"Funny, how you can have a million happy moments staring you in the face, and still you haven‘t budged from the original problem that had plagued you since you were five. Where is my real family, and why did they give me away?"
"Funny, how you can have a million happy moments staring you in the face, and still you haven‘t budged from the original problem that had plagued you since you were five. Where is my real family, and why did they give me away?"
Easy book, loved the characters, realistic, relatable
Quite liked this book. Easy read, although would have liked to know a bit more about the mums
Looking for recommendations! :) This seemed like a super do-able and fun challenge.
And would you all say "judge by the cover" is just a book you pick based on the cover?
So far:
On TBR for over a year: A Man Called Ove
NF Food/Drink: My Kitchen Year
Recommended by: Survivors Guide to Family Happiness
Translated from Another Language: The Reader (from German)
Hmm... Hard to rate this one...
I actually really enjoyed this novel... several parts I laughed out loud and I enjoyed following the story.
1) The primary character's voice (who is supposedly 35) reads identical to the 15 year old. Annoying.
2) The adoptive parents getting washed over (dad gets one line, mom was boring and died when Nina was 35) might have just been too personal for me at the moment. I really didn't like that aspect.
One of the greatest losses of modern life is that a person can't slam the phone down anymore. Someone needs to invent an app that would approximate the sound of a slammed-down receiver so the person on the other end know they've really pissed you off.
I was not going to ever get a baby, it appeared, so I was working on auntdom, for which you need no Lamaze whatsoever. I had discovered that aunts are supposed to always have gum, and they are to take the children's side whenever there is a dispute with the parents. But they are also depended upon to explain the parents point of view in a very diplomatic way.
"Sometimes as I drove around... I argued my points with him in my head, and surprisingly, he thought I had some good points."
What a colourful cover! Really looking forward to read this one! Have you read this?
(Gratuitous cat pic but she is sitting here purring like mad!!) I really loved this - the characters were pretty well-crafted and areal and flawed and interesting, and there were so many funny parts. The relationships that evolved were great, too. Definitely going to check out her other books - and the author lives 1/2 hour from me, maybe we can get her to come to book club! #catsoflitsy
Working from home today and we have no 3 prong outlets outside of the kitchen, so I turned my counter into a standing desk! So far so good.... Book is here to remind me to take breaks😊
This book is cracking me up already. I don't want to go back to work, I want to sit here and keep reading!!
I really enjoyed this book. It was not what I was expecting in the end. I wish there would have been more Lindy, she was my favorite.
On a work road trip, eating at a casino and reading a book. Yep, that's me tonight. 😂😂😂😂
I kept thinking about Emily Giffin‘s books while reading this, it had some very similar qualities to her books. This was such a heartfelt and tender read, but Dawson infused it with so many quirky and fun moments that there were times I was smiling through my tears. All of these women will stay with me for awhile, but Nina especially left a mark on heart. I wholeheartedly recommend this one for anyone who likes writers like Giffin.
Spent the morning in bed finishing up this breezy novel. A woman goes on a search for a birth mother, but realizes that what she's searching for is a place to belong. It wasn't perfect, but it was a satisfying Sunday morning read.
This was an insightful and addictive read about two sisters separated from their birth mother and each other through separate adoptions. Quirky and imperfect characters, lovely humor, and bittersweet moments all align in a story about the life we choose and the healing power of forgiveness and redemption. Highly recommended!
I was so busy organizing my *gulp* 110 stamp sets that I forgot to check the mail until now. I got this book in the mail. It's unsolicited, but it pertains to adoption. As an adoptive mom, books that deal honestly with those relationships always appeal to me. Plus, the cover could definitely inspire some pretty bookmarks.