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El Viento Conoce Mi Nombre / The Wind Knows My Name
El Viento Conoce Mi Nombre / The Wind Knows My Name | Isabel Allende
22 posts | 18 read | 9 to read
Una historia de violencia, amor, desarraigo y esperanza Viena, 1938. Samuel Adler es un nio judo de seis aos cuyo padre desaparece durante la Noche de los Cristales Rotos, en la que su familia lo pierde todo. Su madre, desesperada, le consigue una plaza en un tren que le llevar desde la Austria nazi hasta Inglaterra. Samuel emprende una nueva etapa con su fiel violn y con el peso de la soledad y la incertidumbre, que lo acompaarn siempre en su dilatada vida. Arizona, 2019. Ocho dcadas ms tarde, Anita Daz, de siete aos, sube con su madre a bordo de otro tren para escapar de un inminente peligro en El Salvador y exiliarse en Estados Unidos. Su llegada coincide con una nueva e implacable poltica gubernamental que la separa de su madreen la frontera. Sola y asustada, lejos de todo lo que le es familiar, Anita se refugia en Azabahar, el mundo mgico que solo existe en su imaginacin. Mientras tanto, Selena Durn, una joven trabajadora social, y Frank Angileri, un exitoso abogado, luchan por reunir a la nia con su madre y por ofrecerle un futuro mejor. En El viento conoce mi nombre pasado y presente se entrelazan para relatar el drama del desarraigo y la redencin de la solidaridad, la compasin y el amor. Una novela actual sobre los sacrificios que a veces los padres deben hacer por sus hijos, sobre la sorprendente capacidad de algunos nios para sobrevivir a la violencia sin dejar de soar, y sobre la tenacidad de la esperanza, que puede brillar incluso en los momentos ms oscuros. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION This powerful and moving novel from the New York Times bestselling author of A Long Petal of the Sea and Violeta weaves together past and present, tracing the ripple effects of war and immigration on one child in Europe in 1938 and another in the United States in 2019. Vienna, 1938. Samuel Adler is five years old when his father disappears during Kristallnacht--the night his family loses everything. As her child's safety becomes ever harder to guarantee, Samuel's mother secures a spot for him on a Kindertransport train out of Nazi-occupied Austria to England. He boards alone, carrying nothing but a change of clothes and his violin. Arizona, 2019. Eight decades later, Anita Daz and her mother board another train, fleeing looming danger in El Salvador and seeking refuge in the United States. But their arrival coincides with the new family separation policy, and seven-year-old Anita finds herself alone at a camp in Nogales. She escapes her tenuous reality through her trips to Azabahar, a magical world of the imagination. Meanwhile, Selena Durn, a young social worker, enlists the help of a successful lawyer in hopes of tracking down Anita's mother. Intertwining past and present, The Wind Knows My Name tells the tale of these two unforgettable characters, both in search of family and home. It is both a testament to the sacrifices that parents make and a love letter to the children who survive the most unfathomable dangers--and never stop dreaming.
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Isabel Allende says that she was inspired to write this after seeing a play about the Kinder Transport. I find it astonishing that our society can treat children in the ways that are depicted in the book. In that way it reminded me of the Handmaid‘s Tale. Poor Samuel evacuated from Nazi occupied Austria to suffer more trauma in Britain and poor Anita, smuggled out of El Salvador to face an uncertain future in the US.

Amor4Libros Loved this one! 2mo
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A friend of mine loves Isabel Allende and has read every book of hers, but in Spanish. This is my first book and it‘s a pick. The theme of refugees and the different histories she included were powerful and heart-wrenching. I loved how all the stories came together in the end. I wasn‘t sure if she‘d be able to do it at the beginning. There seemed to be too many storylines but she did it beautifully by the end. The end was sad but also satisfying.

Crazeedi I love the title of this book 4mo
SarahBookInterrupted @Crazeedi me too! And I just realized I started another book with wind in the title. (edited) 4mo
Crazeedi @SarahBookInterrupted that's funny!! 4mo
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Wind Knows My Name | Isabel Allende
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Read this one for book club, otherwise I wouldn't have finished it. Allende is passionate about immigration and tells the story of multiple characters who emigrated for difficult reasons, from Samuel on Kindertransport during WW2 to Anita arriving from El Salvador in 2019. The overly didactic and expositional writing style were frustrating, and I think she tried to do too much in less than 260 pages.

The Wind Knows My Name | Isabel Allende
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⭐️there has to be better books out there about the immigration experience. This was one choppy mess! Felt not a thing about these cardboard characters

dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 7mo
BookMaven9 🤣 7mo
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The Wind Knows My Name | Isabel Allende
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As a narrative, this left some things to be desired. Instead, this is more a spiderweb of connecting characters, touched by trauma and empathy, an overall optimistic look at human condition through the lens of pain experienced during immigration (especially at a young age). Timely for this moment for sure.

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 10mo
Sparklemn Beautiful cat 10mo
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The Wind Knows My Name | Isabel Allende
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This was a heartbreaking and heartwarming story of love, grief, and family told from several points of view and focusing on topics related to immigration. Not my favorite Allende but one that stands up there with others of hers I‘ve read.

First Oct book. This month I plan to read something between 31 chapters and 31 books. 😎

In a few days I‘m heading to New Jersey where I‘ll be house sitting for some friends. I‘m taking books with me!


Catsandbooks Fantastic! 🙌🏼🧡 12mo
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The Wind Knows My Name | Isabel Allende

This is such a good read. I loved the intertwined stories and the characters were really likable. The story was centered around a boy whose parents had him fostered in England during the Holocaust and a migrant who was separated from her daughter at the border. 5/5

The Wind Knows My Name | Isabel Allende
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I really love Isabel Allende, but this one is a bit of a dog. Woof. It feels unpolished or rushed - more like a handful of character sketches?

The Wind Knows My Name | Isabel Allende
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A most excellent read!! I haven't been so totally engrossed in a story in a long time, and God, I didn't want to put this book down. It was compelling, heart breaking, joyous; and I'm really going to miss all these characters 💜

And now it's going to be so hard to find another book to read 😖

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The Wind Knows My Name | Isabel Allende
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"A sense of misfortune hung in the air."

Starting this today.


The Wind Knows My Name | Isabel Allende
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Four POV stories that are interwoven in Allende fashion. I liked the theme and the final chapter delivers. Oddly, some parts of this one was a little forced, while other parts were so engaging. An uneven read, but overall pick.

The Wind Knows My Name | Isabel Allende
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Stopped in to a new indie bookstore in Keller Texas called A house with books, and met owner Hayley. It‘s a great store with a comfy vibe. So happy to have this store nearby. Bought a few titles, including this new Allende.

The Wind Knows My Name | Isabel Allende
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A story of war and immigration. A story of parents‘ love and the lengths they go to in order to save their children. A story of strangers helping those in need. Beautifully written with so many characters I cared about! It was bit hard to follow until I got the characters and time frames sorted out, but it was well worth the effort. I have two other books by this author languishing on my shelves—they‘re now much closer to the top of my TBR list.

The Wind Knows My Name | Isabel Allende
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Isabel Allende did it again. She brought me to tears and had me contemplating life and love. Although these characters are technically fictional, they told very real stories about the horrors inflicted upon women and children throughout history and all over the world. Some parts were difficult to read, but I pushed through because it felt important. Stories like these need to be told, and they need to be heard. Continued in the comments…

jen_the_scribe The tragedies and atrocities are well-researched. In her author‘s note, she even mentions having met so many people like her characters through the work of her foundation. What she does so beautifully is find such profound and meaningful ways to connect her characters. She shows us that we can find great love and light if we‘re willing to lean into each other, in spite of the darkness ❤️ 1y
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The Wind Knows My Name | Isabel Allende

“In his old age, the sin of indifference had become a fierce demon that stalked his nightmares and haunted him in moments of loneliness. He dreamed of being able to start again, imagining another life… experiencing deep pleasure and deep pain, taking risks, facing challenges and defeats, a bold life.”

The Wind Knows My Name | Isabel Allende
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I love when I find the title of the book in the story.

The Wind Knows My Name | Isabel Allende
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My Saturday night spent with a virtual fireplace 😅, a snack, some tea, and my book 🥰

The Wind Knows My Name | Isabel Allende

“…he held his pain in the sealed box of memory, believing that only silence would keep the hurt intact. Words dilute and deform memories, and he didn‘t want to forget anything.”

The Wind Knows My Name | Isabel Allende
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From 1938 to the present, from Europe to the Americas, Allende tells a story that connects two moments in time to illustrate the persecution of specific groups of people by uncaring or even malevolent governments/states. I wasn‘t sure where this was going at first, but by the end I saw how deft it was. I really need to read more of her.

#ReadingAmericas2023 #Chile (author from), also works for El Salvador and Guatemala

Librarybelle I need to read her books! 1y
megnews Sounds great and that‘s a beautiful cover. Stacked. 1y
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The Wind Knows My Name | Isabel Allende
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Very good with a great ending!

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The Wind Knows My Name | Isabel Allende
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Happy mail arrived! I preordered this the minute Isabel Allende‘s IG page announced it, and it was released today! I‘ve posted about this before, but Isabel Allende is my all time favorite author. I automatically click that pre-order button when her books are announced. I don‘t even need to read the blurb or reviews lol. So excited to dive in 😁

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The Wind Knows My Name | Isabel Allende

I don't know how I feel about this one. Each part was well written and the characters and descriptions were wonderful.... But the first part felt like it was written by someone else. I know it wasn't, and that Allende used that voice and turns of phrase for the character and the times... But it made it feel separate from the rest of the book somehow. Still a good book... Just neither my favorite by the author or genre.