Abandoning—I would have loved this in my 20s. Now, I prefer the author‘s 4000 Weeks.
Abandoning—I would have loved this in my 20s. Now, I prefer the author‘s 4000 Weeks.
If the positive thinking mantra is not your thing, I would most definitely recommend reading this book for a different outlook and indeed a different path to happiness.
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Goals. Achievement. Targets. Quotas. All of these are things that people use to go after that thing we call happy. But what is happy? And why are we so convinced that always striving for something better will get us to that happy? This books walks folks through the idea that we actually do better when we stop focusing on doing better. That not thinking about the negative or failure is detrimental to our being good humans. Important read.
As a therapist, I'm often frustrated by positive psychology (and the self-help cults that have grown up around it). Antidote isn't just a takedown of the happiness industry; it also provides alternatives. Definitely recommended.