My #BookSpin list for November! Most of these are physical books that have been on my TBR for quite a while, and the others are a mix of audiobooks and ebooks I've been wanting to read.
"...I shake every memory of Dad out like a sweater, then try to put it into one of two piles: things Mom told me, and things I actually saw or heard for myself...." This book is hitting me in the feels right now, thanks to being able to relate to the main character so much.
So I'm going to follow suit in what I've seen other folks do and create a separate list for my #Bookspin and #Doublespin selections to honor the #NonfictionNovember initiative 😁
Which means... I gotta go tweak my other list just a wee bit and make it my #BookSpinBingo list!
Y'all still with me, right? 😉
I might have finished 20 books for #RIP but I bought 34. Looks like I'm putting myself on yet another book-buying ban until I've cleared out some shelf space.
Trying to hide my #November #BookSpinBingo list within a picture of our view from home. A gorgeous Fall sunset 🥰
For those curious: AF = Adult Fiction, GN = graphic novel, MG = middle grade, #NFN = #NonfictionNovember, YA = Young Adult
🇪🇸 Tratando de esconder mi lista de lectura para Noviembre en una fotografía del panorama en frente de nuestra casa. Una bella puesta de sol en Otoño 🍁🍂