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The Last Dress from Paris
The Last Dress from Paris | Jade Beer
8 posts | 5 read | 16 to read
The secret is hidden within a collection of Dior dresses.... London, 2017. There's no one Lucille loves more than her grandmother (not even her mother, she's ashamed to say). So when her beloved Granny Sylvie asks Lucille to help secure the return of something that is precious to her, she's happy to help. The next thing she knows, Lucille is on a train to Paris, tasked with retrieving a priceless Dior dress. But not everything is as it seems, and what Lucille finds in a small Parisian apartment will have her scouring the city for answers to a question that could change her entire life. Paris, 1952. Postwar France is full of glamour and privilege, and Alice Ainsley is in the middle of it all. As the wife to the British ambassador to France, Alice's job is to see and be seen--even if that wasn't quite what she signed up for. Her husband showers her with jewels, banquets, and couture Dior dresses, but his affection has become distressingly illusive. As the strain on her marriage grows, Alice's only comfort is her bond with her trusted lady's maid, Marianne. But, when a new face appears in her drawing room, Alice finds herself swept up in an epic love affair that has her yearning to follow her heart...no matter the consequences. In this lush, evocative tale, The Last Dress from Paris explores the ties that bind us together, the truths we hold that make us who we are, and the true meaning of what makes someone family.
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Loved this audiobook! A beautifully written book from two different perspectives decades apart. I love Lucille and the adventure that her grandmother sends her on. Alice‘s story will give you all the emotions. And I loved it all.
I‘ll definitely be checking out more from this author!

#SassyBookworm😏 #TheLastDressfromParis #Audiobook #Libby

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A search for Dior Dresses from the 1950's - how fun would that be?

Louise makes a trip to Paris on her grandmother's request to find a certain dress, but it turns into a trip to search for eight other dresses.

Those readers who love Paris, who love fashion, the 1950's, and visiting with characters with complicated relationships will want to read this book. 5/5


Aims42 Sold!! 🤩 10mo
SilversReviews @Aims42 Enjoy!! 10mo
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1. It‘s really hard to choose, because everything I read in July was fantastic. I chose the tagged book because it pulled me in and got me emotionally invested.
2. Honestly, the beautiful cover.
Consider yourself tagged 😄


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I absolutely loved this book! What starts as a granddaughter going to Paris to retrieve a dress that had belonged to her grandmother turns into a mystery about who her grandmother really is. Also, ultimately, what does Lucille, the granddaughter, want her life to be? Wonderful characters, I really got emotionally involved. And the dresses! Back to the research rabbit hole to see what was being described, including this pic.

Soubhiville So pretty! 12mo
CoffeeAndABook This sounds wonderful 👗 stacked 📚😉 I hope things have calmed down for you and you can enjoy the post-holiday glow without the jet lag low ☺️☺️ 12mo
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There are soooo many books on my Kindle, but the cover of this one grabbed my attention. I always describe my reading strategy as “where my whimsy takes me.” Today my whimsy is attracted to the visual. Reviews sound as if the story will match the impact of the cover.

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A search for Dior Dresses from the 1950's - how fun would that be?

A very enjoyable read with a bit of a mystery as grandmother‘s life is unraveled.

A marvelous. Read with that gorgeous cover. 5/5

Have YOU read it or are you going to read it?

FULL REVIEW: https://tinyurl.com/mr3kaykv


DivineDiana I see that it is on my “to read” list! How could I resist Dior and Paris? 2y
SilversReviews @DivineDiana 😊 Yes….can‘t resist and Dior and Paris…ENJOY the book when you read it. 2y
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A search for Dior Dresses from the 1950's - how fun would that be?

Louise's chase to find the dresses leads to finding her grandmother‘s secrets, a love interest for her, and a longer stay and return to Paris.

A very enjoyable read with a bit of a mystery as her grandmother‘s life is unraveled.

A lovely read….and look at that GORGEOUS cover. 5/5


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This is a great story. A young woman is sent to Paris on an errand for her grandmother but it turns out to be much more complicated. This gave me a bit of a travel bug. I do love Paris.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

Pub date is 6/21/22
#ARC #Netgalley

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
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