#dynamic #quotsynov19 @TK-421
The irony is that the character saying this was an author whose book was being made into a #movie. #quotsyjune19 @TK-421
This #loop seemed Groundhog Day appropriate. #quotsyfeb19 @TK-421
Hollis‘ attempts at being Zen were sometimes more successful that at others. #embrace #quotsyjune18 @TK-421
Looking back over my comments about this very long book, I see how skillfully Thomas drew the characters‘ evolution. Hollis is a self-obsessed jerk for most of the 1600+ pages, and yet his redemption is believable and in the end you actually like him. David and Tully have similar transformations. Susan‘s growth is both the most predictable and the least well done, but her arc is still interesting, even if mostly for the other‘s reactions to her.
I‘m still reading this chunkster with #multiplenarrators. #readingresolutions @Jess7
How I feel almost every time we eat out these days!
Dinner and a book - mussels in garlic sauce, asparagus with kale and red peppers, Cabernet Sauvignon, and the tagged book. 😀
I‘m only 29% in on this chunkster, and the characters are growing on me, although I don‘t really like most of them. The David chapters are funny, if depressing, and I‘m liking Tilly more and more. But Susan exasperates me and Hollis infuriates me. Such a self-righteous “glass-bowl!” I didn‘t realize when I started it that it would be 1600 pages in print! One of the dangers of e-readers, I guess. 😀
So my audiobook right now is Frankenstein and the quoted book, the eBook I‘m currently reading, has an author go on a rant about how movie adaptations replace the book in people‘s minds. This is a thought I have had repeatedly when reading classics that I was first exposed to through film. Frankenstein, Dracula, The Count of Monte Cristo, War of the Worlds, etc. “A new reality has been implanted.” #booksyncronicity #rantover
There are some amusing quotes in this book. “He must cut his world to the proper length or terrible things will happen.”