3am impulse purchase...four used Kate Klise books from betterworldbooks.com. I can read children's books if I want to!! Ok!! @Blueberry
3am impulse purchase...four used Kate Klise books from betterworldbooks.com. I can read children's books if I want to!! Ok!! @Blueberry
Little gems you find in children's books ?
"And be kind to each other. Remember that other people are as real as you. Other people's feelings are as real as yours."
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 A cute start to the 43 Old Cemetery Road series, where author Ignatius Grumply moves to said address for the summer to write the next book in his Ghost Tamer kid's series. As his name suggests, he's an old curmudgeon & gets a big surprise when he finds that he's sharing the home with an abandoned 11 year old Seymour Hope & the ghost of Olive C Spence. They communicate mostly via letter, so this is a quick & fun read. #MiddleGradeMarch
OMIGOSH, this was adorable! A washed up writer rents a house inhabited by the ghost of the former owner and a boy named Seymour, abandoned by his ghost hunting parents. Their story is told through letters, illustrations and newspaper articles and it's absolutely charming! I may gush a bit when I meet Kate Klise... #sorrynotsorry
At the car dealership (😫) and I brought the right book this time! Lol, should be able to bang out the first 2 by the time I leave today...
The best-selling author Ignatius B. Grumply moves into the Victorian mansion at 43 Old Cemetery Road, hoping to find some peace and quiet so that he can crack a wicked case of writer's block.
But 43 Old Cemetery Road is already occupied--by an eleven-year-old boy named Seymour, his cat, Shadow, and an irritable ghost named Olive.
And they have no intention of sharing!
#cemetary #octoberputaspellonyou
Ghostly Greetings!! We‘re so glad you‘re here! Checkout these #Litsytips: http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: http://bit.ly/litsyvideos There‘s so many fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! Check out @LitsyHappenings for details. Everyone please go to this new litten‘s page to start the #whotofollow train! #LitsyWelcomeWagon
Both my kids have a book to recommend to you! This one was devoured by the 7 year old in one afternoon. He loved the way it was told in letters. (An epistolary novel for 7-8 year olds!)
12 year old loved Everything Everything and it‘s now her favourite book. She said one bit was inappropriate. I‘m thinking it must have been kissing, any more than that and she would have run away screaming!
This book is written in formal letters between an author who has rented the house, the young boy who was left behind by the previous inhabitants, and the ghost of the original owner. The peripheral character names are hilarious and it is great fun. Also, the books in this series aren't very big so if you have a 3-5 grader who wants to reD a chapter book but finds it daunting...this is the perfect book.