3.9⭐️ i‘ve said it before and I‘ll say it again… I like Colleen Hoover. Now is this one of her better books, no. But it was super cute, super short and made me smile and that‘s a win for me.
3.9⭐️ i‘ve said it before and I‘ll say it again… I like Colleen Hoover. Now is this one of her better books, no. But it was super cute, super short and made me smile and that‘s a win for me.
This one was BEAUTIFUL! And my favorite of the series. 😭 talk about heart strings.
There was a lot going on towards the end, it was a pretty good one.
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Honestly, this novella was everything I didn‘t know I needed! Beautiful!
#ColleenHoover #FindingCinderella
Perhaps a bit unrealistic, but a nice book where things work out can be a relief periodically.
I love CoHo but this book was all kinds of nope. First, I don't want to read about HS kids having sex and saying the things they were. Second, it was just a bad story. Short story or not, it moved too fast and was not believable. The way the parents talked to their son was gross and over the top. I didn't like this book.
Its cozy pj, coffee and reading day! Its a perfect rainy day today!
Although this is novella in length (part of the Hopeless Series) the author has managed to pack a full length novel into this one! Once again Kleenex will be your friend. The romance is sweet and believable. This author is an automatic buy for me now!
This was almost a so-so for me. I love Colleen Hoover‘s books, but I didn‘t love this one.
About to start this journey. I needed a different pace book than vampire diaries for a little bit. Hope this journey is worth taking.
Six and Daniel are so cute, loved this short little story ❤️
I find myself surprised to like this one. I‘m not a Colleen Hoover fan at all, but this one hit me in the feels.
#WinterGames #SlayBells #HolidayRead @midnightbookgirl
"I don't even know if people should use the words fucking and angel in the same thought structure, but shit. She really looks like a fucking angel.."
I loved how Colleen Hoover took two minor characters and expanded their story in this novella. When I read Losing Hope, I knew that there had to be more to Six's adventures in Italy by the way she blew off Sky's questions about her travels and romance. Do I wish it was more than a novella? Absolutely! But it's still a satisfying, bow on top read.
This book was way too short! 😱😩 I want more!! 😜
I had a really shitty day yesterday. The plans I had for the 4th of July (which consisted of working 8hrs and getting paid for 16) I can no longer do, and I find myself needing to make some difficult financial decisions. I need a little light-heartedness to take my mind off my troubles.
So on that note, which one is y'all?
I didn't hate it but I didn't love it. I didn't hate the characters but I had a few issues with the book. First some of the situations & topics that were brought up were a little odd & far-fetched. Also Daniel's parents seemed extremely irresponsible. I found it to be a little cheesy & predictable. I listened to the audiobook during a four hour drive & I actually liked the voice actor which I'm normally picky about. Basically it passed the time.
Such a cute little story. I really connected to the characters, as I do in all of Colleen's stories. I loved the character of Daniel and really connected to him, which is surprising bc it's hard for a girl to relate to a guy, I feel. overall, I loved it. Swoon.
Free ebook on Amazon!!! This short and sweet novella tugs at your heart. Daniel will make you laugh and swoon. I personally think the coolest part of this book is that fact that one of my tweets made it in there. We wanted and pushed for it to be printed. So much fun.