Here‘s my #TenBeforetheEnd #10beforetheend
Includes: #RealLifeBookGroup picks, #SeasonalCozies picks, #CoffeeBeanBookClub #cbbc picks, and even my current #audiobook #earreading (tagged). I … think I can… 🚂🚂🚂
Here‘s my #TenBeforetheEnd #10beforetheend
Includes: #RealLifeBookGroup picks, #SeasonalCozies picks, #CoffeeBeanBookClub #cbbc picks, and even my current #audiobook #earreading (tagged). I … think I can… 🚂🚂🚂
Over and over, the answer is the same, isn‘t it? Love, love, love. The salve and the cure. In order to become a better person, I had to do something utterly unintuitive. I had to reject the idea that punishing myself would solve the problem. I had to find the love.
Current listen. Part memoire, part psycho education and all around a compelling story.
Foo grew up abused and neglected, eventually abandoned by her parents as a teen. She recounts her struggles in her 20s, culminating with a diagnosis of Complex PTSD. She tells how she explored her diagnosis and delved into both personal and generational trauma in her family. Foo is candid about her feelings as she learns to better manage her emotional, psychological, and physical needs while living with C-PTSD. Helpful, and in the end, hopeful.
Excellent memoir about child abuse and resultant cPTSD. Very informative, it has references to other books and articles throughout, but reads like a story of her healing journey.
The first part was hard to read. The abuse she suffered may not have been the worst ever, but it was still horrific. I went through emotional abuse not physical, and have the same diagnosis so it was an interesting read! Would highly recommend.
#cPTSD #MentalIllness
Very powerful book. I think I‘ve been doing this my whole life and I‘m just beginning to be able to feel emotions again. #cptsd #mentalillness
Sad tale with lots of psycho jargon and a layman‘s look at trauma and the brain.
Discount on a book I really want to read? Thanks kindle!
I have complex PTSD, essentially, I have not one trauma but many and it‘s taken a lot of therapy to unravel everything and make life bearable. It‘s mainly diagnosed in abused children.
I have been making my way through books about it (there‘s surprisingly few). I was excited when this came out last year and wanted to pick it up immediately but held back because of mount TBR. $3 is a steal!
Things were cozy, finishing up this (mostly audiobook-listened) read today. Stephanie had a horrible childhood and as a result deals with complex post traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD), a rare diagnosis that she was forced to find what few resources she could about the disorder and come to terms with what it means for her life. Foo is a producer for NPR, and sounds so authentic in this memoir. I‘m a sucker for “therapy” books and the audio ⬇️
June was an amazing reading month, with a few titles that were so good I cannot choose! Hence, bonus selections for #12BooksOf2022 !
The tagged was a 5-star reading. Foo writes about the complex trauma she lived with growing up - it‘s brutal and hard to read. This is her journey coming to terms with her complications from the trauma.
Unsinkable is a title I‘ve been recommending to readers - I loved the audio! It‘s full of laughter and sorrow…⬇️
This must-read on trauma recovery is part memoir of NPR radio producer Stephanie Foo‘s “apocalyptic childhood” (as Mary Karr once described hers), part journey to understanding her diagnosis of Complex PTSD through conventional & unconventional therapies. Foo is not only a deeply compelling writer/narrator, she‘s a wry & irreverent yet earnest & vulnerable guide through the pain of enduring, reckoning with, and healing from childhood trauma.
I love this audio book! Especially at the end with the excerpts of live therapy sessions. This book is pain and truth and healing and a journey. I have all the respect for lived experience authors who have to challenge therapists and medical professionals and stigma and power imbalances and so much “knowledge” based on bs in the fields. This book is honest and powerful and it‘s truth - it‘s messy & real & insightful. Into my dissertation it goes!
I can‘t recommend this book highly enough for those who have experienced trauma and for those working with trauma. Difficult content but written in such a way as to give a deeper understanding of trauma and the impact it had going forward. It gives hope to healing and living with complex ptsd
In this raw and emotionally driven memoir, Foo examines the abuse she received as a child and the mental illness she lives with because of it. It‘s her slow discovery to who she is authentically and how to cope with her illness. This is exquisite and at times hard to read - she lays everything out. But, as she comes to terms and makes these slow discoveries, there is so much inspiration and hope.
April 29, 2022 Man! Listers!!! Happy Friday and last day of April. I am like 1/3 of the way into this book and it is such an emotional one. When I read this, I can really FEEL through Stephanies' words how much trauma and pain she dealt woth and is still dealing with in the present day. I recommend this book for anyone honestly. This book is not only for people who are going through the same diagnosis of complex PTSD aka C-PTSD
April 17, 2022 Happy Easter! Today I will be starting a new book. Updates to come 😛
Very excited to read this book and there was a slate article out today by the author!
The book is a memoir about her journey healing from complex PTSD (a condition I also have). Books dealing with it are few and far between because it‘s considered relatively newly described.
New books I‘m excited about. Been hearing amazing things about WHAT MY BONES KNOW.
Thank you to the pubs for these #gifted copies!