Ungelesene Bücher aus dem Regal können überraschen. #alkennedy #shortstories #love #funnysad #germanedition
Ungelesene Bücher aus dem Regal können überraschen. #alkennedy #shortstories #love #funnysad #germanedition
Do you know this book by @nina_lacour & @davidlevithan ? It's really super cute. And I love mark 😍♥️ #youknowmewell #germanedition
Re-reading one of my favorite books of all time. I'm in the process of reading all 4 books of the "The Cemetery of Forgotten Books" series. I'm in love with Carlos Ruiz Zafón's writing style.❤️ #audiobook #germanedition #derschattendeswindes
Since my dear friend @Jinjer recommended this one, I started today. #germanedition #audiobook from #audible. Halfway through, so far so good. Really unnerving at times 😑
So I bought this very cute #germanedition mini hardcover of #prideandprejudice recently, but now decided to listen to the #audiobook nevertheless. But isn't that a beautiful little book? Interestingly, this edition (2014) and the audiobook (2005) are different translations. Not sure yet which I like better. As for the book so far: ITS BRILLIANT! I'm in love! ❤️ Anyone surprised? 😉 #janeausten
Let the reading weekend begin! #theterranauts #dieterranauten #germanedition #weekend
Still sealed... waiting for me, to be opened and read this upcoming weekend. After tons of #audiobooks I'll actually read a printed book again. Can't wait for a relaxing weekend reading on the couch #TheTerranauts #TCBoyle #germanedition #DieTerranauten
A friend who slowly creeps into your life and begins to influence your decisions, your personality.. your whole life. But what's real and what's fiction? An extraordinarily great book. I'm referring to the #germanedition #audible #audiobook. Awesome narrator added even more intensity!
Yay, my aunt sent me a care package with books and tea😍 They're in my native language, German. Been looking forward to reading them!
#German #germanedition
My Currently Read ist the new german translation of "Sense and Sensibility" by Jane Austen. There are only 60 pages left and i'm really sad that it will end so early. The Story really caught me. I think everybody should have Read this! #books #classic #janeausten #senseandsensibility #germanedition #fischerverlag