Thank you @tdrosebud for this perfect #LitsyLoveSummerSwap package! I‘m excited to read these books (and the Swedish fish won‘t last long)! Thank you!!
Thanks Kristen & Rachel for organizing another amazing #LitsyLove swap!!!!
Thank you @tdrosebud for this perfect #LitsyLoveSummerSwap package! I‘m excited to read these books (and the Swedish fish won‘t last long)! Thank you!!
Thanks Kristen & Rachel for organizing another amazing #LitsyLove swap!!!!
Aaaah, I loved the character of the victim as described in the first couple of chapters, so I got surprisingly invested in this one. Lorac's good at a slow unfolding of the mystery that ends up satisfying anyway; definitely more in the procedural line, detective-wise.
This is a fun little mystery written in 1946. So many suspicious characters and odd occurrences that I never figured out the murderer. Think Agatha Christy in the English countryside. Hopefully my family members will enjoy this next installment in our #darguschfamilymarkupbookclub. We missed our flight to London to see @AnnieD so drinking and reading is taking away a little of the pain.
I enjoyed this one slightly more than the other Lorac I read (Bats in the Belfry). It's less bananas and is set during WW2 on the home front, so that added to my interest.
#BookAndSnack: a British Library Crime Classic and peanut M&Ms 😋
Really loved the idyllic thatched house and how Nicholas Vaughn was putting his heart and soul into upgrading the house. I hated when that part was over! I guessed incorrectly who did it, it was entertaining just not as good as the other British Library Crime Classic I recently read.