Didn‘t finish this, found it too slow moving. Might be an unreliable narrator but not enough happened to@keep me engaged.
Didn‘t finish this, found it too slow moving. Might be an unreliable narrator but not enough happened to@keep me engaged.
I loved, loved, loved this book. It's one of those psychological thrillers where you don't know if something is real or if it is happening inside the person's head. The characters are well-developed. You hold your breath reading it. I think I devoured it in a couple days.
There's more than one #dinnerfortwo here that might not be what it seems. 🧐 #aprella
@Cinfhen @Mdargusch @emilyhaldi @Reviewsbylola
Struggled with this one. Not the best book I‘ve read and not sure there was any point to it. Hopefully the next one from Reading in Heels will be better.
i didnt like it but you may. too long of a story bending thriller and weak ending, i thought. :/
Intriguing premise. Fandom gone wrong? I don‘t want to give too much away.
Extensive exploration of fact vs fiction in writing...and life.
This started too slowly for me and then came to a crescendo too quickly at the end.
If nothing else, it will certainly make great fodder for discussion at Book Club at the end of the month. Maybe a ⭐️⭐️⭐️ read 🤔.
About to enjoy a cup of tea and some of my #currentread for book club, which fits today‘s #UncannyOctober prompt #firstpersonnarrator
Intriguing so far...
Pure fiction --- what is it? What do you think? Is there such a thing? I've always thought not! @MrsMalaprop
A recent purchase . It has now been picked for next book club read. As I'll be away for the next meet up I decided to read it now. For me a very profound read. At first I thought I would have to bail. However I kept going and so very glad I did. Wish I could be here to hear the discussion. I have a feeling it will either be loved or hated. Highly recommend. @MrsMalaprop I'll be very interested to hear what you think.
A Big W purchase. Not sure why. Just started to read reviews on here , had to stop. They are mixed. 🙃 . Not sure when I'll get to read it. So many books!!! @MrsMalaprop
I expected to love this book! Instead, meh. I enjoy voice-driven, atmospheric novels & the metafictional aspect is intriguing. My problem: the language. 1st person needs a unique sensibility & language, imo. The prose here is curiously generic & pedestrian. To me, it's only the last 100 pages that have force; the ideas are energised as lines blur between "real" experience & imagination. The concept is fascinating but it's not enough; I was bored.
Loved BASED ON A TRUE STORY by Delphine de Vigan. She is a wonder, masterfully blurring the lines between fiction and reality. This is a book you'll NEED to talk about! See my full review here: http://www.novelvisits.com/based-true-story-delphine-de-vigan/
A friend who slowly creeps into your life and begins to influence your decisions, your personality.. your whole life. But what's real and what's fiction? An extraordinarily great book. I'm referring to the #germanedition #audible #audiobook. Awesome narrator added even more intensity!
Ooooo, this sounds intriguing! 📚☠️🤘🏻
Was ist Fiktion? Was ist wahr? Ein beeindruckender Roman über eine Schriftstellerin, die nach einem Bestseller nicht mehr schreiben kann und eine Frau in ihr Leben lässt, die ihr auf unheimliche Weise immer ähnlicher wird. Unglaublich packend und gut erzählt, mit einer spannenden Wendung am Schluss. Toll!