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D'Apres Une Histoire Vraie
D'Apres Une Histoire Vraie | Delphine Vigan (De)
26 posts | 25 read | 35 to read
- Ce livre est le recit de ma rencontre avec L.L. est le cauchemar de tout ecrivain.Ou plutot le genre de personne qu un ecrivain ne devrait jamais croiser.-"
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Based on a True Story | Delphine de Vigan

Didn‘t finish this, found it too slow moving. Might be an unreliable narrator but not enough happened to@keep me engaged.

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Based on a True Story | Delphine de Vigan
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Catching a few rays through the window. Loving this book...

Baseret p en sand historie | Delphine de Vigan
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D'Apres Une Histoire Vraie | Delphine Vigan (De)
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I loved, loved, loved this book. It's one of those psychological thrillers where you don't know if something is real or if it is happening inside the person's head. The characters are well-developed. You hold your breath reading it. I think I devoured it in a couple days.

Based on a True Story | Delphine de Vigan
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There's more than one #dinnerfortwo here that might not be what it seems. 🧐 #aprella

@Cinfhen @Mdargusch @emilyhaldi @Reviewsbylola

Cathythoughts De Vigan .. 🤔 6y
Reggie One of my favorite movies is Single White Female. “Hey, you like my new hair, it looks just like yours.” “Addie is that my belt?” “I didn‘t think you‘d mind me borrowing it” lol 6y
Reviewsbylola This sounds creepy af! 6y
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Mdargusch Sounds disturbing. 6y
emilyhaldi I‘m with @Reggie I looove single white female!! 😆👏🏻 6y
Suet624 There‘s that mention of Richard and Judy Bookclub again.... 6y
batsy @Cathythoughts This one didn't work for me mainly because of the writing. But it has some good reviews and the premise is intriguing. Psychological study... You might find it of interest 🙂 6y
batsy @Reggie ? It's a great movie! Book was truing to be more "literary" than movie and I'm not sure it worked ??‍♀️ 6y
batsy @Reggie *trying 6y
batsy @Reviewsbylola @Mdargusch Not quite creepy enough, was my problem! 6y
batsy @Suet624 Haha yes, I remember @emilyhaldi inquiring about them in the past 😂 They appear to have read all the books! 6y
Cathythoughts Sorry @batsy I‘ve never heard of this book or author at all. And was only commenting on the authors name. My comment and 🤔face was because I thought it was a play on words ( dinner for two .... de vigan ( vegan) ) ... that‘s all I meant 🙄😬 6y
batsy @Cathythoughts Oh 😂😂 6y
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Based on a True Story | Delphine de Vigan
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Struggled with this one. Not the best book I‘ve read and not sure there was any point to it. Hopefully the next one from Reading in Heels will be better.

Based on a True Story | Delphine de Vigan
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February‘s #ReadingInHeels Subscription Box
The best way to start a Monday 💗

DivaDiane Hey there! Is your Stacked To Read list populated with books you don‘t own? 7y
April2 Hey @DivaDiane ! Yes it is, all of the books stacked on my To Read list are all unowned. 7y
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Based on a True Story | Delphine de Vigan
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i didnt like it but you may. too long of a story bending thriller and weak ending, i thought. :/

Based on a True Story | Delphine de Vigan
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Intriguing premise. Fandom gone wrong? I don‘t want to give too much away.
Extensive exploration of fact vs fiction in writing...and life.
This started too slowly for me and then came to a crescendo too quickly at the end.
If nothing else, it will certainly make great fodder for discussion at Book Club at the end of the month. Maybe a ⭐️⭐️⭐️ read 🤔.

Tamra Love your succulent! (Ok, that reads a little salacious, but know what I mean!) 😂 7y
batsy I felt the same! I enjoyed the exploration of fiction vs truth in certain sections but it wasn't enough to make a story. I agree with your assessment of the slow start and rushed ending. 7y
MrsMalaprop @Tamra 😂. It IS looking fabulous 😊. 7y
MrsMalaprop @batsy 👍 I think it's a great book club choice as there's much to discuss. 7y
Jeg Well said. Just about what I felt about the pace of the read. You will have to tell me how the discussion goes. Sorry to be missing it. 7y
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Based on a True Story | Delphine de Vigan
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Based on a True Story | Delphine de Vigan
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About to enjoy a cup of tea and some of my #currentread for book club, which fits today‘s #UncannyOctober prompt #firstpersonnarrator

Intriguing so far...

LeahBergen Pretty photo! 7y
RealLifeReading Love your pot of succulents! 7y
Jeg Very creative! 😘 7y
MrsMalaprop @RealLifeReading my sister-in-law made up the pot and gave it to me as a birthday gift. I ❤️ it 😊. 7y
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Based on a True Story | Delphine de Vigan
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Pure fiction --- what is it? What do you think? Is there such a thing? I've always thought not! @MrsMalaprop

MrsMalaprop Just starting this today @jeg . The whole fact/fiction issue is an interesting one in the ‘reading for pleasure‘ realm. Aren‘t so many things about perspective in the end? 7y
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Based on a True Story | Delphine de Vigan
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Lots of discussion of what is fiction. @MrsMalaprop

Based on a True Story | Delphine de Vigan
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Being a lefty myself I enjoyed this quote.😊. @MrsMalaprop

Based on a True Story | Delphine de Vigan
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A recent purchase . It has now been picked for next book club read. As I'll be away for the next meet up I decided to read it now. For me a very profound read. At first I thought I would have to bail. However I kept going and so very glad I did. Wish I could be here to hear the discussion. I have a feeling it will either be loved or hated. Highly recommend. @MrsMalaprop I'll be very interested to hear what you think.

MrsMalaprop I‘m intrigued. Waiting until a bit closer to our next meeting to read it. 7y
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Based on a True Story | Delphine de Vigan
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A Big W purchase. Not sure why. Just started to read reviews on here , had to stop. They are mixed. 🙃 . Not sure when I'll get to read it. So many books!!! @MrsMalaprop

Based on a True Story | Delphine de Vigan
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I expected to love this book! Instead, meh. I enjoy voice-driven, atmospheric novels & the metafictional aspect is intriguing. My problem: the language. 1st person needs a unique sensibility & language, imo. The prose here is curiously generic & pedestrian. To me, it's only the last 100 pages that have force; the ideas are energised as lines blur between "real" experience & imagination. The concept is fascinating but it's not enough; I was bored.

batsy This was translated from French by George Miller. I'm not familiar with de Vigan's previous books and don't know French, so I can't tell if this is the author's style or a weakness in the translation. My petulant complaint is: if you're giving me a "literary thriller" about the interiority of the writing mind, the prose can't be lackluster. If it's going to be blah derivative writing, then give me a regular thriller where shit actually happens.? 7y
LauraBeth Another stellar review! ⭐️ 7y
Redwritinghood Great review! 7y
batsy @shawnmooney This didn't work for me. Maybe you'll have better luck! 7y
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Based on a True Story | Delphine de Vigan
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Knuckles likes my #giveaway copy of Based on a True Story

MrBook 😻😻😻 7y
elkeOriginal I like your black cat pillow! 7y
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laurenanalepa @elkeo thanks! It's from Ikea! 7y
elkeOriginal And I like your real black cat too 😻 7y
bitterbear I have the same pillows... 😊 7y
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Based on a True Story | Delphine de Vigan
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Loved BASED ON A TRUE STORY by Delphine de Vigan. She is a wonder, masterfully blurring the lines between fiction and reality. This is a book you'll NEED to talk about! See my full review here: http://www.novelvisits.com/based-true-story-delphine-de-vigan/

Based on a True Story | Delphine de Vigan
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A friend who slowly creeps into your life and begins to influence your decisions, your personality.. your whole life. But what's real and what's fiction? An extraordinarily great book. I'm referring to the #germanedition #audible #audiobook. Awesome narrator added even more intensity!

D'Apres Une Histoire Vraie | Delphine Vigan (De)
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Based on a True Story | Delphine de Vigan
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Ooooo, this sounds intriguing! 📚☠️🤘🏻

LeahBergen It does! 8y
Stephykitten I am super excited to find out what you think of this. It's sounds crazy good 8y
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Nach einer wahren Geschichte | Delphine de Vigan
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Was ist Fiktion? Was ist wahr? Ein beeindruckender Roman über eine Schriftstellerin, die nach einem Bestseller nicht mehr schreiben kann und eine Frau in ihr Leben lässt, die ihr auf unheimliche Weise immer ähnlicher wird. Unglaublich packend und gut erzählt, mit einer spannenden Wendung am Schluss. Toll!

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Baseret p en sand historie | Delphine de Vigan
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Baseret p en sand historie | Delphine de Vigan
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Baseret p en sand historie | Delphine de Vigan
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