A real chiller from my youth.
A real chiller from my youth.
I just spent the last couple of hours going up and down my 2 flights of steps with boxes 😝, my back needs a break and some reading time before my actual #bookfitnesschallenge workout! Spending some time with The Last Time I Saw You and the PGA golf match! #bfc
New post up on @bookriot today about a book that freaked me out when I was a kid. Anyone else have a book from childhood that still haunts you?
Just finished House of Stairs for a reading challenge for a book you loved as a child. What does it say about me that I loved a psychologically messed up book as a kid? Interestingly enough it still holds up today.
I do not like scary books. I have no stomach for horror or anything too creepy. I read House of Stairs in elementary school and I remember being really disturbed by it. And the cover freaks me out still. #scarybook #somethingforsept @RealLifeReading