Celebrating that we‘re seeing photos again by posting the oldest photo I could find on my iPhone of me reading. A young me in 2008 with my daughter in a train across Morrocco, reading the tagged book. Robin is playing games on an ancient Nintendo!
Celebrating that we‘re seeing photos again by posting the oldest photo I could find on my iPhone of me reading. A young me in 2008 with my daughter in a train across Morrocco, reading the tagged book. Robin is playing games on an ancient Nintendo!
Excellent for those who want to have a taste of Ondaatje's poetic prose, but not his most excellent work whatsoever.
Bailed on page 75. The opening scenario was gripping, but then one of the women is in France and seems to be falling in love with a Romani dude, and things turn cloyingly horrible. I refuse on principle to finish a book that has this sentence in it: "All over the world there must be people like us, Anna had said then, wounded in some way by falling in love— seemingly the most natural of acts." Just no. No! Nooooooo!
An interesting mix of #sideprofiles
#jubilantjuly @RealLifeReading
I'm hopefully going to get to my first of his books, Divisadero, later this month. And I see that on the Writers & Company podcast this week Eleanor Wachtel is replaying her 1998 interview with Ondaatje so I must have a listen!
They might revoke my citizenship if I finally don't read an Ondaatje novel!