Outlandish in the grand scheme of things but still an entertaining story
Outlandish in the grand scheme of things but still an entertaining story
I am not a fan of golf, but I did enjoy this for what it was: short, sweet and smutty. Also relatable as the MFC is T1D and so her struggles and insecurities hit me personally. Being a T1D of 36 years, I can relate entirely to the need of being independent but also supported just in case of an emergency.
As Bailey wrote, this is a love story, with a side of insulin, because T1Ds are more than just the disease. And I appreciated that.
Predictable and smutty, which is not my thing at all. What kind of grown person refers to a woman‘s vagina as her sex?! She has no problem using other erotic terms, but then does that. This is the second author I‘ve found that does this and it makes a two star book become a one star book. The plot would almost be okay if it weren‘t for the degrading sex scenes. Book #70 in 2024
I always love Tessa Bailey but this one didn‘t entirely do it for me. I think I‘m just not that attracted to or interested in golf and we never quite got over that unfortunately. I‘ll absolutely read more by her I guess I‘ve just learned my lesson about my capacity to connect with sexy golfers.
One of my favourite Tessa Bailey books. I loved Wells and Josephine. 💛
It was fun, light hearted and spiiiiiiiicy!
I really love Tessa Bailey‘s stories, they‘re cute and fun and her characters are lovable. But the sexytimes are too long and this one took a turn into territory I wasn‘t expecting for this cute cover.
It has been a rough week so a book that took me away from it all and actually got me to chuckle was a gift. Tessa Bailey has been hit or miss for me but this story of a grumpy golfer whose career is spiraling hiring his only remaining fan as his caddie was very much a hit. Bailey is known for her steamy writing and that does not hold back here which those who prefer closed door romances should consider. #fourfoursin24 #steamydreamy
I have really been slacking on my ARCs lately but some of these are coming out soon so I best get cracking. Hopefully I can knock some (if not all) of these out before I go back to work.
Quintessential Bailey! Funny, engaging, and entertaining with quite a bit of spice. Features a golfer that has lost his love for the game and the one fan who still believes in him. I loved that the heroine was independent and self assured even though she is going through a challenging time. I also love that she has a chronic medical condition but it didn‘t define her or run her life. Delightful and delicious! #arc #netgalleygroup @AllDebooks