It‘s October, so it‘s time for a spooooooooooky read.
It‘s October, so it‘s time for a spooooooooooky read.
Complex-good read. Much about Brannon, makes me more confused about how Trump is capable of running office
Save your money and check this out from the library. Nothing new here. His only source seems to be Steve Bannon, who gleefully sings like a canary to promote his own scary agenda.
Wait. In his last book Wolff said Trump ate cheeseburgers in bed. Is he eating dinner in bed?
Hmmm. That's an odd paragraph. Everything I have read about Meadows and McCarthy says that they are friends. Just a lot of jockeying for position within the GOP since they both want to be the leader.
On to my second book for the weekend
First day total
I don‘t know why I‘m doing this to myself again; it‘s not like I‘m gonna‘ learn anything new about the fact that we‘ve been fckd for three years and possibly have five more ahead of us because his base is rabid. 🙄 But the fact that this book exists at all upsets him, so yes, I‘m gonna‘ read it. #siege #michaelwolff #notmypresident #herrorange
Meh. More of the same. Seems like Bannon was his only source. #24B4Monday. Third book finished.
This book didn't seem all that different from Fire & Fury, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's bad in that you'll want to take a shower after reading about this disgusting piece of human garbage, but if you can stomach that type of thing--and the book's lack of popularity compared to Fire & Fury is most likely due to some serious Trump fatigue--it's worth it.
The National Embarrassment's response to the rape allegations against Brett Cavanaugh. The myopia of this waste of human life is astounding. "I'm a rapist piece of shit, so EVERY man must be a rapist piece of shit!"
Almost every observer of Trump‘s presidency agreed that the appointment and confirmation of Neil Gorsuch had been one of the smoother White House manoeuvres. They also agreed that the reason it had been so smooth was that the White House--and Trump himself--had very little to do with it.
For both Murdoch and Ailes, Trump and Hannity had been a shared bit of incredulity, a measure of how far you could go on lots of ambition and little brain power.
Not sure why there's that big gap between "almost" and "everybody." Some kind of technical glitch. Or maybe it's to give the reader a much needed break from the disturbing passage that they just read.
(Continued) He often failed to acknowledge his son Eric when they found themselves together. He seemed to single out Don Jr just for ridicule--and at the same time praise Don Jr's rival in the Trump political circle, Corey Lewandowski.
"I never saw any evidence of a marriage," said Bannon of his time in the White House. Most mentions of Melania drew a puzzled look from Trump, as if to say, "How is she relevant?"