrishB @squirrelbrain I thought I had bought a PG book on a recent #KindleDailyDeal but it was a different author 🙄 are either of you familiar with this title 5y
TrishB Don‘t know that one, but it mentions PG and Alison Weir in the blurb and I‘m not a fan of either (my pickiness is in full flow now.....😁) @Cinfhen (edited) 5y
gradcat @TrishB Neither do I, but why am I always hesitant to say it, because other Littens love her. I applaud your honesty. I‘m just a feckless lickspittle. 😂👍 5y
TrishB @gradcat 😂😂 always be honest! The best posts are opposing views! 5y
squirrelbrain Exactly @TrishB @gradcat - it‘d be boring if we all liked the same books wouldn‘t it?! 5y
gradcat @squirrelbrain @TrishB I know you‘re right. I wouldn‘t be dishonest in a review, but sometimes if I really don‘t like something, I just say nothing at all. I know it‘s ridiculous, and I have to stop it. So thanks, you two, for the push! 👍❤️ 5y
TrishB @Texreader 👍🏻 5y
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Queen's Fool | Philippa Gregory
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Happy Friday! It‘s the weekend and I hope it includes plenty of good books for everyone, whether in the comfort of your home, at the pool, or on vacation. I will be reading by the pool, starting with Queens Fool by Philippa Gregory.

What are you reading this weekend?

The Queens Fool | Philippa Gregory

Getting ready to plow through this one for book club...not my thing for sure.
Anyone read it? Loved it?

rubyslippersreads I read it a long time ago and remember liking it (though not loving it). 6y
Smangela I love her books - but admittedly haven‘t read this one 🤷🏻‍♀️ I pretty much devour anything about Tudor family 😂 6y
Donnasmiles Yes, a couple from the bookclub say they aren‘t loving it...500 pages (a lot to endure) ha 6y
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The Queen's Fool: A Novel | Philippa Gregory
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Ok, I think it's official: I love historical fiction, EXCEPT Philippa Gregory and the Outlander series. Too heavy on romance for my taste, waaay too verbose, and particularly for PG, she tries to portray strong women and ends up with neurotic messes who just think too highly of themselves, while exemplifying some of womens' most cliché "bad traits". Done with you ladies, sorry. I'd rather read dystopian YA than frustrating "realistic" characters.

Texreader Excellent review. 7y
TaylorMay Bummer to hear. If you don't mind YA then you should check out Maid of Secrets. Really cute Historical fiction. 7y
Elisa @Texreader oh wow thank you! 🌻 7y
Elisa @TaylorMay definitely don't mind YA! Read quite a bit of it in fact. Thanks for the rec, I'll check it out!! 7y
TaylorMay Me too 😉 the reviews on here aren't great but I really enjoyed the 1st and 2nd books. 7y
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The Queen's Fool: A Novel | Philippa Gregory
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Hannah isn't my favorite female character, she is immature and neurotic, but I love how much she loves and respects books and knowledge! #philippagregory #bookishcharacters #booklover

The Queen's Fool: A Novel | Philippa Gregory
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This is the first Philippa Gregory novel I read, and it got me hooked!

#maybookflowers (Starts With Q) - The Queen‘s Fool

#bookstagram #bookblogger #kobo

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Queen's Fool | Philippa Gregory
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Day 1 of #Riotgrams a shelfie of one of my many shelves! 📚

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The Queen's Fool: A Novel | Philippa Gregory
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I really enjoy Gregory's books. I was not thrilled with the ending because I hated Daniel from the beginning but books don't have to have a happy ending to still have a good ending.

LitHousewife This one was not one of my favorites either. 8y
jessdean I haven't read anything by her for awhile, I have this one on my TBR. And I agree with u on the endings! I want it to at least make sense or seem plausible. 8y
AliceInWonderLibrary I liked everything about this book but Daniel. It felt like she gave in to misogyny by the end by going back to him. Unfortunately that was typical of the time so it makes since but it doesn't mean I'm happy about it. 🙄 8y
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The Queen's Fool: A Novel | Philippa Gregory

I put this aside to read some stuff that was due at the library and picked it back up today. I spent the last hour and half reading thinking "man, this sounds familiar, did I read this?" Turns out I neglected to sync my device and I had, in fact, read EVERYTHING I just read. I think it's bedtime.?

BarbaraTheBibliophage Darn sync issues! I quite enjoyed this book - hope you do too! 8y
candc320 I love her books! 8y
athorne I had this issue. Turned out I hadn't updated Kindle in a while. >.> 8y
AliceInWonderLibrary I have read lots of her books, I really love the way she writes her female characters. 8y
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The Queen's Fool: A Novel | Philippa Gregory
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Loved this book! Not only did it tell the historical story of the reign of Queen Mary Tudor, but we see it through the eyes of a charming courtier. Hannah is a lost young woman at the beginning, and it's a joy to join her on the journey life brings her.

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