Gotta stay healthy! ☕️
Well except readers. They are my ppl.
📸:: Death Wish Coffee Co.
My new motto: Be Like Coffee!
I can‘t remember my toddler days at all…
📸 :: Death Wish Coffee Co.
My two loves. I mean after my wife and child. Of course. 😝
📸 :: Death Wish Coffee Co.
In an actual coffee emergency, please proceed to your nearest barista for further instructions.
📸 :: Death Wish Coffee Co.
And days of the week that end in Y.
📸 :: Death Wish Coffee Co.
How is it only Tuesday? Monday surely lasted at least three days.
📸 :: Death Wish Coffee Co.
I suppose I should have tagged Marie Kondo but her book didn‘t spark joy, so I tossed it.
I thought this was a very Groucho thing to say.
📸 :: Death Wish Coffee Co.