Happy birthday to the master of literature, poetry and horror. Edgar Allan Poe is my absolute favorite (the only man I would ever tattoo on myself after all) and has proven to be a writer whose legend only grows.
My wife, @TheBookAddict bought me these on a trip she and her mom took months ago. She was actually able to save them until today, as she gave them to me in celebration of me getting my degree in the mail finally. She's awesome and she knows very well how to appeal to my nerdy side.
When the drawing of Edgar Allan Poe on your Nook looks just a little bit too much like Bill Murray. I'm onto you Barnes and Noble, I'm onto you. 🤔 #conspiracy #iwouldwatchthismovie
It's been a week since my last update. I've been traveling nonstop. My mom died, so I'm dealing with that and not much else. I'll be back soon, Litsy.
Poe is awesome.
Happy Birthday, Edgar Allan Poe!
💀 Which is your favorite Poe story? 💀
Poe ho ho. Merry Christmas! #seasonsreadings