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Grand Hotel
Grand Hotel | Vicki Baum
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Grand Hotel | Vicki Baum
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Our NYRB Classics book club turns 5 this month 🎉 This was our first meeting in Sep 2018, discussing Grand Hotel.
I‘m grateful for the friendship and amazing book discussions (yes, we have read 61 titles 😎)

Officially, we have 213 registered members, but only 6-8 serious regulars 🙈 Here in Singapore, I noticed that people like the idea of joining a book club but not the actual acts of reading and discussing 😆

Dilara That's definitely not just in Singapore 😆 😊 13mo
Tamra I wish I could be there! 13mo
AlaMich Especially when there are snacks and wine! 13mo
Ruthiella Awesome! 😃 13mo
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Grand Hotel | Vicki Baum
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I still feel guilty about it though. This was a May #bookspin and I've avoided reading it. Parts of it were very good but if it's been weeks and I don't look forward to reading it that can't be a good sign.

AmyG Ha! 4y
Sace @AmyG I couldn't take it any more. 😔 4y
TheAromaofBooks Sometimes you just gotta let it go!!! But since it's off your list, it still counts for #BookSpin, so at least there is that!! 4y
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Sace @TheAromaofBooks I was sort of wondering but I didn't want to nag you with yet another question. 😂 4y
TheAromaofBooks haha I literally never mind people asking me questions about #BookSpin!!! And I love seeing everyone's thoughts on their books, even if they are sad ones lol I figure the actual “goal“ of the challenge is to reduce the TBR, so if that means trying a book and writing it off, that works for me!! 4y
Sace @TheAromaofBooks Earlier today I felt a little guilty about DNFing but now all I feel is relief. 😂 4y
TheAromaofBooks I know when I start avoiding a book, it's time to let it go!!! 4y
UwannaPublishme This is hilarious! 😁👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Sace @UwannaPublishme had to create some joy out of the experience. 😁 4y
Sace @Daisey @Riveted_Reader_Melissa This was done with Over. I do love the gridlines and being able to make shapes out of book covers. 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Sace It gets easier the more you play with it too. 4y
Daisey I agree that the grid lines really help with layout and it has gotten much easier over time. I‘ve never played with different shapes for the covers, I‘ll have to look into that. 4y
Sace @Daisey unfortunately I can't remember how I managed that 🙄 4y
Sace @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I'm sure it will. Like I said, the main thing now is the extra step of finding, downloading and saving covers before going to Over. Or am I missing something? 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Sace Nope that‘s how I do it, save the elements in my phone pictures, then open Over. The nice thing about Over is that it will keep your projects and you can go back into Over later and add or change elements without starting over. 4y
Sace @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I think I might end up using Over for things that involve one cover. I can also save projects with Pic collage. So basically I've been using the same Weekly Forecast/Book Report project for a couple weeks but just editing every week. #lazy. 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Sace I‘ve been doing the same thing but with Over! 😂 4y
Sace @Riveted_Reader_Melissa it's just so much easier. I just change the background/fonts (sometimes.) 4y
Sace @Riveted_Reader_Melissa and now that I think about it, the front in work of search, crop and save would be time consuming now because I've got a bunch of books going at once, but as the weeks progress I would only be looking for one or two covers a week. 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Sace Exactly! I do a lot of work the beginning of each month (usually during commercials or while listening to the news) with my monthly TBR “hopefully” graphic, then I just leave those cropped covers in my phone pictures...and use the same book covers for weekly check-in, end of the month wrap up, etc. just needing to add books I added during the month. Only at the end of the month if I‘ve finished it, do I delete the cover photo off my phone.. 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa If I haven‘t finished it yet, or even started it, I just leave it in my photos because I‘ll “probably” read it the next month. 4y
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Grand Hotel | Vicki Baum
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"The hall porter was a little white about the gills as he came out of the No. 7 phone booth."

My second #bookspin for May. I doubt I will finish on time though. I blame Jane Austen.

BarbaraBB Great cover though. Very appealing 😻 4y
Sace I love this cover. Sometimes I take a break from reading just to stare at it. Maybe that's why I'm so behind! 4y
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Grand Hotel | Vicki Baum
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Everyone lives behind double doors...

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Grand Hotel | Vicki Baum
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I was weak again.

suvata Hey, it happens! 5y
Sace @suvata I wish it didn't happen so much! I'm running out of room 🤣 5y
KarouBlue This one has a great film adaptation starring Greta Garbo! (edited) 5y
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Grand Hotel | Vicki Baum
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#FOMO 1920s style

LeahBergen 😆😆 5y
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Grand Hotel | Vicki Baum
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#WanderingJune Day 11: Apparently, quite a number of novels with #GrandHotel as title. Tagged book intrigues me because it is a potential #NYRBBookClub title!

BarbaraBB Too bad there isn‘t a blurb for the tagged book! Based on its title and publisher I‘d buy it though 😀 5y
Cinfhen Same!!! And the cover art @BarbaraBB 😍 5y
BarbaraBB Thank you @Liz_M 💜. This book sounds awesome! @Cinfhen 5y
Liz_M I bought it because the spine was yellow and too many nyrb books are navy, forest green, black, or maroon. 😁 5y
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