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#movember #rescueme

I never officially signed up for the graphic novel reading challenge but I did challenge myself to read at least 2 a month and I have been successful thus far. Ms.Marvel is more comic than novel but I enjoy this series and in these 2 books Ms. Marvel needs some rescuing of her own.

cleoh Ooh I love these! Did you see that there‘s a rumour that it‘s been optioned for tv?? 5y
Cinfhen I read the first comic ~ better than I anticipated but GN/ comics really aren‘t my thing 5y
mrp27 @Cleo I didn't! Thanks for the heads up, such a fun series. 5y
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(Day 3 - #RescueMe)

*Clare Fergusson finds herself in hot water very often in this series, but thankfully Sheriff Russ Van Alstyne is there to get her out of these scrapes. He is forever rescuing her from some of her ill-thought-out activities. (I had this all ready to go yesterday—got sidetracked—but since it was finished I decided to post it anyway, even though it‘s a day late...sorry!) ♥️

Crazeedi I'm not seeing your posts!! What's up with that??? 5y
gradcat Ditto for me. I wrote the same thing to you on a couple of older ones. But I think I am seeing all of yours now. I wonder if this is a common problem on Litsy.... 🤷🏽‍♀️ 5y
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Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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#MOvember @Cinfhen

Playing catch up at the beginning of the month already.


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What an adventurous read! Dorothy wants to be rescued from the strange land she happens to be in accidentally and wishes to go back home, but before that, she goes on a series of thrilling events with her friends (Lion, Scarecrow, and Tin Woodman) and her dog Toto. I absolutely loved reading this tale.

#rescueme #movember

Tanisha_A @Cinfhen You said it! I just got back from my hometown (where my parents live) and i already miss it. 😔 5y
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#Movember #day3 #RescueMe This book was on my #TopReadsOf2017 list, it‘s a great thriller about a young girl that was abducted 3yrs ago, but it‘s also about the investigator the family turns to when all hope is near lost. Naomi is known as the Child Finder, she has a talent for locating & rescuing missing children, because she once was one herself. It has a lot of deep & dark emotion in the story, and does it very well.

Cinfhen I bought this book over the summer and I‘m looking forward to reading it 5y
Lizpixie @Cinfhen I hope you enjoy it as much as I did lovely💚👀🧚🏻 5y
Cinfhen I think there is a sequel 5y
Lizpixie @Cinfhen I didn‘t know that! Thanks, I‘ll have to track it down. I‘m kinda on a library only streak at the moment, money has refused to grow on my trees🌳 #moneystootighttomention (edited) 5y
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I just started this audiobook last week finally, listening to it on my morning commutes. I wouldn‘t mind having Dave Goggins #RescueMe 😍As a Navy Seal & a member of the USAF Tactical Air Control Party & having done Pararescue Pipeline training, being an ultra-marathoner & holding the world record for most pull-ups done in 24 hours (he did 4030 in 17 hours—his 3rd attempt) he is well suited.

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Carrie | Stephen King
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Last month's book club pick was a pretty entertaining read. Ever since I watched the movie in middle school (I'll never forget it 😳) the image of Carrie covered in blood was burned into my memory. But I kind of forgot how fucked up her mom was 😱 Poor Carrie just didn‘t quite know how to ask someone to #rescueme

Cinfhen Im guessing @Meredith3 chose this one 😜 5y
emilyhaldi You know it!!! @Cinfhen 5y
Cinfhen She‘s consistent 😉 5y
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Reviewsbylola I‘m finishing it now! I‘m pleasantly surprised at how much I like it. 5y
Mdargusch Good choice for #rescueme. You are so intuitive @Cinfhen 🤩 5y
Mdargusch I agree Stephanie @Reviewsbylola but I went in completely unbiased since I‘ve never seen the movie or read the book. It‘s a decent horror story to read at Halloween. 5y
Cinfhen I know my Dargusch Girls @Mdargusch 😜💕😘 5y
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