We order most of our books for the library from Baker & Taylor. I made sure to stop by their vendor booth at the conference today specifically to pick up their tote. They always have their mascot cats on them. I love this one a lot.
We order most of our books for the library from Baker & Taylor. I made sure to stop by their vendor booth at the conference today specifically to pick up their tote. They always have their mascot cats on them. I love this one a lot.
Books and cats – my two favourite things! I really enjoyed this. There are photos in the middle of the book. Baker and Taylorare so cute, each had their own personalities. They had a fan club made up of a grade 2 class. The teacher had her class write letters (to help them with their writing) every year to the cats, and send gifts. There was some biographical information about the librarian (and author) who mainly took care of the cats, as well
One of my favorite jobs ever was at a library. Unfortunately, there were no cats. 😿 #workplacebooks #somethingforsept #septemberphotochallenge #day5
My Gilbert frequently sits upright, like the titular Taylor. He does not share these cats' temperaments, however, and would be a miserable library cat. I came away from this delightful read appreciating that not every cat is well-suited to a library (and vice versa), but dearly wishing every library had a couple of feline occupants.
This book is about cats in a library. I work in a library, I have two cats. This was a no brainer. Sweet and adorable, I have no qualms saying I shed several tears at the end.