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Joined April 2018

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What Happened to Nina? by Dervla McTiernan
Untitled | Untitled
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My score: 72 out of 100. How can I pick favorites - there are so many! Standouts are Visions of Johanna (Bob Dylan), Mama Tried (Merle Haggard), that whole album by Jeff Buckley (his voice gets me every time).
But then there‘s Rilo Kiley and Liz Phair and Coldplay! And you can‘t beat Prince 💜 #tlt @dabbe

Suet624 Do you remember Tim Buckley‘s music? Jeff‘s dad. 1d
CBee @Suet624 I knew that was his dad but believe it or not, I‘ve never listened to any of his music - any recommendations? ♥️ 1d
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dabbe 🖤 these choices! Thanks for playing and sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 1d
Suet624 @CBee I love his entire Goodbye and Hello album. Have listened to it for years since it came out. 24h
CBee @Suet624 I added it to Spotify ♥️ And gosh, I forgot how much Jeff and his dad look alike - it‘s uncanny. 24h
Suet624 @CBee no kidding! Spooky! 24h
36 likes7 comments
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One of my most favorite new to me words, from my most recent read (You Be Mother). Mostly used in the book to mean a nap (which sounds SO NICE right now). Enjoy! #weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords

IndoorDame So fun!!! 2d
TheSpineView That's a cool word!😎 2d
psalva Love this! 2d
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CatLass007 Interesting. I wonder how the word originated? 2d
TheBookHippie Oh fun. 💤 2d
dabbe You put the zIzz in 💤. 🩵💙🩵 2d
CBee @CatLass007 it‘s British or Australian or both. Was trying to get more info from the Oxford Dictionary but I have to subscribe 🤦‍♀️ 2d
CatLass007 Well that stinks. Oh well. 2d
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Murder Road | Simone St. James
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Crappy picture, great book!! Had to finish once we got into the last half. Simone does it again 👏🏻👏🏻 #sundaybuddyread @TheBookHippie

AmyG I enjoyed this one, too. 3d
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You Be Mother | Meg Mason
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This was absolutely brilliant. Where are my dysfunctional family fiction fans? We‘ve got multiple funky families in this one and I LOVED it. @AmyG @Chelsea.Poole #readyourkindle
Side note: I bought two Nancy Mitford books whilst reading this, because she‘s mentioned often 😂♥️

BarbaraBB Great recommendation! Stacking! 4d
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CBee @BarbaraBB I absolutely loved it. And this is her first novel! I liked Sorrow and Bliss but this just blew that out of the water IMO. 4d
CBee @CarolynM I read so many Australian expressions in this book - I felt like I needed a tutor 😂😂 4d
AmyG Ooooooo thank you, my friend. Just got the ebook. (edited) 4d
CarolynM You can always ask. I'm sure all the Australian Littens would be happy to help😀 Apart from anything else, I'm always fascinated by the cultural differences. 4d
CarolynM And the Nancy Mitfords are wonderful. Enjoy! 4d
CBee @CarolynM some memorable ones are “zizz” and “wattle.” I looked them up 😊 Also “fossick” and “stoush.” 4d
CBee @CarolynM oh, so good to hear! I can‘t wait to read them. One of the characters in this book named her daughter Sadie after Aunt Sadie 😊 4d
CBee @AmyG I really hope you like it!! 4d
BarbaraBB Such a recommendation! now I MUST find a cheap copy 😉 4d
CBee @BarbaraBB I hope you love it! 3d
Chelsea.Poole Ok, convinced! Stacked! 3d
sarahbarnes Wow! I really liked Sorrow and Bliss. Now I want to read this! 3d
CBee @sarahbarnes this one is very different from Sorrow - more lighthearted in parts, but still pretty heavy? Not sure that makes sense 😂 She writes her characters so well. I hope if you read it, that you love it! 2d
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Butterflies | Nic Bishop
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SO MANY BUTTERFLIES 🦋♥️🦋♥️ Thank you, sweet Christine @TheBookHippie

TheBookHippie 💙🦋💙😘 4d
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 😍 🦋 4d
CBee @TheBookHippie @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks it was like a butterfly shower, more kept falling out of the note and envelope 😍😍😍 4d
TheBookHippie @CBee 🦋💙🦋💙🦋 4d
Read4life Blue butterflies are my favorite! 🦋💙🦋💙🦋 3d
58 likes5 comments
Thank You | Amelia Riedler
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Please excuse my messy desk area 😳😂 - Misty, thank you, my friend! I‘d forgotten this was on my TBR so it was a lovely surprise ♥️♥️♥️ you‘re the sweetest 🥰 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

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My oldest kiddo asked if “series” had a singular form - it doesn‘t! Neither does “species” or “feces” (since I‘m rhyming 😅😂). More examples: scissors, jeans, binoculars, glasses/spectacles 👓😁 (and many more)!
#weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords

CatLass007 Wow! What a great word! 1w
TheSpineView 🤩🤩🤩 1w
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CBee @CatLass007 it sent me down a rabbit hole for sure 😊 1w
BookmarkTavern Oh that‘s fun! 1w
Deblovestoread Love this! 💜 1w
peanutnine I really love this concept! Never would have thought about it 1w
dabbe When I first quickly read it, I thought it said “plurale tantRum“, and I was thinking it meant someone who get angry with plural words. 😂 1w
CBee @dabbe I thought the same 😂😂😂 1w
Daisey Cool word and concept! 1w
44 likes11 comments
James: A Novel | Percival Everett
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WOW. I‘m overcome with emotion after finishing this. Everett did it again. Cannot WAIT for the #camplitsy24 discussion! #bookhangover @Megabooks @squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB

CBee #TBRtarot @AmyG thanks again for sending this to me!! 2w
Megabooks So glad you loved it!!! 2w
AmyG I loved this, too. So glad you liked it! 2w
78 likes3 comments
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@mandarchy found it! Circa 2013.

mandarchy I'll try again. 2w
mandarchy I live near too many volcanoes - that would be terrifying!
CBee @mandarchy oh no 😬 I can see how that would be quite scary!! 2w
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@AllDebooks has me thinking about clouds ☁️ today! Not necessarily “weird” words, but interesting and lovely 😊 What‘s the coolest cloud you‘ve seen? #weirdwords #weirdwordwednesday

AllDebooks Great graphic 😊 2w
peanutnine Clouds are the best! I love when you have multiple types overlapping each other in the sky 🩵 2w
TheSpineView I like lenticular clouds and have only seen them a few times. 2w
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CBee @TheSpineView those are so cool! I‘ve seen them before too. 2w
CBee @peanutnine yes 👏🏻 2w
The_Penniless_Author Coolest cloud I ever saw (well, one of them anyway) was just last month - a hole punch cloud (the official name is a "fallstreak hole"). Google it when you get a chance, they're really amazing to see in real life. 2w
dabbe My favorite cloud is the cumulonimbus incus or anvil cloud--because to this Phoenician in summer it means that a thunderstorm is coming and that there will be rain! 💦 2w
mandarchy I'm thinking we all need to post our pics of clouds with the name of the cloud and hashtag weird word Wednesday! 🤯 2w
CBee @dabbe I love those too, especially in the summer! I always just hope it‘ll be a good soaker and not just enough to make it MORE humid 🥵😳😂 2w
CBee @mandarchy I need to find the one I got years ago that looked like a mushroom cloud ☁️ 2w
CBee @The_Penniless_Author you‘re lucky to have seen one - apparently they‘re super rare! Awesome 👏🏻 2w
mandarchy @CBee I tried to post a cloud pic, but got a message that the uploader was down 🙄😢 2w
dabbe @CBee That and also that the winds are so bad they knock out your power, and then you have no AC. 😱 2w
CBee @dabbe yessss been there 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ 2w
CBee @mandarchy aw shoot! Maybe it‘ll work again soon. 2w
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He really doesn‘t like having his picture taken 😂 #yoda

Leftcoastzen Wow , I can tell !😄🐶 3w
CBee @Leftcoastzen 😂😂 despite that, he‘s a lump of love 🥰 3w
IndoorDame 😂😂😂 too bad for him his grumpy face is so cute! 3w
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JenReadsAlot Adorable! 3w
CBee @IndoorDame I know, right? He‘s a mess 😂😂 3w
AnnCrystal 😂😍😘🐶💝. (edited) 3w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So sweet 🐾 3w
Read4life I love this! 🐾🐶🐾 3w
Ruthiella ❤️🐶❤️🐶❤️ 3w
Liz_M That face! 😂 3w
BookmarkTavern His little eyebrow furrow! 💕💕💕 3w
IMASLOWREADER awww i used to have a doggie like him…the cutest face but once he knows the camera is on him he makes these growly faces or juwt runs away lol 3w
dabbe 😂🖤🐾🖤😂 3w
CBee @BookmarkTavern he has an epic eyebrow furrow. Oh, and he can do some serious side eye 😂😂😂 3w
CBee @IMASLOWREADER yep! Yoda usually just turns away, I got lucky with this pic 😂😂 3w
IMASLOWREADER @cbee so precious 3w
ShelleyBooksie OMG - I just wanna snuggle him. Lil grumpy wizard Yoda ♡♡♡ 3w
CBee @ShelleyBooksie he is a snuggly boy ♥️ 3w
RedxoHearts So adorable even with that grumpy face! Also love the ears. One of my dogs absolutely hates pictures too. They are smart 3w
CBee @RedxoHearts so smart! His ears are why he‘s named Yoda 😊😊 3w
74 likes20 comments
Untitled | Unknown
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So sorry for the late post, friends - this gal did NOT sleep well and I‘m just 🤪😵‍💫😩🫠 Here are the #readyourkindle numbers for July! Enjoy and don‘t forget to tag me in your posts (and let me know if you‘d like to be removed from my tag list too). #readyourebooks #readyournook

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TheSpineView No worries! Thanks!💚📖 3w
CBee @TheSpineView thanks Lisa ♥️ 3w
TheBookHippie I just made my list 😂 3w
DieAReader Joining super late!🤣🤓📚 3w
jackilynn Thanks again for doing this. It has really helped me stick to my goal of knocking out some of my unread ebooks. 3w
Deblovestoread Not being able to sleep is the worst. Hope you have a low stress day to compensate. 💜 3w
CoffeeK8 Thanks for organizing again! 💕 3w
dabbe Hope you can find time to take a nap! 💙❤️💙 3w
CBee @TheBookHippie better late than never 😂🫠 3w
CBee @DieAReader welcome to the craziness 😂😂😂 3w
CBee @jackilynn you‘re so welcome 😊 3w
CBee @Deblovestoread so far, not too bad 😊 3w
CBee @dabbe hubby told me to, so I‘m going to take him up on it! 😴 3w
CBee @CoffeeK8 ♥️♥️♥️ 3w
Read4life Thanks for this challenge. I love it! I hope you have a nice nap and a great day! 💙💙💙 3w
CBee @Read4life I‘m so glad to hear that! Thank you! 3w
julieclair Love this challenge! And ugh…. Not sleeping is the worst! Hope you get a yummy nap in today. 💙 3w
CBee @julieclair I‘m about to try and rest now, yay 😴😊 3w
IMASLOWREADER its all good in the hood lol…life is def busy this 2024 and were only in July lol…stay cool everyone…thank for the numbers 3w
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Hope tonight is better!! (Not here; I am anticipating a lot of neighborhood fireworks 😂) 3w
CBee @IMASLOWREADER Alabama is not helping me stay cool 🥵🥵🥵 But I‘m trying 😂🫠 3w
CBee @TheAromaofBooks that‘ll be us tomorrow night! 😂😩 3w
IMASLOWREADER @CBee im trying too…thankful for the AC at work and the cool nights lol 3w
AmyG I just saw this! Hope you slept better last night. (edited) 3w
68 likes27 comments
The Enchanted: A Novel | Rene Denfeld
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I finally read this (picked it up because I liked her Child Finder series and also Soubhi‘s review). Brutal, haunting, so dark, but full of light, hope, and yes, enchantment. Absolutely gorgeous writing that kept me riveted despite the very difficult subject matter. 💔 @Soubhiville

Jas16 I really loved this one. 3w
Soubhiville I‘m glad you liked it! Such a good book. 3w
CBee @Jas16 it‘s a book that stays with you I think! 3w
CBee @Soubhiville I remember buying it after seeing your review and then it got lost among the piles 😂 Did you see she has a new one? It came out in March 3w
Soubhiville @CBee I had not seen that, but I‘m adding it to my TBR right now! 3w
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Tarot Card Killer | Greg Strandberg
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The spinner thingy chose this prompt for #TBRtarot ☺️ I hope you guys like the prompts I‘ve come up with so far! Feel free to send me suggestions for future ones! Have fun 🤩 (and #camplitsy24 folks, I promise this isn‘t rigged to “force” us to read James 😂)

Allylu Ooh! I have one! Once Upon A Wardrobe by Patti Callahan Henry! Yay! 4w
OriginalCyn620 Think I‘m gonna go with this one! Doing #christmasinjuly! 4w
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AmyG Thank you! I needed a book for this rainy day. Will post. 4w
CBee @OriginalCyn620 I wish it were Christmas weather - it‘s so HOT 🥵 😅 4w
julieclair 😂 I must admit, James immediately came to mind! But I‘m going to look for something else, and just use James as my fallback. 4w
Ruthiella Perfect timing. I WILL use it for James by Percival Everett! 😂 Especially since I couldn‘t find a flower cover for last month. (edited) 4w
CBee @julieclair I didn‘t even realize until after I picked it - very lucky! 4w
CBee @Ruthiella I‘m using it too 😊😊 4w
CatLass007 Winter Lost by Patricia Briggs 4w
youneverarrived 😂 I‘ll be using James 👍 4w
CBee @youneverarrived I swear I didn‘t do this on purpose 😂😂😂 4w
CBee @CatLass007 great 😊 4w
CatLass007 I had pre-ordered the Patricia Biggs and it came in on June 18. Perfect timing. 4w
Meshell1313 Ooh fun! I‘m going to read this Piper CJ series I‘ve been wanting to start! 4w
Meshell1313 And for a future prompt: we‘ve never had one that features a place/city/state on the cover. (I know this because I‘ve been saving Olympus, Texas) 🤣 4w
julieclair Future prompt: have we had “number in the title”? 4w
CBee @CatLass007 yes! Great timing 😊 4w
CBee @Meshell1313 great 😊 4w
CBee @Meshell1313 oooo good one! I also loved that book 😊😊 4w
CBee @julieclair edited - I actually need to check. I thought we had but then started to doubt myself 😂 (edited) 4w
Megabooks Lol! Always nice to kill two Litsy things with one stone! My author a month choice got drawn on bookspin, so I was happy about that. 3w
CBee @Megabooks yep, love when that happens! 3w
54 likes23 comments
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I loooooove my birthday month - a free book! Plus they have Bear for #camplitsy24 😊 #botm

vivastory I somehow missed Bear, guess my coffee didn't kick in yet lol. I also got the Liz Moore. The free bday book is one of their best perks! 4w
CBee @vivastory you could probably still add it! Their customer service is fab and I‘m sure they could do that for ya 😊 4w
vivastory @CBee I thought about it but I shouldn't, my backlog on subscription boxes is piling up lol 4w
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Megabooks Yay! So glad to see Bear as well! 4w
CBee @vivastory I can 100% relate 😂😂😳😳 4w
AnnCrystal 👏🥳🎂📚. 4w
56 likes6 comments
Greta and Valdin | Rebecca K. Reilly
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Oof. Having to choose between Greta/Valdin, Tom Lake, Demon, and Blacktop?!? That was HARD. Ultimately, Greta and Valdin just can‘t be beat! Makes me happy all over again just remembering it 🥰 #readingbracket2024 @CSeydel

BarbaraBB I am still waiting for a cheaper edition, I‘ve heard so many good things 4w
CBee @BarbaraBB you don‘t use Kindle, right? It‘s on sale for Kindle right now! 4w
BarbaraBB I don‘t indeed. Thanks for the heads-up 4w
53 likes1 stack add3 comments
Untitled | Unknown
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Friends, y‘all are doing way better than me with this challenge 😂 Good thing it‘s low key 😅 With that, I present my #readyourkindle list for July! #readyournook #readyourebooks

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mcctrish I keep adding to my kindle not reading from it 🤣 isn‘t that the challenge ?! 4w
kelli7990 I didn‘t read that many books from my Kindle this month but I read some of them. 4w
julieclair @mcctrish Yes. That‘s exactly my understanding of the challenge, too. 😂🤣 4w
Blerdgal_Fenix 4 & 19 are on my TBR 4w
mcctrish @julieclair 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4w
TheSpineView Great list! I have a couple of these unread myself. It never ends! 4w
CBee @mcctrish @julieclair that‘s the “hidden” part of the challenge 😂😂😂 4w
CBee @kelli7990 better than me, I only got two! 🤷‍♀️ 4w
TheBookHippie @mcctrish me yesterday 🤣😵‍💫👀🤷🏻‍♀️ 4w
mcctrish @TheBookHippie the books need us (edited) 4w
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4w
robinb 2 is a wonderful book. 💜 4w
AmyG Some great books! I am hoping I have time to get to my July kindle book. I didn‘t in June. 😞 4w
CBee @robinb if you liked it I bet I will too 😊 4w
CBee @AmyG well I mean, you went to Iceland!! That pretty much takes the cake 😊😊 4w
AmyG @Cbee Ha. I thought I‘d do more reading. 🤣 4w
CBee @AmyG too much beauty to see I‘m sure ♥️ 4w
OutsmartYourShelf I managed to read one of the four books picked for this month's challenge. Aiming for two next month! 4w
CBee @OutsmartYourShelf 👍🏻👍🏻 4w
Crazeedi I'm so behind!! 3w
CBee @Crazeedi it‘s okay! ♥️♥️♥️ 3w
72 likes24 comments
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I‘m so generous with my stars, y‘all. Like I gave this one five stars because well, I flew through it and the twists totally blindsided me. It did feel like there were no twists in the first 3/4 then all of a sudden you‘re being jostled around from one roller coaster to another. Needless to say, I loved it 😂😂😂🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

CBee Thanks again for gifting this to me, Misty ♥️ @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 1mo
RaeLovesToRead I need to read some Riley Sager!!! 1mo
CBee @RaeLovesToRead yes, you do! I‘ve now read all of his books - guess I kinda like him 😂🤷‍♀️🤓 1mo
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Roary47 I really enjoyed that sudden twist. I had to do some triple takes. 🤯 1mo
MrT This and Home Before Dark are the ones for me from Riley Sager. 1mo
CBee @Roary47 it was a 🤯 moment for sure! 1mo
CBee @MrT both great reads 😊 1mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @CBee you‘re very welcome! So glad you enjoyed it! ❤️ 4w
68 likes1 stack add8 comments
Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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Well, Julie, I finally managed to read another book from your #auldlangspine list. And what a wonderful book it was! I loved every character, I loved the settings (especially Maine ♥️), loved the story. The ending was just perfect 😊 #ALSpine #readyourkindle @RebelReader @monalyisha

RebelReader So glad you enjoyed it. I have recently purchased some of your list at used book sales and will hopefully get to them soon! 1mo
CBee @RebelReader fun! It‘s the gift that keeps on giving 😊😊♥️♥️ 1mo
kelli7990 I enjoyed this book too. 1mo
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Crazeedi Great book 1mo
robinb I didn‘t make it to this one this month. 🙄 I‘m so glad you liked it, Cydney. I‘ll look forward to getting to it. 3w
CBee @robinb oh, it is SO good. Hope you enjoy it too when you get to it ♥️ 3w
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In Blacktop Wasteland, Bug apparently has an eidetic memory. I‘d probably go crazy seeing images in this way, which is further proven by my eyes going all crossy looking at some of the eidetic memory tests. I mean, I think I need an Advil 😂😂😂 #weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords

dabbe I'm with ya! 🤩😂🤗 1mo
psalva Thanks for continuing to tag me! I haven‘t been participating as much for one reason or another, but I still really appreciate seeing what words come up each week. And I‘ll get back on the bandwagon of posting eventually :) 1mo
CBee @dabbe they really need a crossed eyed emoji 😂 1mo
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CBee @psalva of course! I hope all is well with you ♥️ 1mo
Amiable I learned this word from “The Big Bang Theory” —Sheldon had an eidetic memory. See? TV can be good for you! 😄 1mo
CBee @Amiable ha! I‘ve never watched that show but I‘m sure I‘d love it! (edited) 1mo
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Clear: A Novel | Carys Davies
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I just loved this. Such a balm for the soul, and the ending was a nice surprise ♥️ #camplitsy24 @BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain @Megabooks

BarbaraBB A balm for the soul 🤍 1mo
Megabooks Yes!! 1mo
CBee @BarbaraBB sometimes you just need a quiet book like this one. I also love when the setting becomes its own character! 1mo
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CBee @Megabooks ♥️♥️ 1mo
squirrelbrain Such a lovely review! 1mo
AmyG For me, the quiet ones are the best. Everything does not need to be spelled out. And yes…the setting. I had this setting puctured perfectly in my head. 1mo
BarbaraBB Yes that is quite special about this book 1mo
CBee @squirrelbrain thank you! 1mo
CBee @AmyG I agree! 📚 👯‍♀️♥️ 1mo
80 likes2 stack adds9 comments
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I wish I‘d been able to sit and read this all at once - it‘s that type of book, and it‘s that good. Action packed, violent, gritty, with lovable characters that you can‘t help but root for. #authoramonth (omg I actually participated 😂) #aam #readyourkindle

Soubhiville Woo hoo! 1mo
vivastory This remains my favorite SA Cosby novel 1mo
CBee @vivastory I think it might be mine too - though I still have to read All the Sinners Bleed! 1mo
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Anyone else think this sounds like a French dessert? Anyway, enjoy 😊 I actually posted one today! #weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords

TheSpineView 😎😎😎 1mo
dabbe Love the images! 💙💚💙 1mo
CatLass007 This is a great word! I had never thought it sounded like a French dessert before, but now… I never really understood the meaning of the word until now. Totally cool. 1mo
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peanutnine It really does sound like a French dessert 🥐 1mo
psalva Love this word! It also happens to be the name of one of my favorite board games. 1mo
CBee @psalva I‘ve never heard of the board game! I‘ll have to look it up. 1mo
mandarchy I thought it was candy. Specifically Good & Plenty. Someone must have called it pastiche and it stuck because it's basically capsule shaped Allsorts which I never knew had a name until I just googled it. 🤯 1mo
CBee @mandarchy ohhhhh I didn‘t know that either! Aren‘t Allsorts British, @RaeLovesToRead? (edited) 1mo
mandarchy @CBee I just googled them and they are British. 1mo
RaeLovesToRead Yeah, licorice allsorts are British 1mo
RaeLovesToRead No idea what Good & Plenty are though! 😅 1mo
CBee @RaeLovesToRead licorice ewwwww 🥴 1mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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I listed some on your original post, @slategreyskies but, here are a few more (this is so fun, thanks for the idea 😊♥️):
The Bell Jar of Jam
Blackberry Wasteland
The 7 1/2 Dumplings of Evelyn Hardcastle
A Talent for Marshmallows
I could do this all day 😂😂 #makeabookedible #litsygames

dabbe 🤩🤗🤗 1mo
43 likes2 comments
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MISTYYYYY 😍😍😍😍 Thank you for sending this to me! Can‘t wait to read it. I discovered that if I read this one, I‘ll have read all of his books - I guess I‘m a fan 😂😂 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

vivastory What has been your favorite so far? I'm a completionist 2mo
CBee @vivastory oh gosh, hmmm 🤔 I really enjoyed his earlier ones a lot - Final Girls, Last Time I Lied, Lock Every Door. Most recent favorite is House Across the Lake! 2mo
vivastory It seems like a lot of people disliked it, but House Across The Lake is def one of my favorites. I was glad to see him embrace the supernatural elements that he had hinted at in previous books. Lock Every Door is def another favorite of mine. 2mo
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks You‘re welcome! This post answers the email I just sent you! ❤️ 2mo
CBee @vivastory I did too! It was totally banana pants but it worked 👍🏻😊 2mo
CBee @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks yay! I honestly had no idea I‘d read all of his books 😂🤷‍♀️ 2mo
Read4life Just in time for his new one coming out next week! 💙💙 2mo
CBee @Read4life I know, I just saw he has a new one! Exciting 👏🏻👏🏻 1mo
64 likes8 comments
Tom Lake: A Novel | Ann Patchett
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This was a beautiful read and only cements what I already knew - Ann Patchett is one of my favorite writers. I found myself thinking more than once how lovely it would be to live in an orchard, or near one - but I think I‘d be disappointed to find that I wouldn‘t be living with the Nelson family 😂 #tbrtarot #flowersoncover

TheBookHippie Here‘s a tip -don‘t do it in northern Michigan 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫. 2mo
CBee @TheBookHippie hahaha exactly the setting of this book too 😂😂 2mo
AmyG Exactly! I wanted to be one of the daughters. 2mo
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CBee @AmyG me too! This might be my favorite of hers - but I also loved The Dutch House so so much. 2mo
JamieArc @AmyG I wanted to be one of her daughters as well! 2mo
AmyG @CBee yes, The Dutch House comes in a close second for me. @JamieArc Ha, right? 2mo
TheBookHippie @CBee yes I know -it gives me hives just thinking about it. (edited) 2mo
Billypar I've only read Bel Canto and State of Wonder and I thought the two were so different that I wouldn't have even guessed the same author wrote them if I didn't know. But I liked them both for different reasons. 2mo
CBee @TheBookHippie oh my - stop thinking about it 🫢😂 2mo
CBee @Billypar I highly recommend The Dutch House as well! And of course Tom Lake 😊 I haven‘t read Bel Canto but loved State of Wonder. 2mo
peaKnit I‘ve listened to this audio twice, it‘s just so lovely. 2mo
Reggie ❤️❤️❤️Emily! I loved this book. 2mo
AmyG @CBee You haven‘t read Bel Canto? I thought you did. It‘s…ok. @Reggie 👊🏻❤️ 2mo
CBee @AmyG I know, it seems odd I haven‘t read it - I tried to a couple of times and I‘m not sure why it didn‘t stick. I sent it to you instead 😂😂 2mo
CBee @Reggie 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻♥️♥️♥️ 2mo
CBee @peaKnit I‘ve heard the audio is amazing! 2mo
AmyG @CBee Ha! I thought you read it before sending it to me. 🤣 2mo
CBee @AmyG nope 🫢🫢😂😂 2mo
peaKnit I literally use this audio book to lull me back to sleep, Meryl Streep‘s voice put my nervous system into neutral🩷. (edited) 2mo
CBee @peaKnit wow, that‘s great! 2mo
Amiable Loved this book! And @AmyG , I thought I was the only one who wasn‘t totally enamored with “Bel Canto.” 😄 2mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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Good morning, friends! As promised, here are the #readyourkindle numbers! Would love to see what you‘ll be reading 😊 Remember, low-key! No pressure! HAVE FUN 🤩😘 #readyourebooks #readyournook

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jackilynn Crap I got sidetracked and forgot to make my list. Guess I best get to it lol 🤔 2mo
Allylu Thank you! I‘m only going to put 2 on my #Bookspin list because that‘s all I have space for, but the 2 I‘m putting on are: Little Bookshop of Murder by Maggie Blackburn and What You Wish For by Katherine Center. Looking forward to them! 2mo
TheSpineView Hoping this month goes well!🤞 2mo
rubyslippersreads @jackilynn I‘m glad I‘m not the only one. 😁 2mo
CBee @jackilynn oops! No worries 😉 2mo
CBee @Allylu sounds great 👍🏻 2mo
CBee @TheSpineView 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 2mo
AmyG With Camp Litsy I hope I get to read one. 🤣 2mo
IMASLOWREADER happy reading everyone…cant believe its halfway through the year already 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Looks like my pick for this month is 2mo
CBee @AmyG I‘m skipping Butter but trying to get started on Clear 😳🤷‍♀️😂 2mo
CBee @IMASLOWREADER it‘s gone by super fast 😳😳 2mo
CBee @TheAromaofBooks awesome 👏🏻 2mo
CBee @thegreensofa sounds good 😊 2mo
PuddleJumper Mine is Mammoth Drop 2mo
monkeygirlsmama I've taken "low key/no pressure" to mean "I did it the first month, so I'm good.". ??? I really had hoped I'd be better about this one. ? 2mo
CBee @monkeygirlsmama 😂😂😂 If you‘re still reading Kindle books it totally counts! 2mo
monkeygirlsmama @CBee I'll take that! 😝 2mo
68 likes22 comments
Tarot Card Killer | Greg Strandberg
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Hi friends! Since we got through the whole deck of #TBRtarot cards, I made some of my own! I put them all into a numbered grid and used the trusty spinner thingy 😂😁 Enjoy!!

Allylu Spinner thingies are awesome. I use a random number generator myself. 2mo
CatLass007 Yay for spinner thingies. 2mo
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CBee @Allylu @CatLass007 I‘m so glad you appreciate the spinner thingy awesomeness 😁😂 2mo
Meshell1313 Love this! Can‘t wait to see what else you‘ve come up with! This is great! 🙌❤️ Now to go look at my TBR pile! 2mo
CBee @Meshell1313 aw thank you 😊 2mo
Ruthiella This‘ll be a hard one from me, I predict! 😬 2mo
Read4life Off to look at my TBR. Thanks, @CBee 💙 2mo
CBee @Ruthiella hope you find something 🤞🏻 2mo
willaful @Ruthiella For me, I could probably throw a dart and land on one! 😂 2mo
OriginalCyn620 Okay, I‘m going to go with this one for this prompt, but I also have a backup! 2mo
CBee @OriginalCyn620 oh, I want to read that one! 2mo
Bklover I think I have more fun picking the book than actually reading it! This will be a fun one! 2mo
CBee @Bklover I understand 😊👏🏻 2mo
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Greta and Valdin | Rebecca Reilly
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What did I tell y‘all? May favorite, hands down ♥️♥️♥️ #readingbracket2024 @CSeydel

Untitled | Unknown
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My personal #readyourkindle list for June - my progress has been dismal this month, but any progress is awesome 🤷‍♀️🤪😂 If everyone is okay with it, I‘m going to change the number draw date to the THIRD of each month, starting with June 3. Sound good? Thanks for reading with me, friends! #readyourebooks #readyournook

Read4life I‘m always in favor of getting our picks earlier. 😂😂 Thank you for organizing this, Cyd! 💙 2mo
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CBee @Read4life you‘re welcome ♥️😊 2mo
kelli7990 That‘s okay with me. 2mo
Meshell1313 Yay! Perfect! 2mo
mcctrish My progress was also dismal 🤦🏻‍♀️ 2mo
CBee @mcctrish that‘s okay! I promise it‘s a very low key “challenge” 😊 2mo
AmyG I failed to read any kindle books this month. 😥 ONWARD with June! 2mo
TheSpineView I think I read one. I need to double check my list and get my new list going for June. I'm so behind! 2mo
mcctrish Unlike the TBR that trips me in the living room and beside my bed, my kindle TBR is good at hiding 🤣🤣 2mo
youneverarrived Sounds good to me 😁 2mo
Hooked_on_books Oh no, now I have to adjust my plans! Just kidding, any time you want to draw the numbers is totally fine with me. 😉 I‘ve done really well this month—I‘ve read 3 of the picked books and now I‘m reading another that wasn‘t one of the numbers but was on my list of 20. Last month was dismal for me, so I feel you! 2mo
Allylu 3rd is good for me. 😊 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Whatever day is best for you will work for me!! 2mo
OutsmartYourShelf 3rd is fine by me. Extra 2 days to fit in my reading. 2mo
Sace Whatever works for you works for me 😊 2mo
CBee @AmyG you can do it ♥️😊 2mo
CBee @TheSpineView you‘re fine! Low key is the goal 😊😊 2mo
CBee @mcctrish it‘s a very sneaky TBR for sure 😂😂 2mo
CBee @Hooked_on_books that‘s awesome! And I love your sense of humor 😁 2mo
rubyslippersreads It‘s fine with me. Now I just need to start fresh and catch up for June. 😆 2mo
CBee @rubyslippersreads sounds good 👍🏻 2mo
julieclair Sounds good! 2mo
thegreensofa 3rd June sounds perfect! 😀 2mo
vonnie862 Same! Reading has been very dismal for me. But june 3rd sounds great! 2mo
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I think I liked this 😂 but it took me forever to read and I‘m still slightly confused. Great concept, excellent writing, but a bit too long and sometimes convoluted. I think it‘s just me and the timing not being right 🤪🤷‍♀️ #readyourkindle

LiteraryinLawrence I couldn‘t agree more! I liked it but it also made me feel slow… 😋 2mo
CBee @LiteraryinLawrence oh thank goodness, it isn‘t just me 😅 It just seemed to be a LOT and I had trouble focusing. It‘s me, hi 👋🏻 I‘m the problem lol 2mo
thebacklistbook It gets better the second time. 2mo
CBee @thebacklistbook oof, I don‘t know if I could read it again 😅😂 2mo
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This dinosaur name has taken me YEARS to get right, and I still don‘t know sometimes if I‘m saying it right 😂 Let‘s say it together - parasaurolophus, parasaurolophus, parasaurolophus. Here‘s a wiki: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parasaurolophus
#weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords 🤓 🦕

CatLass007 Love this picture! 2mo
CBee @CatLass007 who knew that dinosaurs enjoy coffee and books? 😂😂 (edited) 2mo
TheBookHippie Love this 🦕🦖 2mo
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rabbitprincess My fave dinosaur! 2mo
AnnCrystal 🦖📙☕🦕 Love, love 🤩👍💝. 2mo
CatLass007 There are only two things that make me different from this dinosaur. There are no cats snuggling nearby. I don‘t like socks 2mo
TheSpineView Thanks for the tag! 2mo
Daisey What a fun word & picture. I‘ve gotten into the busier part of my summer, so I‘m not sure how much I‘ll post, but I‘ll definitely still follow the hashtag as I can. 2mo
CBee @CatLass007 I love socks but it‘s too hot to wear them now 🤷‍♀️ And my dogs are so weird and don‘t like to snuggle 😳😞 (edited) 2mo
CBee @rabbitprincess yes but can you say the name five times really fast? I swear it still trips me up 😂😂 2mo
CBee @Daisey no need to post regularly, just happy you‘d still like to follow ♥️ 2mo
CBee @TheBookHippie never thought I‘d be jealous of a dinosaur 😂😂 2mo
CatLass007 I wear sandals year round, unless there‘s snow on the ground. But we haven‘t been getting much of that lately. I am blessed with four cuddly kitties. Rarely all four at a time, unless I don‘t feel well. They just know.🐾💗 2mo
CBee @CatLass007 I‘m very jealous! 🐈‍⬛ ♥️ 2mo
CatLass007 People have so many preconceived ideas about dogs and cats. I‘m sorry your dogs don‘t like to snuggle. 🐶♥️ 2mo
CBee @CatLass007 it‘s okay 😊 I love them anyway 😁 2mo
CatLass007 Yeah, they‘re pretty hard not to love. Over the years, erm, decades, I‘ve been owned by cats with varying degrees of cuddliness. But they‘ve all been affectionate in their own ways. 2mo
CBee @CatLass007 I miss having cats 🐱 2mo
rabbitprincess @CBee Only because I‘ve had lots of practice 😂 My brother went through a dinosaur phase when he was small and my mum had such a hard time pronouncing the names, so she would just say “the dinosaur” and he‘d patiently teach her how to pronounce them 😂😂😂 (edited) 2mo
CBee @rabbitprincess oh my goodness, that‘s very sweet ♥️♥️ 2mo
CatLass007 @rabbitprincess That is a precious story. 2mo
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Nope, it doesn‘t have to do with food 😂 I‘m posting this definition as it means to “thwart” in the book I‘m currently reading (The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle). But the main definition is “a hole in a ship's side to carry water overboard from the deck.” 😁 #weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords

peanutnine I love the multiple definitions and how the meaning has evolved over time! 2mo
RaeLovesToRead Do you not use scupper in the US? 2mo
CBee @peanutnine same! 😃 2mo
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CBee @RaeLovesToRead we don‘t. At least I‘ve never heard it before! 2mo
RaeLovesToRead It always blows my mind which words we don't share lol. I will have to get one of you lot to read through my dialogue if I write an American character 🤣🤣 Like, Rae, why do all your characters sound like they're from the East Midlands?? Haha 2mo
CBee @RaeLovesToRead I would totally help with that! 2mo
AmyG I thought it was a kind of fish. Similar to a kipper. In the herring family 😳 2mo
rubyslippersreads There used to be a restaurant called The Rusty Scupper, so I always thought it was some kind of metal pail used on a ship. 😏 2mo
RaeLovesToRead I should totally make up some fake British-isms to perplex you and @The_Penniless_Author 🤔🤔🤔 2mo
CBee @AmyG it does sound fish like! 2mo
CBee @rubyslippersreads aw cool! Seafood place, I‘m guessing? 🍤 🐟 🦀 2mo
CBee @RaeLovesToRead oh please, I‘d love it. My ancestry is British and Scotch-Irish, but mostly British. I so want to live there 😁 2mo
CatLass007 There was a movie with John Wayne and Ray Milland called Reap the Wild Wind. John Wayne played a sea captain who is accused of deliberately scuppering his own ship. This is not to be confused with Wake of the Red Witch, in which John Wayne also played a sea captain. I know the character Wayne played in Reap the Wild Wind was killed by a giant octopus. His character may have been killed in Wake of the Red Witch also. 2mo
dabbe I especially love it as a verb: How dare you? You scuppered my sailboat, y'olde arse! 🏴‍☠️ 2mo
Amiable @rubyslippersreads I also thought immediately about The Rusty Scupper! 😀 2mo
The_Penniless_Author @RaeLovesToRead Take your best shot. I know all your Britishisms. All of them! (Including scupper. I think I even used it in one of my books. 😁) 2mo
The_Penniless_Author @RaeLovesToRead Incidentally, one of my favorite books to read to Laura when she was tiny was Scupper the Sailor Dog. 🐶⛵️ 2mo
CBee @The_Penniless_Author that‘s so cute 🥰 2mo
CBee @dabbe 😂😂😂😂 2mo
CBee @CatLass007 a giant octopus! Wow 😮 2mo
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Greta and Valdin | Rebecca Reilly
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Welp, that‘s it for May, because no other book I‘ve read so far this month can even remotely come close to this absolute GEM. If anyone needs me, I‘ll be here nursing a major book hangover for the rest of the month….. 😍😍😍😍

Crazeedi I ❤️ book hangovers! 2mo
squirrelbrain It‘s SO good isn‘t it? 2mo
ChaoticMissAdventures ❤️❤️ I loved every bit of this family! 2mo
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CBee @squirrelbrain I can‘t even describe it - it was that good. I wanted to jump into the book and be a part of that family 😍😍😍 2mo
CBee @ChaoticMissAdventures yes! And the humor was spot on for me. Loved it so much. 2mo
sarahbarnes Looking forward to this coming in at the library! 2mo
CBee @sarahbarnes I had to special request it and they ordered it for me! Love my library ♥️ 2mo
CarolynM ❤️❤️❤️ My favourite book of 2022. 2mo
CBee @CarolynM it‘s in the running for 2024 favorite already for me ♥️♥️ 2mo
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I just like this word. Hubby asked what it meant and I told him then said “like me!” 😂😂😂 At least well read 😂😉 (also the faction I think I‘d be part of in the Divergent series 🤓) *edited to add that I‘d totally be in the Amity faction, I was way off base lol*

CatLass007 I still haven‘t read the Divergent series. I‘ve got it, I just haven‘t gotten to it yet. Erudite is a great word! 2mo
dabbe I just “borrowed“ DIVERGENT from one of our Little Free Libraries in the 'hood because it was listed as a favorite bildungsroman on a #TLT! Love this word, too! 🤩 2mo
CBee @CatLass007 it‘s good! And I decided I wouldn‘t be Erudite, I‘d be Amity. No idea what I was thinking 😂 2mo
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CBee @dabbe see previous comment for my faction change 😂😀 2mo
CatLass007 😁 2mo
dabbe @CBee I'll keep it in mind when I read it! 🤩😂😀 2mo
TheSpineView Great word. Thanks for the tag!💜🏷 2mo
57 likes7 comments
Secrets of the Octopus | Sy Montgomery
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Don‘t know if this is based on the book, BUT have any of y‘all watched this? It is EXCELLENT. If you love octopuses, it‘s a must see! 🐙 ♥️ @TheBookHippie @Soubhiville @DebinHawaii (tagging y‘all since you‘ve posted about that incredible octopus, etc book that I‘ve yet to read!)

Soubhiville I watched it too, so good! 2mo
TheBookHippie Oh I‘ll watch it!!!! 💙💙💙🤍 2mo
CBee @Soubhiville they are absolutely my favorite animal 🐙 2mo
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CBee @TheBookHippie I watched it with my oldest kiddo and we both loved it - maybe a grandbaby hippie TV night? 😊 2mo
bookishbitch I'm definitely planning on watching this. Have you seen My Octopus Teacher? It is also fabulous. 2mo
CBee @bookishbitch I haven‘t! I‘ll definitely check it out 😊 2mo
TheBookHippie @CBee it‘s my plan!!! 2mo
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The Rachel Incident: A novel | Caroline O'Donoghue
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Loved, loved, loved this. I miss having a James ♥️

TheBookHippie My daughter loved this. 2mo
CBee @TheBookHippie it was so good 😊 2mo
AmyG I loved the second half…which saved the book for me. 2mo
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Deblovestoread I loved this, too. We do have similar taste in books 😊 2mo
CBee @AmyG ♥️♥️ 2mo
CBee @Deblovestoread yes we do ♥️♥️ 2mo
BarbaraBB I‘d love a James too! 2mo
CBee @BarbaraBB I‘ve had two in my life and I miss that 😕♥️ 2mo
BarbaraBB I can see why. This read must have brought back memories, the characters really come to life 💕 2mo
CBee @BarbaraBB it did! A lot of great memories 😊 2mo
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Immediately thought of “squint,” and apparently it‘s a similar meaning 😀 Plus a cool architectural thingy. Enjoy ☺️☺️ #weirdwords #weirdwordwednesday

CatLass007 Thanks! I want you to know that I always share these with my youngest nephew (18!!?) who enjoys learning new words. 3mo
CBee @CatLass007 that makes me very happy 😊♥️ 3mo
CatLass007 Me too! Except for the fact that he‘s not a baby anymore.👶 3mo
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TieDyeDude Not quite the same thing, but my first thought seeing this was the Grand Central Terminal “Whispering Gallery“ https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/grand-central-terminal-whispering-gallery 3mo
dabbe Who knew there was a word for that? And such a fun one to say out loud! 🤩🤗😀 3mo
Amiable Ooh, that's a good one! 3mo
CBee @CatLass007 they really do grow up way too fast 😳 3mo
CBee @TieDyeDude that is the coolest - thanks for sharing 🤗 3mo
CatLass007 😱 3mo
CBee @dabbe I think I‘ll use squinch rather than squint from now on, just for fun. And to confuse people 😀😂 3mo
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Disappearing Earth | Julia Phillips
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Not enough “wows” for this one - absolutely brilliant!! Read to familiarize myself with her work because Bear is a #CampLitsy24 choice - and @BarbaraBB loved it so I thought I might too ♥️ Beautifully written, and each story came together seamlessly. Learned a lot about a place I know nothing about. Best part was the ending, just incredible!

Soubhiville Agreed! I thought this was an amazing book. Really looking forward to Bear. 3mo
CBee @Soubhiville me too 👏🏻 3mo
BarbaraBB Thank you for trusting my opinion 😊. I am glad you loved it too and am looking forward to reading Bear together 💕 3mo
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CBee @BarbaraBB ♥️♥️♥️ 3mo
sarahbarnes I‘ve been wanting to pick this up too since we picked Bear for camp and I haven‘t read this one. Glad to see you and @BarbaraBB liked it! 3mo
LeeRHarry Just seen I‘ve already stacked this already - maybe I should check if my library has it. 😊 3mo
Deblovestoread So glad this was on a prior year #AuldLangSpine list…so good! 3mo
Amiable I really liked this book, too! Went to a local book club meetup where they were discussing it—when the majority of attendees started trashing on the book because they didn‘t like the structure (ie different character viewpoint in each chapter), I knew this wasn‘t the book club for me. 😄 3mo
CBee @Amiable I wouldn‘t fit in at that book club either 😂 3mo
CBee @sarahbarnes hope you like it when you get to it 😊 3mo
CBee @LeeRHarry hope you like! 3mo
CBee @Deblovestoread I saw that you loved it too, we have such similar tastes 😊 3mo
SamAnne So good. I need to put this on the list for a reread. 3mo
CBee @SamAnne definitely one that I‘d consider rereading at some point 😊 3mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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Hellllooooo friends! Here are the #readyourkindle numbers for May (I almost typed March 😂). Remember - even if you don‘t get to all of the drawn books, it‘s okay! If you‘re reading *any* ebooks, even if they aren‘t the drawn ones, it‘s okay! If you‘re behind (as I am), it‘s okay! 😀😘😅🤗 Have fun! #readyourebooks #readyournook

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IMASLOWREADER @CBee lol time id just flying by huh we‘re almost half way through the year 3mo
Sace I love those spinners! Is that an app? (edited) 3mo
CBee @IMASLOWREADER yes! It‘s crazy!! 3mo
CBee @Sace yep! It‘s called “Spin the Wheel” 😊 3mo
CoffeeK8 Yay! So excited for this and your spinners are so cute! 3mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Mine has been on my kindle since May 2017!! 😂 Litsy won't let me tag it for some reason - Excalibur Rising by Eileen Enright Hodgetts! 3mo
PuddleJumper I'm going to include my eARCs since I read them on my Kindle 😅 I've for
Small Gods of Calamity, Facing Down the Furies, Fangs and Frenemies, and Hopelessly Hooked
CBee @CoffeeK8 aw thanks! 3mo
CBee @TheAromaofBooks wow! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 3mo
CBee @PuddleJumper great idea! Those definitely count! 3mo
TheBookHippie 🎉🎉🎉 3mo
dabbe 💙🩵💙 3mo
CBee @Mollyanna 😊😊 3mo
robinb Thanks, Cydney! 😊 3mo
CBee @robinb you‘re welcome ☺️ 3mo
Allylu This is really making a difference! 3mo
CBee @Allylu I‘m so glad 🙂 3mo
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This was great! I could really relate to Frankie and Zeke - teenagehood was so dang hard! Misfits unite 👊🏻 👏🏻 #readyourkindle #tbrtarot #may #maleauthor

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Tarot Card Killer | Greg Strandberg
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Hi friends! This is the last #TBRtarot card in the deck, BUT I‘ve made some of my own so I hope you‘re all game to continue 😊 Enjoy!

Read4life I‘m definitely in! Thanks. 3mo
CBee @Read4life yay!! 3mo
See All 34 Comments
Deblovestoread Excellent! 3mo
CatLass007 I‘m still finishing my April selection, but I‘m in for May. I‘ve got plenty of books in my TBR written by men. 3mo
AmyG Yay! I will be reading (by William Kent Krueger) 3mo
Ruthiella Luckily this is an easy one! 😂 I‘ve got two SciFi books on tap for May, both written by men. 3mo
BarbaraBB That‘s easy! 3mo
Sace Oh I‘m still game! I‘ll have to peruse my shelves to see what I have that fits the prompt and my mood. 3mo
OriginalCyn620 I‘m definitely game! I do have a few books by male authors on my list for May, but I‘ll say that I plan to use this one for the prompt 3mo
youneverarrived This is on my list to read in May as it‘s due back to the library soon so I‘m going with 3mo
willaful Actually a bit of a hard one for me. 😂 I'm sure I'll find something though.

Oh wait, I have one on my list already, the Breakup Lists by Adib Khorram.
(edited) 3mo
CBee @CatLass007 great 😊 3mo
CBee @AmyG I‘ve heard that one‘s good! 3mo
CBee @Ruthiella yay! 3mo
CBee @BarbaraBB 👏🏻👏🏻 3mo
CBee @Sace glad to hear it 😊 3mo
CBee @youneverarrived I‘ll be interested in your review - I have that book but haven‘t read it! 3mo
CBee @willaful great! 3mo
Meshell1313 Wow that was harder than I thought! Apparently I only read female authors! Who knew? This pick has been on my shelf for a looong time - that‘s why I love these cards- helps to tackle the growing TBR shelf! Here‘s my pick: 3mo
CatLass007 I‘ve decided on the second book in James J. Butcher‘s Unorthodox Chronicles 3mo
ChelseaM6010 I‘m still working through April‘s tarot pick, but I‘m definitely in for May! I‘m thinking I‘ll give Junji Ito a try for this prompt 3mo
CBee @Meshell1313 awesome! 3mo
CBee @CatLass007 great 😊 3mo
CBee @julieclair sounds great! 3mo
CBee @ChelseaM6010 awesome 👏🏻 3mo
Librariana @CBee - Please keep me on the list, sis ☺️ I know lately I'm mostly a quiet observer, but I hope that'll change. Plus, I want to see the cards and prompts you created! 💜 3mo
CBee @Librariana of course! Wouldn‘t think of not including you, sis 😘 3mo
AshleyHoss820 I‘m definitely still in! 3mo
CBee @AshleyHoss820 awesome! 😊 3mo
erzascarletbookgasm This is not difficult! 😁 Thanks, do keep me in the list 3mo
CBee @erzascarletbookgasm absolutely! 😊 3mo
55 likes34 comments
Demon Copperhead: A Novel | Barbara Kingsolver
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Demon ♥️ #readingbracket2024 @CSeydel
*Edited to add Sally as a bonus book, it was excellent!

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Finally getting around to posting this! It‘s almost #readyourkindle #readyourebooks #readyournook time 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Let me know if you want to be added or removed from my tag list! Happy Tuesday friends!

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PuddleJumper I'm still going through my stuff from the last Stuff Your Kindle day XD 3mo
CBee @PuddleJumper that‘s progress 😊 3mo
tokorowilliamwallace Sure, I can try it. I do really. Need to get back to reading on my Kindle. 3mo
CBee @tokorowilliamwallace I‘ll add you to my tag list 😊 3mo
OutsmartYourShelf Didn't manage any for April I'm afraid. Unexpected reading slump mid-month torpedoed any hope of reading anything except my ARCs. Hopefully May will be better. 3mo
RaeLovesToRead Number 20!! Yaaas 3mo
Soubhiville You‘ve got some great titles on that list! 3mo
kelli7990 I only read 3 books from my Kindle but I found them on Audible which helped. These 3 books are part of a series but other than that, I didn‘t read any of the other books on my list. This has been a great way to help me finish off series that I‘ve started. I‘ve decided that I‘m going to read 1 series every month. 3mo
CBee @OutsmartYourShelf no worries 😉 3mo
CBee @kelli7990 glad it‘s helping! 😊 3mo
CBee @Soubhiville wish I had time to read them all 😂😳 3mo
AmyG Posted my list so I am all set! 3mo
CoffeeK8 I actually read 3 of the 4 books from the kindle bookspin! I‘m feeling very productive. Thanks for organizing! 3mo
CBee @CoffeeK8 that‘s awesome!! 😊😊 3mo
CBee @AmyG I‘m not seeing your list but I could be missing it 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️😂 3mo
monkeygirlsmama I was semi successful the first month of this challenge, and then back to my old ways. Old ways = sucking at challenges 😆😆😆🤦‍♀️ 3mo
AmyG And you can‘t see it because I forgot to post it! 🤣 I will do that tomorrow. I have it…somewhere 😵‍💫 3mo
CBee @monkeygirlsmama ha! I‘m not even keeping up with my own challenge, so 😅😳😵‍💫😂 3mo
TheAromaofBooks April was another DNF - I'm on a roll 😂 3mo
CBee @TheAromaofBooks 😂😂😂 3mo
Morr_Books Can you add me? I might give it a try. 3mo
vonnie862 I'm doing terrible. I think I'll take this month off. 3mo
CBee @Morr_Books yep, absolutely 😊 3mo
CBee @vonnie862 no worries! Want me to keep you on the list just in case? 3mo
vonnie862 Please do! 3mo
CBee @vonnie862 you got it 😊♥️ 3mo
mom_of_4 I know im late to the party but can you add me to the list. 3mo
IMASLOWREADER im going slow and steady this year…im just so tired lately 😂 3mo
CBee @IMASLOWREADER I feel that!! 3mo
CBee @mom_of_4 absolutely!! 3mo
IMASLOWREADER @cbee im still in the game tho just chugging along 😂 3mo
julieclair I look forward to seeing what my “winners” are each month. 🤗 3mo
CBee @julieclair I‘m so glad you‘re enjoying it ♥️ 3mo
rubyslippersreads I think I need to start fresh for May. 😄 3mo
CBee @rubyslippersreads sounds good to me 🤗 3mo
KLyn1 Finally posted my May list - did you draw numbers yet, @CBee ? 3mo
CBee @KLyn1 just did 😊 3mo
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You guys. HISTORY is being made over here. I have NEVER read my name in a book. EVER!!
Mind blown 🤯 👏🏻

Amiable Yay!! 3mo
Soubhiville Cool! 3mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 3mo
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ChaoticMissAdventures Yeah!! Unusual names club. I always wondered what it is like to be a Lauren or a Mary and see your name constantly. The one time I ran into my name I was utterly distracted by it 😂 3mo
CBee @ChaoticMissAdventures yes! I had to show my husband to make sure I wasn‘t imagining it 😂😂😂 3mo
Roary47 Yay! I read a book that had both of my daughter‘s names. My second kid especially I‘ve never seen her name in a book before. I‘m so happy you found your name! 😍 3mo
CBee @Roary47 that‘s awesome 👏🏻 3mo
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I really liked this, but it took forever to read! I think I haven‘t been in the right headspace this past week and it‘s been difficult to focus 😵‍💫 This is definitely a book that requires concentration and less distraction - at least IMO. #readyourkindle #april 🐙

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Oh, I took a deep-ish dive with this one and learned so much already! These are only the most common examples - enjoy! If anyone else wants to be tagged, let me know 🤓♥️ #weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords

mandarchy Having grown up in a logging community, I was expecting something completely different 😂🌲🦉 3mo
CBee @mandarchy omg 😂😂😂😂 3mo
AmyG @mandarchy Ha! It‘s someone‘s birthday…send a logogram!!! 🪵 3mo
CBee @AmyG 😂😂😂😂 3mo
54 likes4 comments
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This was SO good. Super dark, triggers abound, but I really rooted for Sally ♥️ Definitely a bit of a dark Eleanor Oliphant! @AmyG thanks for sending me Unraveling Oliver as I wouldn‘t have picked this one up if you hadn‘t! 😘 #readyourkindle

Melismatic Sounds interesting! 3mo
CBee @Melismatic it was! I flew through it - such a fantastic book. 3mo
AmyG I really enjoyed this, too. It was so odd, creepy and just wonderful. Happy to read you enjoyed it too! 3mo
CBee @AmyG oh awesome, I didn‘t know you‘d read it too! Yay 😀 👯‍♀️ 3mo
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Thank you, Percival Everett, for introducing me to this word (and plenty of others, it was actually hard to choose 🤩). Here‘s a Wiki about fescennine verse - so interesting: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fescennine_Verses 🤓 #weirdwords #weirdwordwednesday

CatLass007 😮 3mo
lil1inblue Wow! That is fascinating. 3mo
dabbe Beautiful word! 🤗😀🤩 3mo
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Amiable This made me LOL. When my kids were younger, my oldest son asked me what a word meant because he was too lazy to look it up. This is how that conversation went: Son: “What does ‘salacious‘ mean?” Me: “Licentious.” Son: “What? What the heck does ‘licentious‘ mean?” Me: “Prurient.” Son: (throwing his arms into the air and stomping away) “Why can‘t I have normal parents instead of being forced to live with a human thesaurus?” 🙄😄 (edited) 3mo
CBee @Amiable 😂😂😂😂 that is the BEST 3mo
Amiable @CBee I was like, “don‘t ask the question if you don‘t want to hear the answer!” 😀 3mo
CBee @Amiable it‘s reminding me of my son - I have a habit of making everything into a song and he‘s like “mom, why do you have to do that” 😂😂😂 (cause it‘s fun lol) 3mo
Amiable @CBee Because embarrassing our kids is our right and our privilege! 😁 3mo
CBee @Amiable but of course! 😊😊😂😂 3mo
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Telephone | Percival Everett
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Just finished this odd book and honestly, I really liked it. Confusing? Yes. Occasionally hard to follow? Yup. Brain bending? Oh yeah. But it came together and I found the ending more satisfying than others (I got the “good” ending though so that helped 😂). Percival Everett is just 🤯

BarbaraBB Great review and so true! I just read the article you referred to. So cool! 3mo
The_Penniless_Author I've never read a single Percival Everett novel, but I'm convinced I would love his stuff. Where would you recommend I start? 3mo
Tamra I love how he makes the reader stretch! 3mo
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CBee @The_Penniless_Author I think you‘d like him! Honestly, I‘ve only read The Trees and Telephone thus far, but I HAVE to recommend The Trees. He also has a new one called James, which reimagines Huck Finn from Jim‘s perspective. Can‘t wait to read that one! 3mo
CBee @BarbaraBB thank you! The article helped me understand more about why he wrote it the way he did (thanks @SamAnne 😊). 3mo
CBee @Tamra yes! And it somehow still makes sense in an odd way. 3mo
SamAnne @cbee reading James right now and loving it. 3mo
Billypar I'm reading Dr. No now - almost finished but yeah, I'm having a similar reaction as you. Very, very odd but I like it! 3mo
CBee @SamAnne so happy to hear that! Can‘t wait to get to it. 3mo
CBee @Billypar I think it‘s par for the course with him - odd, but good 😂 3mo
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