Thanks @Libby1 for the next #mhroundrobin. I still haven‘t read the last one but I‘ll catch up soon. Thank you for the chocolate too it was delicious 😋
Thanks @Libby1 for the next #mhroundrobin. I still haven‘t read the last one but I‘ll catch up soon. Thank you for the chocolate too it was delicious 😋
This lovely parcel arrived a week ago from @daydreamin_star for #WhodunnitUK and #MentalHealthRoundRobin . Thanks to @TCLinrow and @jenniferw88 for your selections. I‘ll be sending them on to @youneverarrived and @Caroline2 soon!
I only got a half hour into this book and was so livid I couldn't read anymore. This book was a travesty to teens and mental health sufferers alike in its "look how chic I am talking about being depressed in a hospital." Bottom line: if mental health has touched your life in any way or you care about an accurate portrayal of it, this will only serve to frustrate you. There are way better books out there on this topic. I'll tag some in comments.
Thank you Rachel for sending along this #MHRoundRobin parcel! You're bang on time - and I am behind!! Looking forward to reading this one though. :)
Hi @TCLinrow - thank you for your #mhroundrobin pick - it sounds great, and I'll enjoy getting stuck into the Isle of Man toffees! 😋 The pen and candle are so sweet as well - thanks again 😁
Feel better Pilot. We hope that the doctors figure out what‘s going on with Pilot quickly so that they can get him fixed up soon. Lots of love from Dexter and I (Please ignore the Freddy Kruger claws. They have since been trimmed!)#getwellpilot @DGRachel @TricksyTails #getbettersoonpilot
I got about 15 pages in: which isn‘t a good indication as to if the book is good or not. I just wasn‘t that interested in the character and the writing from the beginning. Maybe it‘ll be something I have to try later on, next year possibly?
I want to wish a speedy recovery to a fellow Liten. We're rooting for you.
@DuckOfDoom sending some healing Litten love. Hope you feel better soon. 😷🤒🤕🤧
This book was easy to read. Did give my some flashbacks to my teen years. Overall, I liked the book. I find it interesting that the author based it on herself and that she is a school librarian.