Today's program :)
I haven‘t read this book, but it sounds good! Usually books and movies about mobsters are men so this one about two females would be a change of pace.
#IfYouLikeThis #PulpFiction
Hot DAMN! this was a good book!
At less than 200 pages, I tore through this.
And I LOVED that Abbott told this story through the eye of the young girl climbing up the ladder. She and her mentor, another woman, are the primary relationship in this book. And it‘s so much richer for that.
And now I want to drown myself in #hardcasecrime books 😍
I need to start reading more Edgar winners. Mysteries are my first love. It‘s easy to get lost in them so that they blur together. But if I start picking winners, I‘ll learn better to discern the better & best among them.
It's October and #riotgrams !! 🎃👻
Day 1: #shelfie
(And if you'd like to see less me and more books I had more pics on Instagram: https://instagram.com/p/BZtQHYoDV-x/ )
This was such a FUN read! This was my first Megan Abbott book as well as my first noir read. The dialogue is snappy and flows just like a classic b&w noir film! I enjoyed leaving my book comfort zone and trying something new. I'm looking forward to reading her true crime book about the Black Dahlia case!
I'm gonna go out on a pretty sturdy limb here and say that this is the most I've ever enjoyed reading noir! It reverses the roles of traditional noir with brassy, kick ass females at the forefront 🙌🏽. Other than that it reads old school with fantastic period detail - I could practically hear the dice rolling and smell the cigarettes 🚬
Short and sweet (150 pages) and last time I checked the e-book is still on sale for $0.99!
Relaxing in the shade starting my first Megan Abbott book in this life oasis in the bustling city. Boston is amazing in that it has these little gems all over where you can relax and never realize you are in the city. It's rush hour in one of the busiest parts of the city and all I can hear are the birds and the water fountain.
You guys, if you like noir, if you're looking for interesting female authors you haven't yet discovered...deal alert!! I think Queenpin is sort of Megan Abbott's unknown book but it's so good!! It's a very quick read and it's so original! Totally worth a buck! 😊#noir #femaleauthors
Solid e-book deal today! $0.99 for a Megan Abbott noir 👌🏽 (I'm also loving this cover!) #ebookdeal
🔔📚🔔 ring ALL the bells QUEENPIN ebook is on sale: http://bookriot.com/2017/06/24/book-riots-deals-day-june-24th-2017/
And if you read my Unusual Suspects newsletter you know I was just raving about it! http://link.bookriot.com/view/56a82008e661f06c6e8c3d7e5w2kh.cjb/20c67457
If you're a fan of mystery/thrillers (and Goodreads/ Pinterest) I created a shelf and board for the books in the Unusual Suspects newsletter:
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/jamves/book-riots-unusual-suspects-newsletter/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/27454238?shelf=book-riot-unusual-suspects-...
Tomorrow's Unusual Suspects newsletter is packed from Abbott being queen to great ebook deals and 2 mysteries for the price of one! If that sounds like your thing you can sign up for me talking about all things mystery/thrillers in your inbox: http://bookriot.com/newsletter-signup/
Day 3 of #readingwomenmonth : Covers! I'm the kind of person that doesn't super notice covers unless pointed out to me - I know, it's weird. Anyway, here are three in my collection that I actually noticed and like. #coverlove
Reading Abbott is always an excellent decision.
This #startswithaq book is on my TBR. And for once, it's purposeful! This is the only Megan Abbott I have not read, so I am saving it as a "break glass in case of fire" book. #maybookflowers
I picked this up one steamy summer day at McNally Jackson. Hot, wicked, woman-driven noir. If you're in the mood for something deliciously lurid, this is your paperback. Mix up a gin and tonic or a whiskey and soda and go lounge somewhere in the shade. Wish I could join you.