The podcast Shelved By Genre has picked their next unit, which means I'll be reading Mercedes Lackey for the first time! I think there are psychic horses on these?
The podcast Shelved By Genre has picked their next unit, which means I'll be reading Mercedes Lackey for the first time! I think there are psychic horses on these?
I almost forgot that @Eggs #DecemberSong photo challenge starts today!
I read this when I was a teenager (I remember loving it), and I remember a lot of the book taking place in a dismal winter setting. I love winter, but I thought this title was appropriate for In the Bleak Midwinter.
I'm aiming to include photos of books instead of screenshots, but I'm at my parents' house right now and don't have this one with me! #magic #LGBTQ #LGBTQBooks
1. Hmm... My first reaction is a dragon of some sort, but to narrow it down..? 😰 To make it easier on myself, I‘m choosing something different. 😂🤣 I think being a Companion, from the Valdemar books by Mercedes Lackey, would be a pretty cool gig. You get to be a gorgeous horse, bonded to an awesome mage and go on adventures? Yes please!
2. Yes, but thankfully none yet. I like snow well enough, I just wish it could magically not snow on roads.😒
It has been many many years since I read this book and I am glad to reread it now. This was my first book with a gay character and I‘m glad to have read this at a young age. Adult me finds Vanyel a snotty little brat, but I think the way he processes his traumas are realistic and the story of love being both a life saving force and toxic at the same time is powerful. 3.5/5 a good read but very sad.
I read this in high school, during which time I was a struggling reader. I missed many of the details because reading was hard, but I enjoyed reading this book anyway. It was a fun experience, and I loved the connections between magic users. #magic #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtfantasy #lgbtliterature #bard #horses #lgbtcharacter #queerfantasy #queerbook
I had decided I wanted a comfort re-read but on audio and was all set to use my audible credits for this trilogy, but the narrator says the main character‘s name differently from how I‘ve heard it in my head for the last ~25 years so I couldn‘t do it. Instead, watching The Taste as prompted by this perfect bite of my dinner: seared dry scallops and homemade angel hair with fresh lemon juice and basil. #christmas #audiocooking #sevenfishes
I‘m posting, without context, and challenging @Andrew65 #10BooksThatChangedMe.
This is my 5th choice.
Getting beach time in while I can, plus tomatoes from today's garden haul 😊
An assortment of genre mass-market paperbacks #publishedinthe1980s
I've read all of these except Misery - I think I'll read that one this summer. It will be my first Stephen King! #junebookbugs
Day 18: Book That Made You Cry. Since this said book and not books I chose the last book that made me cry. And boy did I ugly cry at the end of the first book of this series. I'm trying to get my courage up to continue. My poor pets didn't know what was going on or why I was petting them so much. Good book though. #riotgrams
So I think I was a bit younger than 17 when I read this series for the first time, but the main character is at the #edgeofseventeen in the first book...I was a teenaged girl, there were talking magic horses and a very deep first love - what's not to love?? #rockinmay
Read for @bookriot 's #ReadHarder challenge to read a fantasy book. Loved this! Cried my eyes out and annoyed my pets loving on them. This book really surprised me. I have read a lot of fantasy and did not expect something main stream to have... never mind, that's spoiler. But a fantastic book and really worth sticking with to the end. Now I need to read the other two books. And love on my dog more since my wife is in Afghanistan currently.
I was lent this book probably 2 to 3 months ago from a friend at work. I need to get this read and it will count for @bookriot 's #ReadHarder challenge to read a fantasy novel. It's funny that since I started following Bookriot I read more widely beyond the my almost exclusive fantasy and lesbian romance, now I'm being tasked to read fantasy and LGBTQ romance.
I had to think about today's #feistyfeb prompt for a bit. I don't reread a lot, and when I do they tend to be books I read as a child/teen, and apparently books that ripped my heart out. This series is probably the one I have #mostreread, but a few others are tagged in the comments.
my mother is downsizing, we spent all weekend sorting her books and packing her keepers (I come by my booklove extremely honestly). These are the ones I snagged. So my task for the afternoon... fit these on my bookshelves somewhere, somehow. #goodproblemstohave