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Echo Chamber
Echo Chamber | John Boyne
24 posts | 21 read | 20 to read
From the author of The Heart's Invisible Furies and powered with the Boyne's characteristic humor and razor-sharp observation, The Echo Chamber is a satiric helter skelter, a dizzying downward spiral of action and consequence, poised somewhere between farce, absurdity, and oblivion What a thing of wonder a mobile phone is. Six ounces of metal, glass, and plastic, fashioned into a sleek, shiny, precious object. At once, a gateway to other worlds--and a treacherous weapon in the hands of the unwary, the unwitting, the inept. The Cleverley family live a gilded life, little realizing how precarious their privilege is, just one tweet away from disaster. George, the patriarch, is a stalwart of television interviewing, a 'national treasure' (his words), his wife Beverley, a celebrated novelist (although not as celebrated as she would like), and their children, Nelson, Elizabeth, Achilles, various degrees of catastrophe waiting to happen. Together they will go on a journey of discovery through the Hogarthian jungle of the modern living where past presumptions count for nothing and carefully curated reputations can be destroyed in an instant. Along the way they will learn how volatile, how outraged, how unforgiving the world can be when you step from the proscribed path. To err is maybe to be human but to really foul things up you only need a phone.
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The Echo Chamber | John Boyne
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I never expected a laugh out loud satire from one of my favorite authors, but here we are! It reminded me of the Bluth Family from Arrested Development…but British! Political viewpoints aside, Boyne has crafted a searing and hysterical take down of cancel culture and our obsession, dare I say addiction, to social media.
Loved it!

UwannaPublishme This one cracked me up too! 3mo
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The Echo Chamber | John Boyne
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Satirical and funny yet also dark, Boyne delves into the ridiculousness of social media and cancel culture which is mainly funny but did get a bit tiresome. The humour is dry and sarcastic which is very much up my street, No subtly here!

The Echo Chamber | John Boyne
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I can‘t decide what I make of this. Kind of like a more acerbic, furious Marian-Keyes-esque story of a dysfunctional family, facing their downfall at the hands of social media. I couldn‘t decide whether it was hilarious, or toe-curlingly uncomfortable, or both!

TrishB I found it very uncomfortable and a bit petty! 2y
JillR @trishb that‘s a good summary. I kind of enjoyed it in parts as an easy read, yet something didn‘t sit right, although I wasn‘t sure whilst reading that it wasn‘t me just not getting the satire. I‘d read some of the backstory beforehand and tbh wasn‘t intending to read it, but it was bought for me and I can‘t ignore a book that‘s looking at me from the shelf 😆. Hmm one to move on from I think! 2y
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The Echo Chamber | John Boyne


The Echo Chamber | John Boyne
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Another reading day outside. This was almost a so- so for me. A bit too long. A satire of all things “ woke”.
The author takes us on a journey , set in very modern times , with a family consumed with social media, celebrity and the resulting dilemmas of being consumed by all this. In the end I have to say I did enjoy it. Such a comment on the times we live in right now.

The Echo Chamber | John Boyne
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I learned a lot about John Boyne and why he wrote this wildly brilliant book after watching his heartfelt interview at the UK‘s Tring Book Fest. He shares personal stories and many great points about listening to each other more and respecting our differences. He won me over along with this amusing over-the-top satire about our severe obsession with social media. https://youtu.be/UYKKAvDkA0A

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The Echo Chamber | John Boyne
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This satire isn‘t particularly smart. I couldn‘t figure out his angle other than anyone using social media and woke culture in general. But it still gets a pick for readability.

The Cleverley family is in trouble with their digital devices. BBC personality dad keeps making un-PC tweets, mom is an author who uses ghost writers, their daughter is a secret troll while maintaining a pious face, one son is neurotic and the other a Tinder con artist.

Cinfhen I just remember thinking how angry Boyne sounded while reading the book, that it took away some of my enjoyment. 2y
BarbaraBB That picture 🤩. I am in no hurry to read this. I already get a bit suspicious when authors are as productive as Boyne. Can he really keep up the quality? I didn‘t care for (one of) his last book(s): 2y
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Megabooks @Cinfhen yeah, I can see that. I think there was some underlying aggression. I‘ve heard it was because of the negative outpouring after the book @BarbaraBB mentioned. It was an easy to read book, which is a reason I enjoyed it, but it just didn‘t have the intelligence and perspective of a truly smart satire like The Trees. And Everett is a prolific writer as well. I don‘t think every book in a long catalogue is great ⬇️ 2y
Megabooks But I think some authors can keep up quality better than others. @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB 2y
BarbaraBB Definitely. I don‘t know about Everett but I felt the same about John Grisham. He‘s a writing machine! 2y
Cinfhen Apparently he, like his character made a comment on Twitter using incorrect pronouns for a transgender colleague and it and he got ripped on SM plus his book Traveller was not universally liked. It‘s just Ladder & Furies was SO GOOD!! I bailed last night on an older book of his 2y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 2y
Soubhiville Great conversation here! I agree sometimes really prolific writers miss a mark in rushing to get the next book out. I hadn‘t heard about any of this controversy before now. 2y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB yes, eventually most writers fall off quality-wise. I think it would be hard to have that many fresh ideas or interesting things to say. Plus I imagine there‘s a lot of pressure to publish and sell when you‘re as big as Grisham or Boyne. Maybe that‘s why an author like Everett seems fresher: less expectation of crazy sales allows more flexibility. 🤔 2y
Megabooks @Cinfhen yeah, I‘m sure it was hard for him to get eviscerated, but one thing I have seen is that the more an apology is explained (like a big story casting the person who made the mistake as a victim) as opposed to a simple, I‘m sorry for the hurt I caused I will do better, the bigger the storm. Idk what he did in real life but George certainly did the former in the book. 🤷🏻‍♀️ it seems awfully self centered to write a book about it. 2y
Megabooks @Soubhiville yeah see what I wrote ⬆️ I think my final sentence to cindy is the thing I see as most true if indeed this is as big a response as it seems. Just simply apologize and do better. You‘re not the victim when you make a mistake! I always think about this book title when I see a white person on social media in histrionics about doing something racist themselves. (edited) 2y
BarbaraBB That might very well be the case. 2y
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The Echo Chamber | John Boyne
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I always love it when the book I‘ve already started is pulled, so yay for The Echo Chamber as my #doublespin! It‘s definitely an odd one for Boyne, but I love the Maude Avery easter egg I just caught!

My #bookspin is a #reread of Made for Love, which I can‘t remember much of other than it was also weird. Never has an author had a more appropriate last name than Alissa. 😂

Chelsea.Poole I‘m curious about both of these. I‘m going to add Made for Love to my next BookSpin list —thanks for the reminder 😊 2y
Megabooks @Chelsea.Poole I enjoyed it the first time I read it so I hope you do too! 2y
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The Echo Chamber | John Boyne
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Sarcastic and snarky it‘s Boyne‘s scathing take on the shallowness and ridiculousness of social media and it‘s most ardent users and abusers. It was good but at times the snark and silliness became too much. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Echo Chamber | John Boyne
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Up next: two books for January‘s book club. The Predatory Animal Ball is a short story collection by a friend met through bookishness so we‘re excited to read this one. Many of us in book club love John Boyne.

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The Echo Chamber | John Boyne
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I rarely buy physical books these days, but when I do it‘s by one of my favorite authors.

The Echo Chamber | John Boyne
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Here, John Boyne takes on what he calls the “wokesters”. This novel is a scathing tongue in cheek look at social media, cancel culture, influencers, Twitter wars, gender identity and a slew of other hot button topics. Book contains loads of witty dialogue and clever word play, but it was far from subtle. Enjoyable narration 🎧 #LongAssFlight

TrishB Agree totally 👍🏻 I‘m a bit fed up of books on social media for now. This one was bitter in the extreme. Hope all is well that side of the ocean! 3y
Andrew65 Like you I enjoyed the narration, and think it would have been tougher as a physical read. Overall enjoyable enough but by his standards a disappointment. Think as @TrishB said his bitterness came through and I think that impacted on the writing. 3y
BookBelle84 I listened to an interview with him about how he was attacked by social media and sent death threats after his last YA book. Thats where the basis for this one started. It lead him to depression and he left twitter. I think it makes for an interesting take from someone who has been a target of 'cancel culture' and the negative impacts of social media. 3y
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Cinfhen Yes @BookBelle84 @TrishB @Andrew65 I was aware of his recent Twitter / cancel culture episode and I honestly feel for JB. I agree, it made for an interesting perspective and was probably a healthy way for him to work through his feelings. Parts were very funny and insightful but his anger was a little too heavy handed. The bitter tone took away from some of my enjoyment ~ it also became a bit too goofy/ cartoonish ~ started to dragggg 3y
Megabooks Still on the fence about this. Great perspective!! You too @TrishB @Andrew65 @BookBelle84 3y
Andrew65 @Megabooks I was still happy to read it, I read mine as I needed to review it for NetGalley, but it is John Boyne so I would still have read it. 3y
Andrew65 @Cinfhen I wasn‘t aware of his Twitter experience until @TrishB mentioned it. You can see how that experience would affect someone. 3y
erzascarletbookgasm Oh bummer! I love some of his other books. Hope everything‘s good, and not too much jet lag 💕 3y
Cinfhen Had a better day yesterday @erzascarletbookgasm and this book feels more like a Lionel Shriver read…very sarcastic wit. I‘ll be curious to see more reviews. I forgot to say @TheAromaofBooks this was my #OctoberBookSpin 3y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 3y
Suet624 Feels like a Lionel Shriver read? Count me in. 3y
Cinfhen It‘s an odd book @Suet624 but yes, I totally got Shriver vibes 3y
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The Echo Chamber | John Boyne
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Grabbing some late afternoon rays before my flight tomorrow ☀️✈️Not sure how I feel about this new Boyne @TrishB @Andrew65 ~ I see what you mean by different than his other novels 😉 #SocialCommentary #DarkHumor

TrishB I found it a bit too bitter (he was attacked on social media for his book before this and it‘s very obvious!). 3y
Megabooks I‘m excited to see what you think. I‘m considering reading this. (edited) 3y
Megabooks Have a good trip. 🤞🏻 it‘s not too stressful! 💕 3y
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Vansa I really liked this book! It was....practically non fiction in how astute it is 3y
Cinfhen I agree @TrishB @Vansa it feels/reads as very CURRENT!! Boyne was definitely attacking/ mocking popular culture (edited) 3y
BarbaraBB You‘re flying tomorrow! I hope you‘re not too stressed and will be able to (mostly 😉🤍) enjoy these very special weeks with your family! I hope you‘ll be online now and then to keep us posted about the wedding and the preparations 🤞🏽❤️❤️ 3y
Cinfhen Yes!!!!! Tomorrow @BarbaraBB It‘s crazy how quickly this year went by😜I will definitely be keeping you and @Megabooks in the loop xxx 3y
kspenmoll Enjoy your family & wedding - excited for you!💕 3y
CarolynM Safe travels💕 Looking forward to seeing some wedding photos🙂 3y
Cinfhen Thanks @CarolynM @kspenmoll it‘s starting to feel VERY REAL!! 3y
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The Echo Chamber | John Boyne
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Loved this excellent, thought provoking and absolutely on the nose satire. Full review at

The Echo Chamber | John Boyne
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So so clever and hilarious.

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The Echo Chamber | John Boyne
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I‘m really not sure how to review this. I couldn‘t put it down so it‘s a pick. It‘s dark, funny, extreme, sarcastic and satirical. It also came across as very personal and bitter- a reaction to Boyne‘s mauling on social media with his last book?
One to definitely make your own mind up about I think.

JennyM Perfect review. I really didn‘t like it all - definitely a marmite book! 3y
TrishB @JennyM I can totally see why you wouldn‘t like it. I‘m still not sure I did! 3y
JennyM @TrishB you nailed it with the petty and bitter. I was so mad reading it I couldn‘t review it. 3y
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squirrelbrain This review has made me even more intrigued now! 3y
Cinfhen Excellent review! It‘s interesting when author‘s personal lives spillover into their fiction. Book isn‘t available in States yet… 3y
Andrew65 It was definitely a very different book for him, took me a while to get into but overall enjoyed it. 3y
TrishB @squirrelbrain @Cinfhen it definitely has many talking points. But is prickly and ouch to read. But clever and funny dialogue! 3y
TrishB @Andrew65 yes I‘m still mulling over it, but not sure I enjoyed it 🤷‍♀️ 3y
Andrew65 @TrishB I do know what you mean. Certainly weren‘t very likeable characters. 3y
Bookboss I listened to the author on Simon Mayo‘s Books of the Year podcast. He said this book was his means of working out what happened to him online. 3y
AmyG Is this a new one of his? 3y
TrishB @Bookboss that explains it, but doesn‘t necessarily make for a good read for others. 3y
TrishB @AmyG yes, but I don‘t think it‘s out in the US yet. 3y
AmyG Ah, thanks. I will patiently wait. 3y
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The Echo Chamber | John Boyne
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It‘s rained on and off most of the afternoon so have had some reading time! It‘s beautiful now though 😁
This book is savage and dark.

Mitch Are you on holiday? 3y
BookwormM I am finding myself laughing so much at this one 3y
TrishB @Mitch yes, in Devon ♥️ 3y
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TrishB @BookwormM yes, he is definitely at his most satirical, humorous best in this! 3y
squirrelbrain Looks lovely! 💕 I‘m intrigued by this book - it had mixed reviews in the press. 3y
TrishB @squirrelbrain I can‘t put it down, but not sure I‘m enjoying it! 🤷‍♀️ I can see why there are mixed reviews. 3y
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The Echo Chamber | John Boyne
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Enjoying an early morning read in the outdoors!

Cathythoughts Everything looks perfect 💫 3y
BarbaraBB Excited about the book. And your reading spot looks fantastic 😍 3y
Cinfhen Perfect! How‘s the book so far??? 3y
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TrishB @Cathythoughts @BarbaraBB @Cinfhen the perfect lasted an hour, raining now. The book is full of unlikeable people and great dialogue so far! Enjoying it. 3y
Chelsea.Poole I‘ve been anxious to get my hands on this one, but doesn‘t seem to be available, even for preorder in the US…? 3y
TrishB @Chelsea.Poole that‘s a bit odd! 3y
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The Echo Chamber | John Boyne
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Today‘s holiday souvenir buying , otherwise known as #bookhaul

Tamra I like to buy souvenir books too. 😊 3y
LeahBergen Are you in Dawlish this year? 3y
xicanti Bookstore tourism is the best. 3y
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TrishB @Tamra they‘re fab! 3y
Cinfhen Woohoo!!!! I‘m so curious about the new Boyne!!!! 3y
TrishB @LeahBergen we are 😁 books are from Totnes, which is a fave place of mine as it has an independent book shop, wine shop and cheese shop. I may have supported all three today! 3y
TrishB @xicanti it definitely is! 3y
TrishB @Cinfhen me too- was very pleased to get a signed one too 😁 3y
Cinfhen I don‘t think it‘s out in the US yet🤷🏼‍♀️ 3y
LeahBergen The perfect trifecta! 😆 3y
erzascarletbookgasm A new Boyne! 😍 A good day! 👌 3y
BookwormM Just started Echo Chamber good so far 3y
Cathythoughts Excellent 🎉 3y
youneverarrived These all sound fab! 3y
BarbaraBB Souvenir buying 👍🏽 3y
TrishB @BookwormM good to hear 👍🏻 3y
TrishB @LeahBergen exactly 😁 3y
CarolynM I've got Dog Days waiting for me. Let me know when you start reading it and I'll join you🙂 3y
TrishB @CarolynM sounds like a plan 👍🏻 I‘m not getting much reading done on holiday! Family always wanting to do things 😁 3y
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The Echo Chamber | John Boyne
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$43 for a paperback. What alternate universe have I entered!?! Lol

Cinfhen What?!?!?!! That seems extreme 😁 3y
Karkar That paperback must read to you or something lol 3y
TrishB Thankfully no where near that here! I‘m planning on buying on holiday next week 🤞🏻 3y
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