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The Last Love Note
The Last Love Note: Fans of BookTok sensation Emily Henry will devour it | Emma Grey
13 posts | 12 read | 2 reading | 3 to read
'At its core, The Last Love Note is as heartwarming as it is heartbreaking. With vulnerability and honesty, Grey takes us through the entire spectrum of love.' Books + Publishing In the aftermath of crushing grief, sole parent Kate Whittaker must learn to live and love again. Its been tough raising her young son and wrangling a university fundraising job, an overbearing mother and a best friend intent on matchmaking her with someone new. When Kate and her boss, Hugh, become stranded in a sleepy hamlet north of Byron Bay, she finally has a chance to process all that shes been through and all that the future might hold. Caught in an impossible tangle of loss, love and unexpected longing, Kate wonders if she can risk her heart again. But when it becomes clear that Hugh is hiding a secret from her past, all she has to guide her is the trail of scribbled notes she once used to hold her life together. The first note captured her heart. Will the last note set it free? A sparkling Australian romantic comedy that will break your heart into a thousand shards and piece it back together again.
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And books! Always bring wine and books! I have a feeling I‘m gonna also need some tissues with this one. #23of2024

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That time a pie chose my next book…🥧

UwannaPublishme How cool! 2mo
KadaGul World 🌍 works in mysterious ways↕️. 🤣.#Choosingthenextread (edited) 2mo
BarkingMadRead I love that bookstagram account! 2mo
Lesliereadsalot Really liked that book! 2mo
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It has been a while since a book had me crying both sad and happy tears.

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What happens when you become a widow in your 30s? When you lose the love of your life, yet you have a toddler who needs you? Lucky for Kate she has the best support system around. I found her words just flowed, speaking as someone would actually speak in real life. The last page of this book brought tears to my eyes. I doubt I‘ll remember much about this book, but I enjoyed reading it.

Cathythoughts Lovely review 🩷 7mo
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A beautiful, tragic love story that had me feeling all the emotions!! Loved it❤️😭

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This is my first book by this author and boy did it blow me away. This is such an emotional story. Filled with so much love and loss. New beginnings. It has a few chuckles too. It seems to have it all but mostly it's a big tearjerker. About such an unfair disease. A happy family. And a loss that will leave you breathless.

Full review: https://tinyurl.com/4c7cy7se

GondorGirl I was so surprised by this one! I think it's a disservice to can it a romance when it's so much more! 8mo
Lsmoore43 @GondorGirl I agree. It was so much more. 8mo
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Happy Pub Day!

This is such a good book. I'm almost finished reading it and boy it's an emotional story.
My review will be later today.


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Just started this book; I delayed my picks until 3 days ago since I wasn‘t sure if I wanted to skip or not, so I thought about it for a few weeks to be sure

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Tommy loves to hang out when I read, but don't let his cuteness fool you- there is absolutely nothing going on in his fluffy little head. 😅 He's mostly blind and dumb as a box of rocks, but he's the sweetest cat I've ever had. And how could you not love that derpy face? 🥰


AmyG Awwwwww ❤️ 9mo
dabbe There's a lot to be said about being blind and dumb: #yourockTommy #ibetyouplayameanpinball 🖤🐾🖤 9mo
GondorGirl @dabbe That's where he got his name! 🥰 9mo
RaeLovesToRead Nyawwww 🥰 9mo
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I set myself the goal of finishing my #BotM reading challenge before the December books drop. I've only got four to go! But it's a little difficult to get anything read with these two on my lap. 😂


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awwww they need some scritches!! 😻😽 9mo
Meshell1313 😻😻😻 9mo
dabbe Hello there, you adorable poofs! 🖤🐾🐾🖤 9mo
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#BotM picks are live! What did everyone choose?

(I would have picked What the River Knows, but I preordered a fancy copy ages ago.)

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My BOTM picks. November was a great month!

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Fun #bookmail today!