This novel had a magnetic draw on my mind. I couldn‘t put it down. A thriller with many turns and twists. I had my favorite characters and several I wasn‘t sure about. Several times I thought I had the mystery solved. I gave this 4.75/5
This novel had a magnetic draw on my mind. I couldn‘t put it down. A thriller with many turns and twists. I had my favorite characters and several I wasn‘t sure about. Several times I thought I had the mystery solved. I gave this 4.75/5
This book was so good!! Creepy, atmospheric and I couldn‘t put it down.
#MOvember #RescueMe I read this one during the year & really liked it. Marian Engtstom is working scientifically in the wild , learning to train #rescue dogs. This is a thriller with a serial killer & it is set in nature - forests, mountains, ( snow ❄️ ) & there are dogs ... everything I love. A great read.
I really liked this book, the main characters struggle is one I've always been super curious about and I think the author did a great job showing us her inner turmoil.
I had this one on my TBR shelf forever! So happy to have finally read it! Loved the plot but not the characters, and some of the writing drove me insane (ironic because the author teachers writing 😂). Bottom line: a win-win because my TBR shelf is in slightly less danger of collapsing and I did enjoy the story.
A great sense of place , of nature , of the characters working scientifically in the wild - a thriller/ a serial killer. Really loved this book AND I guessed the ending 😳... maybe it‘s obvious/ or all this Litsy reading must be giving me an edge ( I never guess endings ) this didn‘t take from the book though ( it‘s not over till it‘s over ) I already have her first book in my possession & looking forward to it : Breaking Wild
My two boys are thrown down in the heat ! It‘s 21 Celsius here .. and this book is so good. ... any frayed edges on the carpet are from Harry‘s wild youth 😄...
I think it‘s that time of the day for a glass of wine & a new book ...
"It‘s a terrible thing to have loved someone and not know the extent to which you‘d been deceived, and a more terrible thing still to love someone and not know if you‘d ever been loved in return. There is something shameful in that prospect, the kind of shame that can reduce a person to someone she no longer recognizes."
The Last Woman in the Forest is a book that you can very easily fall right into. I absolutely loved it! It was terrifying, it was heartbreaking, and it was so interesting!!
#horror #thriller
Today, March 14, is the last day to enter the giveaway.
Good luck, and thanks for entering.
Last night, I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Diane Les Becquets, author of The Last Woman in the Forest and Breaking Wild at Gibson‘s Bookstore in Concord, NH.
"Diane Les Becquets is back with THE LAST WOMAN IN THE FOREST (Berkley Hardcover; March 5, 2019), a thriller about a woman who fears that the man she loved may have been a serial killer."
**Quote courtesy of the publisher.
Spotlight and Giveaway at the link below.
This sounds quite good. Best of luck"
Whoa. I could not stop listening to this thriller. Nicely done & well researched. Those of you—like me—who are outdoorsy or who love dogs will esp. like this. 🎧 mostly read by Emily Rankin & Robert Fass. Really well done: good characterizations & excellent tension/pacing. Put this on your wish list in any media (trigger warning)