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The Hours Count
The Hours Count: A Novel | Jillian Cantor
18 posts | 14 read | 30 to read
A spellbinding historical novel about a woman who befriends Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, and is drawn into their world of intrigue, from the author ofMargot. On June 19, 1953, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were executed for conspiring to commit espionage. The day Ethel was first arrested in 1950, she left her two young sons with a neighbor, and she never came home to them again. Brilliantly melding fact and fiction, Jillian Cantor reimagines the life of that neighbor, and the life of Ethel and Julius, an ordinary-seeming Jewish couple who became the only Americans put to death for spying during the Cold War. A few years earlier, in 1947, Millie Stein moves with her husband, Ed, and their toddler son, David, into an apartment on the eleventh floor in Knickerbocker Village on New Yorks Lower East Side. Her new neighbors are the Rosenbergs. Struggling to care for David, who doesnt speak, and isolated from other normal families, Millie meets Jake, a psychologist who says he can help David, and befriends Ethel, also a young mother. Millie and Ethels lives as friends, wives, mothers, and neighbors entwine, even as chaos begins to swirl around the Rosenbergs and the FBI closes in.Millie begins to question her own husbands political loyalty and her marriage, and whether she can trust Jake and the deep connection they have forged as they secretly work with David.Caught between these two men, both of whom have their own agendas, and desperate to help her friends, Millie will find herself drawn into the dramatic course of history. As Millietrusting and naiveis thrown into a world of lies, intrigue, spies and counterspies, she realizes she must fight for what she believes, who she loves, and what is right.
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The Hours Count: A Novel | Jillian Cantor
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Like the author, I‘ve been intrigued by the story of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg since I learned briefly about them in school. I‘ve had this fictional account of their lives told through the eyes of a neighbor on my tbr for 4 years. Glad I finally got to it.

UwannaPublishme Oh, this sounds sooo good. I remember seeing a TV movie about the Rosenbergs. (edited) 3y
megnews @UwannaPublishme I‘d like to learn more. I‘m going to see if I can find a documentary on Netflix or something. 3y
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The Hours Count: A Novel | Jillian Cantor
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The Hours Count: A Novel | Jillian Cantor
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Doing my own private tradition this Christmas Eve. Reading by the light of the tree. Not Icelandic, but have definitely adopted their tradition of Jólabókaflóð. Merry Christmas everyone.

The Hours Count: A Novel | Jillian Cantor
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Enjoying the tree and resting my ankle while starting a new book.

The Hours Count: A Novel | Jillian Cantor
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Somewhere between a pick and a so-so. The story is a pick, the writing not so much.
I‘d never heard of the Rosenbergs before reading The Bell Jar, they don‘t feature in British history! They are a fascinating story though, this book also confirms the stereotype I have of late 1940s/50s US, communist paranoia and everyone smokes!
Were all women as gullible and naive as Millie in this though?
Gift from Cindy 😘

ReadingisMyPassion I read this with my book club. We had the same opinion as you do, 4y
TrishB @ReadingisMyPassion it certainly kept you turning the pages, but lots of holes. How was Millie living with no Ed and no money? 4y
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squirrelbrain I hope the stack didn‘t topple when you pulled this one from the bottom! 4y
TrishB @squirrelbrain careful manoeuvring was needed! 4y
Cinfhen Agreed!!! Bad writing fascinating topic ❤️Glad it finally called to you!!!!! 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great job, even if the book wasn‘t so much! 4y
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The Hours Count: A Novel | Jillian Cantor
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Excellent! A historical fiction set in NY during The Cold War. A story filled with espionage, friendship, paranoia and motherhood. Millie, finds herself in a difficult marriage mothering a son with special needs. She befriends her neighbor Ethel Rosenberg and attempts to live a normal life. She receives support and friendship from Ethel and Julius and becomes a witnesses to their eventual demise. The lack of women's rights may trigger you.

Jenken1998 Knowing little about thieir trial just checked out some nonfiction books to supplement my lack of education 🤣. Apparently there is a lot of conspiracy theories surrounding their trials and executions. Especially Ethel. 5y
Maria514626 @Jenken1998 Sounds fascinating! 5y
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The Hours Count: A Novel | Jillian Cantor
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What makes this book a pick is the actual story, not in the way it‘s written but the sheer reimagining of what it was like living in the early days of the Cold War. America is still recovering from WWII & the threat of Russia obtaining a nuclear bomb is a legitimate concern. The Rosenbergs, the only US civilians to be executed for espionage related activity during the Cold War, is a sad example of misguided prejudice & uncontrollable fear.

TrishB Stacked 👍🏻 I find that paranoia really interesting when I read books set in the 1950s in the US. They really did think the communists were going to overthrow the country. 5y
Cinfhen I sent you a package today but wait on this one & I‘ll send it along with another book I‘m meant to send u if I ever remember 🙄 @TrishB and yes!!! It was so fascinating. America had survived WWII but the idea of Russia dropping a hydrogen bomb or nuclear bomb was a VERY TERRIFYING idea they couldn‘t shake. 5y
TrishB Thank you 😘😘 no rush!! Will still be interesting when it gets here. 5y
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Reviewsbylola This was so-so for me. I didn‘t find it to be very well written. 5y
Cinfhen Yes! I tried to imply that it was NOT the writing but more the setting (and true story) that made this book so readable and interesting. @Reviewsbylola 5y
Reviewsbylola I agree, it was such an interesting topic. I‘ve been curious about her other books but after being let down by this one I haven‘t picked one up yet. I‘m especially interested in 5y
Cinfhen I read it and thought it was VERY mediocre @Reviewsbylola It didn‘t work for me at all. 5y
Reviewsbylola Good to know, will def skip it. 5y
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The Hours Count: A Novel | Jillian Cantor
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#TimbitTunes #EverythingIsMovingSoFast which is a reminder that The Hours Count 😉This book is so fascinating that the pages are flying by!!! So grateful for these challenges that remind me to visit my own shelves every so often. Picked up this book today which I had no intention of reading and now I can‘t put it down. Fact mixed with fiction to recreate the moving story of real life couple and accused spies, Ethel & Julius Rosenberg.

cathysaid Sounds intriguing! 5y
TrishB Sounds interesting 👍🏻 I only know about this couple because of The Bell Jar. 5y
Cinfhen Yes!!! Thats‘s right @TrishB I had forgotten 5y
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Cinfhen So far I‘m really enjoying the back story @cathysaid it‘s a very interesting time in US history 5y
Bklover Sounds intriguing! 5y
TheKidUpstairs Sounds fascinating! And I love it when a book unexpectedly grabs hold like that. 5y
TheKidUpstairs @TrishB me too! One of my favourite opening lines. 5y
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Hours Count | Jillian Cantor
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With such a busy weekend, I was not able to make it to 25 hours, but I am completely proud of the 11 hours and 31 minutes I completed towards the #25infive readathon 😊 At some point my stopwatch reset itself, but luckily I had the times saved so I was still able to add them together to get my total!

Hours Count | Jillian Cantor
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At the end of Day 2...pretty proud of these numbers! Tomorrow we will be busy most of the day so not sure if I‘ll get to add to this until Sunday 😕 #25infive

The Hours Count: A Novel | Jillian Cantor

Another book group selection...not a favorite but a quick read

Hours Count | Jillian Cantor
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Well guys, I'm calling it. Work and minions to get up in the morning. I may not have made the 24hrs but I'm pretty happy with this number! It was my first time and was great! I didn't read a thing I planned, some chores got missed (so much laundry to fold 😱) but I started a new series by a fairly new to me author and I feel very, very relaxed...so it's a win for me! Congrats to all who made it and good luck to those still going!
#24in48 @24in48

GarthRanzz You still did great! 19 hours is not a walk in the park. 👍 6y
GypsyKat You did great! 👏👏👏 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great job! 👏🏻👏🏻📚📚🎉🎉 6y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Congratulations 🍾🎉🎈🎊 6y
drokka 🙌 6y
RebL 19hrs? 🤗 Awesome! 👊🏼 6y
ElishaLovesBooks Awesome job!!🎉🎉 6y
DebinHawaii Awesome!! 🎉📚🎉Congrats! 6y
Kalalalatja Well done! 6y
Eggs 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
Andrew65 A great job! 🥂🍾🎊🎉👏🙌 6y
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The Hours Count: A Novel | Jillian Cantor

I wasn't a fan of how this story of the Rosenbergs was retold/reminagined.

The Hours Count: A Novel | Jillian Cantor
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The rest of my #tfob haul! I saw some of these authors speak and got some of these books from the awesome vendors. Had a wonderful conversation with Cinco Puntos Press from Texas. They are rad! Can't wait to read these! ❤📚🌵

The Hours Count: A Novel | Jillian Cantor
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Have long followed the Rosenberg saga, so this work of fiction about Ethel as a mother was so welcome.

The Hours Count: A Novel | Jillian Cantor

Such a lovely story about the fictional neighbor of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. Jillian Cantor wrote many emotional story lines. I felt really vested in the real and fictional characters in this book.

Reviewsbylola I couldn't get into this one. It had all the elements I like in historical fiction but it just wasn't fleshed out enough for me. The characters felt a little two dimensional. 8y
[DELETED] 2232195534 I had my ups and downs with this one. Discussed it with one of my book groups and found I had enjoyed it more than I thought. Made me want to read more about the Rosenbergs and that whole time period. 8y
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The Hours Count: A Novel | Jillian Cantor
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Finally was able to grab this from the library. I have had a string of good luck with the library books I have taken out. Hope it will continue with this one.

[DELETED] 2232195534 Discussed this one with a book group recently. Interesting. Wanted to do research on the whole true story. 8y
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The Hours Count: A Novel | Jillian Cantor
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I have long been interested in the story of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg. Although this is fiction, the author has researched her subject well and presents a story of the ordinary lives of people caught up in sympathy for the Soviet Union and the rising tensions between its politics and American fears

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