Utterly unacceptable #bookmail.
Utterly unacceptable #bookmail.
I enjoyed this social history of porcelain, which takes the reader to the white hills of China, to the grandeur of 18th century Dresden, to Plymouth via America and ending in the concentration camps of Dachau. With just enough detail about the technicalities of producing and designing porcelain but a real emphasis on its status and role in history. I found it wondered off into de Waal‘s musings occasionally but not enough to stop me reading.
Yes I enjoyed this. Author is an English ceramicist (potter does not do him justice), who examines the history of porcelain , both on a personal basis as an artist, and on a historical basis by travelling to a series of cities around the world who are pivotal to the history of this art. A surprisingly interesting tale covering two continents from a man who understands this subject with a level of expertise I will never possess on any subject.
My closest book shop The Book Grocer does 6 books for $50! This is today's haul. I have wanted to spend some time in there for weeks. Books make me happy when I am sad. I have read De Waal's book The Hare with the Amber Eyes and loved it so hopefully this one is just as good. He writes marvellous descriptions, if you are into that. I wanted to be around for the war, he is that good! I also have an obsession with Vita Sackville-West hence Dennison.
Why do I feel the need for Booklovers Anonymous? My TBR pile is a TBR bookcase yet walk into a bookshop to see what is new and come out with two more books.