About to make this surprisingly comfy chair at the library, my reading home for the next hour or so #chairlove
About to make this surprisingly comfy chair at the library, my reading home for the next hour or so #chairlove
Best chair ever at local public library!
It‘s a wonderful #giveaway from lovely @callielafleur to celebrate a milestone! #15ForCal Thank You!!!
This is my chair. I read in the chair and Hilly sleeps on the ottoman. Win win.
My new chair! Awesome! I am nearly jealous at myself for my new reading nook 😂
I often #DreamAbout a bright, sunny library room with a cozy reading chair like this one. If I ever buy a house, I've promised myself it'll be one of my first splurges.
Thanks for the #CaravalGiveaway, @MinDea !
I got no reading done today, and this is the first time I have had to check in on Litsy since 7 am. Had a busy day working outside, but I was happy to come into the AC and check out everyone's #characters17 posts. Tomorrow's prompt is #fallenangel.
Da ich in einem Möbelhaus arbeite, entdecke ich immer wieder schöne Lesesessel und will dauernd neue kaufen. 😍
I work at a furniture store. There I always discover cozy chairs and I would like to take them home for my reading nook. 😍
Cool booky chair at #mostlybooks in Tucson.