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Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (Star Wars)
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (Star Wars) | Geof Smith
5 posts | 3 read | 1 to read
An adaptation of the Star Wars movie in which Anakin Skywalker begins his path to the dark side as he's faced with haunting dreams that his wife's in danger.
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I would like everyone to meet Aayla, the newest addition to our household! This sweet baby was rescued from a trash bag by a local couple who rehomes strays, and she‘s so, so precious. She‘s still getting used to the apartment (and her new name - her dad is a massive Star Wars nerd) but she and Cozzy are getting along so far (minimal hissing through the doors)!

BookmarkTavern How cute! 💕 3y
BookwormAHN 💜💜💜 3y
JessClark78 🖤🖤 3y
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Prophecies aren‘t always understood or accurate or take into account #choice.

#Quotsy #QuotsyMar19 #LitsyQuoteChallenge

TK421 He didn't have the high ground. 5y
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I've hated not participating in #seasonsreadings2016 the last few days! Thyroid surgery recovery is going well. I'm sleeping most of the day away, but when I woke up and was functional for a moment, I had to add my #characteronthenaughtylist. Now I will go back to sleep, and I will try to at least come heart some of your posts even if I don't add many of my own over the next little while. Happy holidays, friends!

DGRachel Glad recovery is going well! 💜 8y
Simona Happy holidays to you too and I wish you speedy recovery 👍 8y
Godmotherx5 Glad to hear recovery is going well! 8y
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moranadatter Glad to hear it is going well. Happy holidays to you too! 8y
Dragon Rest up and heal. Happy Holidays 😀 8y
saresmoore Happy holidays and healing to you! ❤ 8y
Louise Rest well! Glad surgery was successful! 🎄✨ 8y
LeahBergen Feel better soon! 8y
RealLifeReading Thanks for taking part while you're recovering!!! 😘 8y
Karen_V Best wishes for a quick and easy recovery! 8y
Graciouswarriorprincess Feel better soon! 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Sending wishes for a speedy recovery! 8y
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My little Jedi @Audiobookhead

NovelGirl82 Love it!! I'm watching Empire Strikes Back right now! 8y
booksandcats13 Adorable! 8y
JoeStalksBeck @NovelGirl82 it took some time to get her to watch it but once she did she is all about it lol 8y
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NovelGirl82 I'm ashamed to say that I didn't start watching until I was an adult. My house was a Trekkie house, but thankfully my hubs is a Star Wars man. I became an instant fangirl! 8y
JoeStalksBeck @NovelGirl82 my husband is the Trek guy I'm the Star Wars girl lol 8y
NovelGirl82 I must admit that, although I grew up in a Trekkie house, I'm actually a much bigger Star Wars fan now. I do still enjoy Star Trek, but I prefer Star Wars. 8y
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TFW you realize you bought your Kindle just outside of the Apple Settlement. 😂😭😂😭😂😭

StephTKO Me too lol 8y
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