Last weekend I got engaged 💍❤️ (it still seems strange to write it!) and our flat is filling with flowers in lieu of well wishers. Here are some that arrived today.
Last weekend I got engaged 💍❤️ (it still seems strange to write it!) and our flat is filling with flowers in lieu of well wishers. Here are some that arrived today.
This book is only 1.99 today! I really liked this book. It is chick lit with a unique premise. The main character Molly finds herself full of angst when her boyfriend writes a book based on his past relationship. This book is the definition of a summer read. It is a quick novel that you can devour while sitting at the pool, or in my case, in the boat at the lake.
I've heard so many pleasant things about this book I was expecting to really enjoy it. And I was in the beginning. Somewhere in the middle it took a turn for me and became a story where every character was behaving horribly and I just could not root for anyone. Luckily for me it took a turn after the mid-point and I was satisfied with the way it came together in the end.
Why? Just why?