Currently reading and currently eating. 👌🏻 #darguschfamilymarkupbookclub
Currently reading and currently eating. 👌🏻 #darguschfamilymarkupbookclub
Started @emilyhaldi ‘s pick for the previous round of #darguschfamilymarkupbookclub. Somehow we have two rounds going on simultaneously. 😅
And I broke out one of my very favorite bath bombs to start off the weekend. Lush‘s Turmeric Latte.
Going to make sure to start the morning off right as we finish out our last few days in quarantine.
This is my pick for the new edition of #darguschfamilymarkupbookclub. I‘m loving it—Tyler really captures the nuances of marriage. Hope my family agrees!
Hoping this glass of wine gets me more excited about my current read 🦖😂
#Darguschfamilymarkupbookclub 🖊
Got to page 90 before I had to admit this book is not very good 😝That‘s my second bail of the day😳
This mystery leaves a little something to be desired... And is atleast 50 pages too long. But it did make for a fun mark-up bookclub read! I enjoyed being able to express my annoyance with these characters right there on the page 😝📝 Passing on to @Mdargusch to read next 🤗
I‘ve got a sick kid today (nothing serious, slight fever from ear infection) and she is very concerned that I‘m writing in my book. 😆 I realized quite quickly that I had to explain that usually it‘s NOT ok to write in books. Especially library or school books. And to always ask mom first if you need to write in a book. She seems accepting of this. 🤞🏻 #darguschfamilymarkupbookclub
This is my pick for our next round of #darguschfamilymarkupbookclub and I‘m planning on starting it ASAP. A group of girls goes on a picnic in 1900 and not all of them returned. Did they die? Were they murdered? #howiwoulddie #soaringscores
This is a fun little mystery written in 1946. So many suspicious characters and odd occurrences that I never figured out the murderer. Think Agatha Christy in the English countryside. Hopefully my family members will enjoy this next installment in our #darguschfamilymarkupbookclub. We missed our flight to London to see @AnnieD so drinking and reading is taking away a little of the pain.
I‘m letting readers vote on my next choice for #darguschfamilymarkupbookclub. Let me know if you‘ve read any of these or you think it would be a good choice for marking up. (Sometimes bad is good 😉)