Finished this TBR book this morning. #WinterGames #TeamGameSleighers #BookSpinBingo #AVerMerryReadathon #DashingDecember #WinterCosy #WrapItUpReadathon #HolidayHorrorsReadathon #Adventathon #ChristmasMyWay

Finished this TBR book this morning. #WinterGames #TeamGameSleighers #BookSpinBingo #AVerMerryReadathon #DashingDecember #WinterCosy #WrapItUpReadathon #HolidayHorrorsReadathon #Adventathon #ChristmasMyWay
So I had been enjoying these books as a #AudioCommute, but I just couldn't anymore. Queen Betsy is whiny and entitled and obsessed with shoes. So at first I was okay with all that but it got to be too much for me!
Bailing on the rest of this series! It just felt too ugh!
Pick of scary doll with teeth (because I like to post pics when I post anything)
#ParanormalLoveCrew (#PLC)
@AkashaVampie @Bookworm54 @jb72 @AsYouWish @Mrs_B
New #AudioCommute book :)
#ParanormalLoveCrew (#PLC)
@AkashaVampie @Bookworm54 @jb72 @AsYouWish @Mrs_B