Watched an old favorite last night!
#scarathlon #TeamCreepinItReal 6 pts
Watched an old favorite last night!
#scarathlon #TeamCreepinItReal 6 pts
Really enjoyed this reboot, all the things I loved from the tv series plus the LGBTQ+ stuff right from the start. Plus my favourite librarian #TeamGiles
Buffy is back in high school, but set in present day instead of late 90‘s so it‘s a bit more woke. Was so delighted to see everyone but mostly it made me want to go back and rewatch season 1.
I am a total Buffy geek, so even though I stopped reading post-series comics years ago, I had to pick this one up because it starts at the beginning with Buffy in (slightly AU) high school. Makes me want to write fanfic and dig out all my memorabilia. B/A forever.
I'm not totally sold on this #comics reboot of #BtVS but I'm intrigued enough to keep reading. It goes back to the beginning of the story, but it's set in present day. Some characters who didn't appear until much later (Spike, Druscilla, Anya) are there from the beginning and other characters are slightly changed (Willow is confident and an out lesbian, for example). I'm not sure how I feel about the changes but I'm open. I love the art!
Read June 16, 4.5 ⭐️. I was on the fence if I wanted a rebooted modern-day BtVS. But I gave it a chance and so far I love it. I am looking forward to Vol. 2. The art is great. The subtle changes to the characters are great. The story, so far, is really good if a tad bit fast paced. That said I am not sure if I like the direction Xander is being taken.
Nostalgia is a difficult thing. I love Buffy. That said, it's not without its problems. It's tough to confront that and not wonder, what would this look like today?
So Whedon and Belliare hit the reset button.
Sunnydale High, 2018. Buffy is new in town, and she has a badass secret. Willow is confident and out. Xander is... Xander, but mopier. Giles is losing patience. And the big bad just rolled in.
Familiar, but so different, and so good.
Volume 1! Headed home from the office as soon as I got the amazon notification that my preorder had been delivered 😍
I'll be finishing my day remotely so I can crack it open as soon as my work is complete.
Finished crocheting my bag and decorated it with some bookish pins. Grr Argh is my favourite, but I'm also in love with the Frankenstein quote on the heart: "Beware, for I am fearless and therefore powerful."
Issue 2: Quite the entrance. I think I love it...
No #NCBD for me today as the delivery truck for my local comic shop was delayed (maybe tomorrow, Friday at the latest).
Luckily, I buy Buffy digitally so at least I get 1 new comic today. 👍
A modern reboot of Buffy's story. It's always hard to tell with a single issue, but this definitely looks like a fun & promising comic. Loved the art which is clearly recognizable as the original actors but with updated looks. Most of the dialogue was spot on too, though it sometimes got a bit explainy. Looking forward to reading more of this one to see where it goes-- especially since they're clearly not sticking to the original storyline.
How did I NOT know about this Buffy reboot?? It‘ll be interesting to see where this goes.
Nice Firefly reference in there too.
So, I'm sitting here browsing ComiXology...as one does...and all of a sudden...
I mean...I knew about it...but totally forgot!
So now it's 1am on a Tuesday and I'm sitting here reading friggen Buffy! 😅
Don't get me wrong, new Buffy is a good thing! But so is sleep! 🤷♂️
God damn I love that Slayer. ❤️
Getting reading to start the #24B4Monday Readathon! I decided instead of choosing books from my evergrowing TBR pile I would try to finish the books I started this month and did not finish. Plus I added in the new Buffy comic. Happy Reading Everyone! @TheReadingMermaid @Andrew65